Outer rear wheel housing

Outer rear wheel housing

To remove

1. Remove the rear side panel .

2. Drill out the plug welds on the C-pillar reinforcement panel and the wheel housing.

3. Cut the outer wheel housing as illustrated. Lift away the reinforcement.

4. Cut the outer wheel housing as illustrated.

5. Lift aside the wheel housing.

To fit

1. Cut the replacement panel as illustrated.

2. Drill holes for plug welding.

3. Apply welding primer to the surfaces to be spot and plug welded.

4. Position the replacement panel and weld the wheel housing.

5. Plug weld and seam weld the new reinforcement between the wheel housing and the C-pillar.

6. Grind the welds.

7. Wash away surplus welding primer. Welding primer reduces the adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

8. Seal joints and seams with sealant.

9. Fit the rear side panel .

10. Apply rust protector after painting.