Lock indication, backrest, front seat CV

Lock indication, backrest, front seat CV

List of components

No Name location Picture
541 SID, at the top of the dashboard
701 Electrical distribution unit, trunk, on the wall behind the rear left wheel housing
741FL Microswitch for backrest, locked in upright position, left seat in the backrest lock
741FR Microswitch for backrest, locked in upright position, right seat in the backrest lock
4-pin connector
H4-2 Between rear electrical centre and wheel housing
40 pin connector
H40-1 Under left-hand seat.
H40-2 Under right-hand seat.
Crimp connectors
J101 Approx. 280 mm from the left seat
J106 SOP: Approx. 120 mm from branching point of right-hand seat towards right front door Rev.2: In the branch approx. 50 mm from the right-hand seat connector
Grounding points
G33P By the floor below the left A-pillar (black tape)
G34P By the floor below the right A-pillar (black tape)