Theft alarm sensor (690)

Theft alarm sensor (690)


Theft alarm sensor (690)

Principal use

Used by the anti-theft alarm to detect access to the car. The anti-theft alarm sensor also includes a tilt sensor which reveals attempts to lift the car to remove the wheels, for example.


This sensor consists of a plastic housing with a built-in microprocessor and tilt sensor, and is also fitted externally with 2 ultrasound senders/receivers and a 4-pin connector. 2 holes in the roof console cover permit ultrasound to pass through freely.



The anti-theft alarm sensor is triggered if anyone stretches into the car through an open window at a rate in excess of 0.15 m/s.

The tilt sensor reads angle changes both longitudinally and transversely. Any change in excess of 3° over less than 3 minutes triggers the alarm. The sensor is calibrated to trigger the alarm before the car is lifted to such an extent that a wheel could be removed.


This sensor is constantly powered up and communicates with the body control module (BCM) via a 2-way communication cable. A command for activating or deactivating the sensor is sent from the BCM. If the power supply is temporarily disconnected, the anti-theft alarm sensor remains in the same activation status as before. The alarm status and diagnosis status are transmitted from the anti-theft alarm sensor so that the BCM knows that the sensor is operational.



Pin no. Signal type Description
1 +30 Power supply
2 Ground Power supply
4 Communication cable Serial communication BCM-UAS

Wiring diagram, power supply