Section of inner sill reinforcement, CV

Section of inner sill reinforcement, CV

1. Mount the car in an alignment bench with measuring fixture and cross-measure as necessary.

2. Remove the junction plate at the front wheel housing.

3. Cut the sill reinforcement as illustrated.

4. Grind down the welds securing the sill reinforcement.

5. Knock away the sill reinforcement and align any deformed metal.

6. Cut the spare part so that it overlaps the joint by approximately three centimetres.

7. Fit the spare part and fixate with a couple of welding clamps.

8. Cut through the new sill reinforcement and the body at the same time so that the joint can be butt welded.

9. Remove the new sill reinforcement and grind the surfaces to be welded.

10. Grind the surfaces to be welded on the body.

11. Put the new sill reinforcement in place and secure it with some welding clamps.

12. Seam weld the sill reinforcement in place.

13. All-weld the joint on the sill reinforcement.

14. Apply primer to all bare metal surfaces. Use Standox 1K Fullprimer.

15. Seal joints and sheet metal flanges with sealant. Use Terostat 1K-PUR.

16. Apply anti-corrosion agent to internal surfaces after painting. Use Terotex HV 400.