Body dimensions, CV

Body dimensions, CV

The following dimensions can be used to determine if the car must be fitted on an alignment jig. Complete dimensions are available from the respective alignment jig manufacturer.

Illustration A shows correct measurement orientation

Illustration B shows incorrect measurement orientation

Measurements, body front, above

Body measurement values in the front, upper area of the CV are identical to the values for the 4D. See Body dimensions, 4D

Body measurements, rear, above

Pos Dimension, mm Measuring points
1 1127 Distance between the corners towards the tail light
2 715 Corner towards the tail light - Corner of the opening for the striking plate

(*) = Dimension is measured from the centre of the hole.

Body measurements, side

Pos Dimension, mm Measuring points
1 1202 Rear hole of the upper hinge (*) - Upper hole of the striking plate (*)
2 1241 Rear hole, lower hinge (*) - Upper hole of the striking plate (*)
3 4423 Total length: front bumper member - rear bumper abutment (measured from the rear plate surface, not the welded bolt)

(*) = Dimension is measured from the centre of the hole.

Body measurements, front, inside

Pos Dimension, mm Measuring points
1 861 Outer hole, LH lock fitting (measured from below) (*) - Outer hole, RH lock fitting (measured from below) (*)
2 290 Outer hole, lock fitting (measured from below) (*) - Sill flange towards the corner of the seat bracket mounting
3 1498 Outer hole, lock fitting (measured from below) (*) - Sill flange towards the corner of the seat bracket mounting (diagonal measurement)
4 1469 Distance between weatherstrip ribs

(*) = Dimension is measured from the centre of the hole.

Body measurements, rear, inside

Pos Dimension, mm Measuring points
1 1126 Distance between rear holes, soft top mounting (*)
2 1481 Distance between the corners on the inside of the B-pillar
3 1584 Inside B-pillar corners - Corner of rear sill, towards the flange (diagonal measurement)
4 1473 Distance between weatherstrip ribs

(*) = Dimension is measured from the centre of the hole.

Body measurements, inner, front

Pos Dimension, mm Measuring points
1 1407 Rear hole, soft top mounting (*) - Outer hole, lock fitting (measured from below) (*)
2 1717 Rear hole, soft top mounting (*) - Outer hole, lock fitting (measured from below) (*) (diagonal measurement)
3 1583 Outer hole, lock (measured from below) (*) - Corner of rear sill, towards the flange (diagonal measurement)
4 1417 Hole, seatbelt strap guide (*) - Corner, inner B-pillar (diagonal measurement)

(*) = Dimension is measured from the centre of the hole.

Body measurements, under

For other body dimensions, see Body measurements, under, 4D .

Pos Dimension, mm Measuring points
1 1347 Front subframe mounting, centre of bolt head LH side - Hole in the floor reinforcement RH side (*)
2 1351 Front subframe mounting, centre of bolt head RH side - Hole in the floor reinforcement LH side (*)

(*) = Dimension is measured from the centre of the hole.