Part of rear floor

Part of rear floor

To remove

This method refers to the right-hand side but the left-hand side can be dealt with in a similar manner.

1. Remove the Rear bumper abutment .

2. Cut the floor as indicated by the marks.

3. Drill out the spot welds.

4. Tap out the rear floor and straighten any deformed metal.

To fit

1. Cut the replacement panel as illustrated. The cut should be made so that the replacement panel overlaps by about 20 mm.

2. Drill holes for plug welding in the replacement panel.

3. Grind all surfaces that are to be welded.

4. Apply welding primer to all surfaces that are to be plug or spot welded.

5. Put the floor in place and align it.

6. Weld the floor in place.

7. Grind the welds.

8. Wash away surplus welding primer. Welding primer reduces the adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

9. Apply primer to all bare metal surfaces.

10. Fit the rear bumper abutment .

11. Seal joints and seams with sealant.

12. Apply PVC replacement to the underside of the floor.

13. Apply a thin film of corrosion inhibitor inside frame members and cavities after painting.