Basic boost pressure control valve setting

Basic boost pressure control valve setting

The wastegate's diaphragm unit is adjusted at the factory and should therefore only be adjusted in connection with repair or change of components. After any adjustment the basic charging pressure should always be checked, see Adjusting the basic charging pressure .


When adjusting the pushrod stroke, it is important that the pliers used as support are positioned as close to the threads as possible. Turn the end piece so that no burrs are created on the pushrod. Adjusting must always be done with the pushrod disconnected from the operating arm.

Adjustment with the diaphragm box and boost pressure control valve mounted on the turbocharger.

1. Loosen the end piece locknut.

2. Break the seal, remove the circlip and disconnect the pushrod from the operating arm.

3. Move the operating arm on the boost pressure control valve towards the "Closed" position and adjust the end piece so that the pushrod can easily be fitted on the operating arm's stud.

4. Then screw in the end piece 3.5 turns and tighten the locknut. This gives the boost pressure control valve about 3 mm of "prestressing".

5. Carefully withdraw the pushrod and hook it on the stud of the operating arm. Fit the circlip.

6. Check the boost pressure, refer to Checking basic charging pressure, on-road (B205L/R, B235R) .

7. Affix a seal to the pushrod.