Infotainment, buss information

Infotainment, buss information

Bus message Type of information Sender User Description
Information from the CD changer Magazine Disc Track CDCR ICM
Sound data CDCR EHU, AMP 1, AMP 2
Sound data CDF/CDCF EHU, AMP 1, AMP 2
Key position, ignition lock Lock Off On Start CIM EHU, CDCR, CDF/CDCF, AMP 1, AMP 2, ICM
Vehicle speed km/h ECM EHU, AMP 1, AMP 2
Information from the AM/FM receiver Frequency: RDS Data EHU ICM
Sound data EHU AMP 1, AMP 2
Manual sound adjustment Loudness Bass Treble Fade Volume Ring volume Voice volume Max. start volume Volume with TA/PTY ICM EHU, AMP 1, AMP 2
Controlling the AM/FM receiver On Off Stop Station Search Band Memory RDS Data TA On/Off PTY On/Off ICM EHU
Controlling the CD changer On Off Stop Magazine Disc Track Random Repeat Scan ICM CDCR, CDF/CDCF
Speed compensation of volume On/Off ICM EHU, AMP 1, AMP 2
Steering wheel button activated Off Plus Minus Mode Right arrow Left arrow CIM ICM
GPS Data Raw data Gyro Satellite ID CU/PU ICM
Microphone status On Off CU/PU ICM
Telephone book Last called Received calls Missed calls Add Search Remove Display window CU/PU ICM