(291-2494) Reduced performance and diagnostic trouble codes for the turbo control valve

Symptom: Low boost pressure, reduced performance

Bulletin Nbr: 291-2494
Date: ........... November 2004
Market: all
Reduced performance and diagnostic trouble codes for the turbo control valve

Cars affected

Saab 9-5 M98-

Saab 9-3 (9400) M98-03

Saab 9-3 (9440) M03-


Analyses of returned turbochargers have revealed that the source if the fault is often in other components rather than the turbo itself. Normally faults are in the by-pass diaphragm, the wastegate unit or in the control function for the turbo. This can give rise to low boost pressure, reduced performance and diagnostic trouble codes being generated. To avoid the turbo being replaced unnecessarily a more thorough analysis needs to be performed, in accordance with the following.

Symptom description

Low boost pressure, reduced performance


Before a possible turbo replacement, the system must be checked in accordance with the following checklist. This list must be enclosed with the turbo in the event of any claim.

To perform the test measurements, Tech2, 30 14 883 Pressure/vacuum pump and 83 93 514 Boost pressure gauge are required.

1. Enter the following information:

Car type
Model year
Engine variant
Engine management system
Mileage reading
The customer's description of the fault

2. Connect Tech2 and answer the following questions:

Is the CHECK ENGINE lamp on? - YES - NO
Are there any diagnostic trouble codes stored in the engine management system? - YES - NO
If YES, which ones?

3. Copy the following information from "System Information" in Tech2

VIN (E.g. YS3EF45D933019388)
Saab Part Number (E.g. 09202065)
Hardware Number (E.g. BOS 011900)
Software Number (E.g. F5BMLMJ0/S)
Programming date (E.g. 20020913)

Are the following steps completed?

Leakage test box (p4) - YES - NO
Leakage test diaphragm and by-pass valve (p5) - YES - NO
Pressure testing, charge air cooler (p6) - YES - NO
Pressure testing, vacuum circuit, (p7 and p8) - YES - NO
Oil leakage and play in the turbo shaft (p9) - YES - NO

4. Only petrol engines: Connect the pressure/vacuum pump as well as a boost pressure gauge, in accordance with the illustration, to the wastegate unit and create an overpressure/vacuum in order to check that there is no leakage in the unit. In addition, check that the lever is moving.

In the event of leakage: replace the wastegate unit.

5. Only petrol engines: Connect the pressure/vacuum pump to the by-pass valve and create an overpressure/vacuum in order to check that there is no leakage in the membrane.

In the event of leakage: replace the by-pass valve or diaphragm.

6. Pressure test the charge air cooler with hoses in accordance with WIS - Car type - Engine - Turbocharger system - Adjustment/Replacement - Test pressurisation of the charge air cooler and pressure pipes, 4-cyl. (or equivalent for diesel engines).

7. Engines with vacuum pump: Connect the boost pressure gauge to the vacuum circuit, start the engine and check that a vacuum of at least 0.7 bar is formed. If the vacuum is not achieved, check the hoses and the pump separately.

If there is no fault: check engine compression.

8. Engines without vacuum pump: Connect the boost pressure gauge to the vacuum circuit. Start the engine and make sure that a vacuum of at least 0.4 bar is formed. If the vacuum is not achieved, check the intake manifold and the vacuum connections.

If there is no fault: check engine compression.

9. Detach the pipe to the turbo's air intake and check whether there is an abnormally large oil leakage in the turbo. Check whether there is any play in the turbine shaft axially or radially. Small axial play (up/down approx. 1-2mm) is common but there must not be any radial play (gives blue smoke). In addition, check with a mirror that the compressor wings are not damaged.

10. If no faults are detected in accordance with the above, replace the turbo in accordance with WIS - Car type - Engine - Turbocharger system - Adjustment/Replacement - Turbocharger. (or equivalent for diesel engines). Enclose this checklist with the exchanged turbo.

Warranty/Time Information

In the case of customer complaint and if the car is within the warranty period , use the following information to fill out the claim:

Failed Object: 29112

Fault/Reason code: 08

Location code: 09 (US=9)

Warranty Type (US): 01

Repair/Action code: 08

Labour Operation (US): 9-3 (9400) = 2911209, 9-3 (9440) =2911208, 9-5 = 2911209

Labour Operation (CA): J5891

Time: 0.3 hr.

Reported times do not include the following labour operations: Replacement of wastegate unit, replacement of by-pass valve or diaphragm, pressure testing the charge air cooler, checking compression and replacement of the turbo.