Front wheel housing and front frame member

Front wheel housing and front frame member

1. Remove the door frame, see Section of door frame, 3D , Door frame, 3D or Section of door frame, 5D .

2. Position the car in an aligning bench and cross-measure if necessary.

3. Position a door opening support between the floor and roof so that the roof does not sag when the wheel housing is removed.

4. Cut the wheel housing so that the welding points are accessible with a spot-welder.

5. Drill out the spot-welds and tap loose the remaining sections of the wheel housing.

6. Cut the crossmember according to the markings shown on the illustration.


The crossmember must only be joined according to the markings. If the damage extends beyond the marking, the entire crossmember must be replaced.

7. Drill out the welds that hold the frame member and the cut section of the crossmember. Drill through all panels, including the floor. Grind away the seam welds.

8. Remove the frame member and crossmember cut sections and align any sheet metal or panel damage.

9. Drill holes in the body where the new frame member is to be welded.

10. Grind clean the surfaces on the to be welded on the frame member and body.

11. Remove grinding debris from the inside of the frame member, otherwise the risk for corrosion increases.

12. Apply welding primer on the surfaces to be plug-welded. Use Teroson Zinkspray.

13. Fit the frame member and fixate with a couple of welding clamps. Adjust the exact position using the aligning bench measuring system.

14. Plug and seam weld the frame member in place.

15. Cut the crossmember to size.

16. Fit the crossmember and fixate with a couple of welding clamps.

17. Remove the crossmember and drill holes for plug-welding in the crossmember.

18. Grind clean the surfaces to be welded on the crossmember and the body.

19. Apply welding primer on the surfaces to be plug-welded. Use Teroson Zinkspray.

20. Fit the crossmember and fixate with a couple of welding clamps.

21. Plug-weld the crossmember.

22. All-weld the joint on the crossmember.

23. Drill holes for plug-welding in the new wheel housing, where it is not possible to reach with a spot-welder.

24. Grind clean the surfaces to be welded on the body and in the new wheel housing.

25. Apply welding primer on the surfaces to be plug and spot-welded on the wheel housing and on the body. Use Teroson Zinkspray.

26. Fit the new wheel housing and fixate with a few welding clamps.

27. Measure in the wheel housing using the aligning bench measuring system.

28. Fasten the wheel housing with a couple of welds.

29. Fit the front wing and the bonnet, check the fit of the wheel housing.

30. Remove the front wing and bonnet.

31. Spot and plug-weld the housing into place.

32. Grind the welds.

33. Grind clean the surfaces to be welded on the body and reinforcements that are to be fitted on the outside of the wheel housing.

34. Apply welding primer on the surfaces to be spot-welded. Use Teroson Zinkspray.

35. Weld on the reinforcement on the outside of the wheel housing.

36. Remove any remaining welding primer. Welding primer reduces adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

37. Saab 9-3 Viggen:

The two lower studs in the wheel housing behind the front wheel should be cut to give clearance for the wheel. Cut them to a maximum length of 11 mm, measured from the body panel. Then use nuts, part no. 47 41 203, to fit the wing liner. Grind the nuts to a thickness of 8 mm.

38. Apply primer to all ground surfaces. Use Standox 1K Primer.

39. Seal joints and sheet metal flanges with sealant. Use Terostat 1K-PUR.

40. Apply underbody sealant to the underside of the frame and crossmember. Use Terostat 9320.

41. Apply anti-corrosion agent to internal surfaces after painting. Use Terotex HV 400 or Mercasol 1.