Energy absorber for improved safety in case of head impact

Energy absorber for improved safety in case of head impact

When changing interior trim, special attention must be taken to the absorbers fitted in the car to protect the occupants in the event of a collision. These absorbers are fitted between the trim and the body and are designed especially for their particular location in the car. It is essential that the absorbers and trim are left intact and correctly fitted in the car in order to attain the necessary protection.

The convertible is fitted with energy absorbers in the A-pillars and windscreen frame.

See also Trim, headlining , Courtesy handle , Trim, B-pillar, 5D , Trim, B-pillar, 3D and Trim, C-pillar for instructions on how to change these items.

Repairs after a collision

The following directions apply to repairing a damaged car with at least one expended airbag.

If there were any occupants in the rear seat, all the absorbers must be changed.

If there was a passenger in the front seat only, then the absorbers from the front to the B-pillar must be changed.

All absorbers must be changed if there is any damage to the roof or pillars.

Change all the absorbers in case of doubt.

Trim or absorbers with any visible damage must be changed.

The following directions must be followed when repairing interior trim when energy absorbers are fitted.

Any repairs on roof pillars and headlining must be carried out by an authorised garage.

All repairs must be carried out with great care and in accordance with applicable directions.

Components included in the system must not be dismantled or repaired. They must be handled with care.

Do not refit defective components.