Checking crankshaft clearances

Checking crankshaft clearances

Clean the crankshaft and measure the journals with a micrometer. Measurements should be taken at several points round the circumference. Main journal and crank pin out-of-round should not exceed 0.05 mm. If the measurements are close to or in excess of this limit, the crankshaft should be ground down to the specified undersize.

Crankpins can be ground down to the first undersize with a straight grinding wheel. If they are ground down beyond that, a grinding wheel capable of grinding radii must be used since undercutting only suffices to the first undersize. Check that the shaft is straight to within 0.10 mm with a dial indicator. Place the shaft with crankpins 1 and 5 in V-blocks. Apply the dial indicator to the middle pin and rotate the shaft.