(321-2555) Action after checking the battery and voltage drop

Bulletin Nbr: 321-2555
Date: ........... MajĀ 2005
Market: all
Action after checking the battery and voltage drop

This bulletin advises on an amendment in WIS. This amendment comes into immediate effect. The next edition of WIS will include the new information.

Cars affected

Saab 9-3 (9440) M03-


Certain diagnostic trouble codes which are generated during battery tests etc. have been misinterpreted and rectified at service workshops as actual faults. For example, in battery tests carried out at pre-delivery inspection, delivery service and intermediate service.

When the battery is disconnected or when certain fuses are removed, diagnostic trouble codes may be generated. These diagnostic trouble codes are not due to faults in the car. The diagnostic trouble codes do not need to be rectified but instead disappear when cleared.


After voltage drop, when disconnecting the battery or removing fuses, diagnostic trouble codes must be cleared in all systems.

When the "battery checking" is carried out

Switch off all current-consuming devices and remove the ignition key from the ignition switch. Certain diagnostic trouble codes may be generated if the battery is checked while the key is in the ignition switch.

When "Procedure after battery disconnection" is carried out

Clear the diagnostic trouble codes in all systems.

Warranty/Time Information

In the case of customer complaint and if the car is within the warranty period , use the following information to fill out the claim:

Failed Object: 12330

Fault/Reason code: 67

Location code: 09 (US: 9)

Warranty Type (US): 01

Repair/Action code: 05

Labour Operation (US): 1233001

Labour Operation (CA): Claim an additional 0.1 hr to published labour operation time for N0100

Time: 0.1 hr.