

Abbreviation Meaning
ABS Anti-lock Braking System ( A nti-lock B raking S ystem)
A/C Air Conditioning ( A ir C onditioning)
ACC Automatic Climate Control ( A utomatic C limate C ontrol)
ACM Airbag control module ( A irbag C ontrol M odule)
ADM Automatic Dimming Mirror ( A utomatic D imming M irror)
AFL Adaptive forward lighting. Automatic curve lighting and headlamp levelling ( A daptive F orward L ighting)
AHL Automatic headlamp levelling ( A utomatic H eadlamp L evelling)
AHM Auxiliary heater ( A dditional H eater M odule)
AL Automatic levelling AFL/AHL ( A utomatic L eveling AFL/AHL)
AMO Aftermarket fitting ( A fter M arket O ption)
AMP1 Front speaker amplifier ( A udio S ystem A mplifier 1 )
AMP2 Rear speaker amplifier ( A udio S ystem A mplifier 2 )
APC Automatic Performance Control ( A utomatic P erformance C ontrol)
ASM Anti-theft alarm siren ( A larm S iren M odule)
AUT Automatic transmission ( Aut omatic Gearbox)
BCM BCM control module ( B ody C ontrol M odule)
CDC CD changer ( CD - C hanger)
CDF Front CD player ( CD player F ront)
CDCF Front CD changer ( CD C hanger F ront)
CDCR CD changer, rear ( CD C hanger R ear)
CIM Steering column module ( C olumn I ntegration M odule)
CU Telematics unit ( C ommunication U nit)
DAH Auxiliary heater ( D iesel A uxillary H eater)
DDM Driver's door module ( D river D oor M odule)
DI Direct Ignition ( D irect I gnition)
DICE Dashboard electronics ( D ashboard I ntegrated C entral E lectronics)
DPF Particle filter ( D iesel P article F ilter)
DRL Daytime running lights ( D aytime R unning L ights)
DSM Driver's seat module ( D river S eat M odule)
DVD DVD unit ( D igital V ersatile D isc)
EAS Electrically adjustable seat ( E lectrically A djustable S eat)
ECM Engine management system ( E ngine C ontrol M anagement)
EHPS Electro-hydraulic power steering ( E lectro H ydraulic P ower S teering)
EHU Radio head unit ( E ntertainment H ead U nit)
ESP Stability system ( E lectronic S tability P rogram)
GDO Remote control, garage opening ( G arage D oor O pener)
I-BUS Instrument Bus ( I nstrument Bus )
ICM Infotainment control panel ( I nfotainment C ontrol M odule )
IDM Combustion measurement unit ( I onisation D etection M odule)
IPEC Instrument panel electrical centre ( I nstrument P anel E lectrcial C entre)
ISM Ignition switch module ( I gnition S witch M odule)
LHD Left-hand drive ( L eft H and D rive)
MAN Manual gearbox ( Man ual gearbox)
MCC Manual Climate Control ( M anual C limate C ontrol)
MHL Manual headlamp levelling ( M anual H eadlamp L evelling)
MIU Main instrument unit ( M ain I nstrument U nit)
NO HL No headlamp levelling ( No H eadlamp L evelling)
O-BUS O-bus (Optical bus) ( O ptical BUS )
P-BUS Powertrain Bus ( P owertrain BUS )
PDM Passenger door module ( P assenger D oor M odule)
PHM Parking heater ( P arking H eater M odule)
PMM Control module for power mirrors with memory ( P ower M irror M emory)
PPS Control module, PPS P assenger P resence S ystem
PSG16 PSG16 control module, 4-cyl diesel ( P ump s teuer g erät 16 )
PSM (9-5) Control module for power seats with memory ( P ower S eat M emory)
PSM (9-3) Control module, power seat, passenger ( P assenger S eat M odule)
PU Telematics unit ( P ositioning U nit)
REC Rear electrical centre ( R ear E lectrical C entre)
RHD Right-hand drive ( R ight H and D rive)
RLDM Rear left door module ( R ear L eft D oor M odule)
RRDM Rear right door module ( R ear R ight D oor M odule)
SAI Secondary air supply ( S econdary A ir I njection)
SAS Steering wheel angle sensor ( S teering A ngle S ensor)
SCL Steering lock unit ( S teering C olumn L ock)
SID ( S aab I nformation D isplay)
SIDC SID control panel ( S aab I nformation D isplay C ontrols)
SLM Shift lever module ( S hift L ever M odule)
SPA Saab Parking Assistance ( S aab P arking A ssistance)
SR Sunroof ( S un R oof)
SRM Sunroof unit ( S un R oof M odule)
SRS Airbag ( S upplement R estraint S ystem)
STC Soft top control module ( S oft T op C ontroller)
T8 Trionic control module, 4-cyl petrol (Trionic T8 )
TCS ( T raction C ontrol ystem)
TCM Control module for automatic transmission ( A utomatic T ransmission C ontrol M odule)
TMC Traffic messages via the FM radio network (EU). ( T raffic M essage C hannel)
TPMM Tyre pressure monitoring module ( T yre P ressure M onitoring M odule)
TWICE Central electronics with anti-theft alarm ( T heft W arning & I ntegrated C entral E lectronics)
UAM Anti-theft alarm sensor ( U ltrasonic A larm M odule)
UEC Engine compartment electrical centre ( U nderhood E lectrical C entre)
UHP U niversal H andsfree P hone
XM™ Satellite radio (US/CA)
YRS Yaw rate sensor ( Y aw R ate S ensor)
4D 4-door body ( 4 D oors)
5D 5-door body ( 5 D oors)
8V 8 valves ( 8 V alves)
16V 16 valves ( 16 V alves)