Fourth bow

Fourth bow


1. Manoeuvre the soft top until the soft top cover and fifth bow are raised.

2. Remove the screws and clip for the headlining.

3. Remove the plastic rivets (screws in older cars) and the plastic retainer for the third bow.

4. Protect the top fabric against damage that can be caused by the drill by placing plastic protection between the top fabric and the fourth bow.

5. Protect the fabric against damage. Drill out the pop rivet securing the elastic band to the fourth bow.

6. Drill out the pop rivet.

7. Remove the screws securing the fourth bow.

8. Carefully tap out the bow from the brackets.

9. Pull out the fourth bow from the mountings and lift the bow away.

10. Thoroughly vacuum all drill burrs from the headlining and the car.


1. Insert the bow into the bases.


The fourth bow can only be fitted with the flat side facing rearwards.

2. Fit it on the mounts and fasten to the soft top mechanism with the screws. Use thread locking compound.

3. Pop rivet the bases to the bow.

4. Use pop rivets to secure the elastic band to the fourth bow. Make sure the elastic band does not become twisted.

5. Fit the plastic rivets (screws in older cars) and the plastic retainer for the third bow.

6. Secure the headlining and fit the clip.