Safety and handling instructions

Safety and handling instructions

General Safety Instructions


The following points must be followed without fail when working on the airbag system:

Work on the airbag system should only be carried out by authorised service workshops.

All work must take place in accordance with given instructions and be carried out with care. There is a risk of personal injury with incorrect handling.

The ignition must always be switched OFF when replacing components.

Cables must not be repaired but completely replaced. Cable terminals must not be replaced.

Components included in the system must not be dismantled or repaired. They should be handled with care, kept in a dry place at room temperature.

Airbags should be stored at room temperature. There is a risk of self-detonation at temperatures above +115°C.

The airbags should be kept in a separate area, separate from storage areas for petroleum products or other inflammable materials.

The airbags should be stored with the rear facing downwards to prevent personal injury in the event of accidental detonation.

Wear protective glasses and protective gloves when dismantling an activate airbag. Place the airbag in a sealed plastic bag. Wash your hands in a mild soap solution and tepid water after handling an activated airbag.

The seat belt tensioners must not be treated with grease cleaning agents or the like.

Seat belt tensioners must never be exposed to temperatures above +100°C.

The airbags and seat belt tensioners are classified as pyrotechnic articles and should be kept and handled in accordance with laws and ordinances in respective countries.

Installation of airbags or seat belt tensioners should be carried out immediately after being collected from the stores. If interruption to the work occurs, the airbags and seat belt tensioners should be handed in. Under no circumstances may an airbag or seat belt tensioner be left unattended.

Seat belt tensioners and airbags that have fallen down onto a hard surface must be replaced. Dropped or defective components must not be installed.