Before replacing the turbo

Before replacing the turbo

Engine oil and filter

1. Raise the car. Place a receptacle under the car and drain the oil via the drain plug on the oil sump. Refit the drain plug.

2. Lower the car and fill with oil to the MAX mark. The distance between the marks corresponds to 1 litre (1.05 qts).

3. Start the engine and allow it to run at idling speed until the thermostat has opened (radiator ran starts).

4. Raise the car and drain the oil. Refit the drain plug.

Tightening torque: 25 Nm (19 lbf ft)

5. Undo the oil filter with a filter wrench and remove the filter. Clean the sealing surface on the engine.

6. Oil the rubber gasket of the new oil filter and fit it. Tighten the filter by hand.

7. Lower the car and fill with oil to the MAX mark.


Check that the filler cap is properly closed after topping up the oil. Oil on the exhaust manifold could cause a fire.

8. Check that there are no oil leaks after starting the engine.

Oil quantity

4.0 litres (4.2 qts) including filter

Oil type

See Lubricant chart, lubricants .