(TA232-0337) Air leak testing, intake system, D223L

TECHNICAL ADVICE - Quick information for your help
Bulletin Nbr: TA232-0337
Date: ........... July 2003
Market: All
Air leak testing, intake system, D223L


Saab 9-3 and 9-5 (9600) 4-cyl diesel.


The car may have certain fault symptoms without a diagnostic trouble code being generated. This can be due to an air leak in the intake system.

The following fault diagnosis covers air leak testing of the intake system . If a diagnostic trouble code arises then relevant fault diagnosis must first be used . The following method is supplementary if the fault cannot be located by normal fault diagnosis .


The car may have one or more of the following symptoms:

Poor driveability

Reduced performance

Engine has uneven/low idling speed

Surge or hesitation upon acceleration

Tools and Materials

83 95 659 Plug set with pressure regulator

30 07 739 Pliers for hose clip

Ø 25 mm plug for the crankcase ventilation hose

Leakage (detection) spray or soap solution

Tech 2


1. Remove the upper engine cover in order to uncover the intake system.

2. Undo the crankcase ventilation hose clamp by the camshaft cover rear section using pliers 30 07 739 and block the hose with a suitable plug of Ø 25 mm.


Do not plug the hole in the camshaft cover. It must be possible to evacuate the air that leaks past the pistons down in the crankcase during test pressurising out through this hole.

3. Undo the intake hose by the mass air flow sensor. Fit plug 83 95 659 in the hose and then connect the pressure regulator to an external compressed air outlet.


Close the pressure regulator before connecting it to the air pressure outlet.

4. Connect Tech 2, turn on the ignition and select “Read values list” for the current engine variant. Scroll forward in the list until “Charge pressure sensor” in “V” can be seen .


When the pressure is increased diagnostic trouble code P0106 and P1106 will be generated due to the difference in atmospheric pressure. When a diagnostic trouble code is generated then “Charge pressure” will indicate 101 kPa, which is the default value when the diagnostic trouble code is set. For this reason the charge pressure must be read directly on the voltage signal.

5. Read the voltage from the charge pressure sensor with Tech 2 and pressurise the intake system by carefully turning the pressure regulator until a maximum of 2.5 V is reached.

- 6V is corresponds to approx. 100 kPa (atmospheric pressure)

- 5V corresponds to approx. 160 kPa (60 kPa overpressure)

6. In this way the entire intake system is pressurised and leaks can be located by using leakage (detection) spray or soap solution which will bubble and foam around the leak . Inspect all components, hoses and connections and rectify all audible or visible leaks .


Only large leaks are of any significance for the functioning of the engine management system. When leakage (detection) spray or soap solution is used small leaks will also be discovered. Several small leaks together can equate to a large leak. Individual very small leaks do not need to be rectified .

7. Remove the plug from the intake hose. Connect the hose to the mass air flow sensor.

8. Remove the plug from the crankcase ventilation hose. Connect the hose to the camshaft cover.

9. Fit the upper engine cover.

10. Read out the control module software version with Tech 2. If there is a later software version in TIS2000 then this must be programmed into the control module.

11. If the problems have not been solved, complete the Checklist below and contact the importer's technical support. Have the checklist ready.

12. Disconnect Tech 2.


1 Describe the fault symptom ...................................................................... ...................................................................... ......................................................................
2 Connect Tech 2.
3 Switch off the A/C or ACC and let the engine idle. Coolant temperature must be over 80°C

Diagnostic trouble codes may not be erased.

4 Read and note any diagnostic trouble codes: ...................................................................... ......................................................................
5 Select "Engine" - "Engine management system" - "Read values" in Tech 2. Read and note the following values:
Unit Ignition On Idle Desired value
Engine speed rpm ............ 700 - 1000
Fuel mass for combustion mg/c ............ 3 - 20
Air mass/Combustion ** mg/c ............ 200 - 400
Requested air mass/combustion ** mg/c ............ 200 - 400
EGR valve PWM ** % ............ 5 - 95
EGR valve feedback signal % ............ 85 - 95
Mass air flow sensor V ............ 0,85 - 1,15
Coolant temperature °C 80 - 100
Oil temperature, engine °C 60 - 120
Fuel temperature °C 0 - 80
Intake air temperature °C 20 - 60
Atmospheric absolute pressure kPa 90 - 115
Charge air absolute pressure kPa 90 - 115

** Note: EGR is closed after approx. 40-60 seconds after idling speed has been activated.

Read the values with EGR active.

Under "All" - "ECU Information / System information" - "ECM" there is information on Vehicle Identification Number and software version for Trionic 8.

Chassis number (compulsory)
Software Module Identifier #1 or Software Version (compulsory)
Programming date (compulsory)