Hydraulic system function, soft top closing

Hydraulic system function, soft top closing

1. Hydraulic valve 1 (Fifth bow DOWN)

2. Hydraulic valve 2 (Main hydraulic cylinder UP)

3. Hydraulic valve 3 (Fifth bow UP)

4. Hydraulic valve 4 (Main hydraulic cylinder DOWN)

5. Electric motor

6. Emergency operation valve

7. Main hydraulic cylinder, LH

8. Main hydraulic cylinder, RH

9. Fifth bow hydraulic cylinder, LH

10. Fifth bow hydraulic cylinder, RH

11. Soft top cover cylinder

12. Pressure reduction valve (push)

13. Pressure reduction valve (pull)

14. Inlet valve

15. Shuttle valve

16. Oil reservoir

The following description only illustrates the operation of the hydraulic system when closing the soft top.

Soft top cover opens

The STC control module receives a request from the ROOF switch to close the soft top. When receiving the request, the STC control module grounds pin 42 and the pump motor relay “pull” feeds the pump motor and it is grounded through pump motor relay “push”. The inlet valve opens and provides the pump with oil on the suction side and, at the same time, closes the pressure side connection with the oil reservoir. The shuttle valve will be moved by the oil pressure to the side which shuts off the return line.

Since all the hydraulic valves are inactive, the pressure will increase in the soft top cover cylinder (pull), which then opens the soft top cover.

Soft top raised (closes)

The STC control module sends VR-bus message “Hydraulic valve 2 ON”. When hydraulic valve 2 is activated, pressure in from the pump is connected to pressure to the cylinders and the pistons are contracted, raising (closing) the soft top. Once the control module has sent the VR bus message “Hydraulic valve 2 OFF”, hydraulic valve 2 will become inactive, stopping the motion of the soft top.

Fifth bow up

The STC control module sends VR-bus message “Hydraulic valve 3 ON” and when hydraulic valve 3 is activated, pressure from the pump to pressure to the cylinders and the pistons are pressed, and the fifth bow is raised (opens).

Soft top cover closes

The STC control module grounds pin 27 and the pump motor relay “push” feeds the pump motor and it is grounded through pump motor relay “pull”. The inlet valve opens and provides the pump with oil on the suction side and , at the same time, closes the connection to the oil reservoir. The shuttle valve will be moved by the oil pressure to the side which shuts the return oil line.

Since the cylinders for the main movement and fifth bow are in their end positions, the pressure in the soft top cover cylinder (push) will increase and the soft top will be closed.

Fifth bow down

The STC control module sends VR-bus message “Hydraulic valve 2 OFF ” and “Hydraulic valve 3 OFF” as well as “Hydraulic valve 1 ON”. When hydraulic valve 1 is activated, pressure from the pump is connected to pressure to the cylinders and the pistons are pulled in and close the fifth bow. When the STC control module has sent VR-bus message “Hydraulic valve 1 OFF”, hydraulic valve 1 assumes resting position and the movement of the fifth bow stops. The STC control module then sends VR-bus message “Hydraulic valve 2 ON” so that the first bow is pressed against the windscreen frame to facilitate locking.