Control linkage between front and centre rails

Control linkage between front and centre rails


1. Operate the soft top to half open position and fit special tool Soft top support (16) 82 93 144 to prevent the soft top from falling down once the hydraulic pressure is released.

2. Remove the upper headlining screw

3. Remove the seals and seal retainers on the front and centre rails.

4. Drill out the pop rivet securing the elastic band to the rear rail.

5. Bend the flange upwards in order to gain access to the rear rail stub axle. Remove the stub axle. The stub axle can only be removed from the inside.

6. Remove the stub axle securing the control linkage to the centre rail. The stub axle can only be removed from the inside.

7. Remove the clip and stub axle securing the control linkage to the front rail.

8. Remove the stop lug and tap out the second bow from the guide pin. Lift away the linkage.


1. Fit the guide pin and stop lug in the second bow.

2. Check that the elastic band lies inside the rear link. Fit the stub axle and clip to the front rail.

3. Fit the stub axle to the centre rail. The stub axle can only be fitted from the outside.

4. Fit the stub axle to the rear rail. The stub axle can only be fitted from the outside.

5. Fit a pop rivet which secures the elastic band to the rear rail.

6. Fit the screw for the headlining.

7. Fit the seal retainers and the seals.