Spare part engine, (complete engine), Z19DT

Spare part engine, (complete engine), Z19DT

To remove

1. Remove the power unit, see Power train removal.

2. Fit 32 025 020 Lifting eye if not already fitted.

3. Remove the electrical connections from the EHPS unit (A).

4. Remove the rear torque arm (A) from the subframe.

5. Remove the front torque arm (A) from the subframe.

6. Lift off the power unit from the subframe using 83 92 409 Lifting yoke .

7. Position the powertrain on a suitable work surface.

8. Remove the engine wiring harness.

Remove the clip (A).

Unplug the engine harness connector (B)

Detach the electrical connections of the alternator (C)

Detach the electrical connections of the starter motor (D)

Detach the ground cable (E)

Manual gearbox: Unplug the connector of the reversing light switch (F).

Automatic transmission: Unplug the TCM connector.

Remove the wiring harness from the engine

9. Detach the coolant lines.

Detach the coolant lines at the oil cooler (A)

Remove the bracket at the starter motor (B)

Detach the coolant line at the EGR cooler (C)

Detach the coolant line at the thermostat housing (D)

Remove the bolt and the coolant line at the coolant pipe (E)

Remove the bolt and the coolant line at the coolant pipe (F)

10. Remove the starter motor (A).

11. Remove the catalytic converter bracket (A).

12. Remove the gearbox (A).

13. Remove the engine wiring bracket.

Open the clip and unplug the connector (A).

Remove the bolts (B) and move the wiring aside

14. Remove the alternator (A).

15. Remove the belt tensioner (A) and the upper impeller (B).

16. Detach the turbocharger intake manifold. Remove the A/C bracket (A).

Detach the hose at the camshaft cover (C)

Remove the bolt (B)

Detach the hose clip at the turbocharger and remove the intake manifold (C)

17. Remove the vacuum hose clips from the dipstick guide tube (F).

18. Remove the temperature sensor.

Remove the temperature sensor (A).

Unplug the connector (B)

Remove the cable and bracket (C)

19. Remove the dipstick with tube (D).

20. Remove the heat shield (E)

21. Remove the catalytic converter (A)

22. Detach the vacuum hoses from the solenoid valve (B).

To fit

1. Unpack the spare parts.

2. Secure the engine in an engine lift.

3. Position the engine on a suitable work surface.

4. Remove the engine from the engine lift.

5. Attach the vacuum hoses to the solenoid valve (B).

6. Fit the catalytic converter (A)

Clean the sealing surfaces on the catalytic converter

Fit the catalytic converter using a new gasket. Hold the clamp open slightly with circlip pliers. Turn the clamp so that the nut points down (A)


Tighten the clamp loosely, it must be possible to adjust the catalytic converter so that the lower bracket for the catalytic converter can be fitted later on.

7. Fit the heat shield (E).

8. Fit the dipstick with tube (D).

9. Fit the temperature sensor

Fit the temperature sensor (A).

Connect and fit the connector (B).

Fit the cable to the clip (C).

10. Fit the vacuum hose clips to the dipstick guide tube (F).

11. Fit the turbocharger intake manifold.

Fit the intake manifold on the turbocharger and tighten the hose clips (C).

Fit the bolt (B)

12. Fit the A/C compressor bracket (A).

13. Fit the belt tensioner (A) and the upper impeller (C).

14. Fit the alternator (A)

15. Fit the engine wiring bracket.

Fit the bracket (B)

Plug in the connector and fit the connector in the bracket (A)

16. Fit the gearbox (A).

17. Fit the catalytic converter bracket (A).

18. Fit the lower bolt of the starter motor (A).

19. Attach the coolant lines.

Fit the bolt and the coolant line at the coolant pipe (F).

Fit the bolt and the coolant line at the coolant pipe (E).

Attach the coolant line at the thermostat housing (D).

Attach the coolant line at the EGR cooler (C).

Fit the bracket at the starter motor (B).

Attach the coolant lines at the oil cooler (A).

20. Fit the engine wiring harness.

Position the wiring harness on the engine

Automatic transmission: Plug in the TCM connector

Man: Attach the connector of the reversing light switch (F).

Attach the ground cable (E).

Attach the electrical connections of the starter motor (D)

Attach the electrical connections of the alternator (C)

Plug in the engine harness connector (B)

Fit the clip (A).

21. Raise the powertrain from the work area using an engine lift and 83 92 409 Lifting yoke .

22. Lift the powertrain to the subframe.

23. Fit the front torque arm (A) to the subframe.

24. Fit the rear torque arm (A) to the subframe.

25. Attach the electrical connections to the EHPS unit (A).

26. Remove 32 025 020 Lifting eye if fitted.

27. Fit the powertrain, see Powertrain, to fit.