TCS, bus information

TCS, bus information

Bus message Information Sent by Used by Description
From TCS
Wheel speed RF 0-4095 rpm TCS ECM The wheel speed sensor produces a frequency of 0-2000 Hz which increases in proportion to wheel speed. TCS sends current right front wheel speed.
Wheel speed LF 0-4095 rpm TCS ---- The wheel speed sensor produces a frequency of 0-2000 Hz which increases in proportion to wheel speed. TCS sends current left front wheel speed.
Wheel Speed RR 0-4095 rpm TCS ECM The wheel speed sensor produces a frequency of 0-2000 Hz which increases in proportion to wheel speed. TCS sends current right rear wheel speed.
Wheel Speed LR 0-4095 rpm TCS ECM The wheel speed sensor produces a frequency of 0-2000 Hz which increases in proportion to wheel speed. TCS sends current left rear wheel speed. The ECM uses this value and recalculates with vehicle speed in km/h.
TCS OFF Lamp On/Off MIU Switch and internal diagnosis. The lamp indicates that ESP function is off.
TCS Lamp On/Off MIU TCS indication during active modulation.
Engine torque request -200- +400 Nm (theoretically) ECM The ECM regulates engine torque according to a TCS control module request.
EBD fault On/Off MIU ICM Internal diagnosis. The MIU lights the ABS, brake warning and TCS Off lamp, SID shows a warning message.
Engine rpm rpm ECM TCS TCS uses current engine rpm and vehicle speed in order to calculate the current gear ratio.
Engine torque Nm ECM TCS TCS uses current engine torque and current gear ratio in order to calculate the current wheel torque.
Pedal position 0-100% ECM TCS Displays the accelerator pedal position, i.e. the driver's intentions, in order to determine an acceptable level of wheel spin.
Current gear ratio, automatic transmission 1-5 and R TCM TCS ESP uses the current gear ratio and current engine torque in order to calculate the current drive wheel torque. The value is compared to the value calculated by the control module.
Gear ratio, manual gearbox 1-5 and R ECM TCS ESP uses the current gear ratio and current engine torque in order to calculate the current drive wheel torque. The value is calculated and sent by the ECM.