Backrest upholstery, 3D/5D

Backrest upholstery, 3D/5D

To remove

1. Press out the sides of the long load opening to free the pins securing the armrest. Loosen one side at a time.

2. Put the armrest on a workbench.

3. Remove the upholstery by undoing the fastening at the back and pulling the upholstery from the armrest.

4. Remove the backrest completely.

5. Place the backrest face down on a workbench.

40-percent part: Remove the lock brace and joint.

60-percent part: Remove the joint.

6. Detach the upholstery and padding from the bottom by lifting the fastening strip and removing the upholstery and padding.

7. Detach the upholstery by cutting the staples.

To fit


Fit in reverse order. Fasten the upholstery to the padding with staples using the pliers supplied with the fitting kit.