Tyre pressure monitoring, bus information

Tyre pressure monitoring, bus information

Tyre pressure monitoring outputs the following information

Bus message Value/unit Used by Description
Diagnostic communication Inquiry from the diagnostic tool Diagnostic tool The control module must be supplied with current and the bus cables intact.
Tyre pressure monitoring, VF too low 0 Not received 1 Normal 2 Warning/FAULT - Status 2 = Alarm 3 Alarm/FAULT - Status 3 = Warning ICM The pressure limit for warning of low tyre pressure. The value is compensated for ambient temperature.
Tyre pressure monitoring, HF too low 0 Not received 1 Normal 2 Warning/FAULT - Status 2 = Alarm 3 Alarm/FAULT - Status 3 = Warning ICM The pressure limit for warning of low tyre pressure. The value is compensated for ambient temperature.
Tyre pressure monitoring, VB too low 0 Not received 1 Normal 2 Warning/FAULT - Status 2 = Alarm 3 Alarm/FAULT - Status 3 = Warning ICM The pressure limit for warning of low tyre pressure. The value is compensated for ambient temperature.
Tyre pressure monitoring, HB too low 0 Not received 1 Normal 2 Warning/FAULT - Status 2 = Alarm 3 Alarm/FAULT - Status 3 = Warning ICM The pressure limit for warning of low tyre pressure. The value is compensated for ambient temperature.
System fault On/Off ICM If the control module has identified a fault in the system, the message "ON" will be sent on the bus.

Tyre pressure monitoring uses the following information

Bus message Value/unit Transmitted from
Vehicle speed km/h CIM
Ambient temperature °C BCM