Microswitch, protective bow down, right (742RH)

Microswitch, protective bow down, right (742RH)


Microswitch, protective bow down, right (742RH)

Main function

The microswitch sends information to the STC control module that the right protective bow is in its down position.


The microswitch contains a single-pole switch and two parallel-connected resistors.


Pin no. Signal type Description
2 Signal output Protective bow in down position, switch open. Protective bow not in down position, switch closed.
3 Ground Through connector H10-7 to grounding point G48

Connected with 2 leads, ground and signal output. Pin 3 is grounded through connector H10-7 to grounding point G48 and pin 2 is connected to the STC control module. With the switch open (right protective bow in lower position), a resistance is connected in series to ground, and with the switch closed (right protective bow not in its lower position), both resistances are connected in parallel to ground.

Input from sensor is connected to a circuit where the supply is B+ through a resistor of 1 kΩ. This means that the voltage to the AD converter gives information to open the closed switch and whether there is a short circuit/break in the circuit.

The voltage value from the sensor is A/D converted and is then available in digital form.