General data

General data

Engine type Z19DTH (16V) 4-cylinder direct injection diesel engine with common rail injection and camshaft housing with 2 overhead camshafts and 4 valves per cylinder. The engine is transversely mounted.
Engine type Z19DT (8V) 4-cylinder direct injection diesel engine with common rail injection and cylinder head with 1 overhead camshaft and 2 valves per cylinder. The engine is transversely mounted.
Cylinder bore mm 82
Distance between cylinders c-c mm 90
Stroke mm 90.4
Swept volume cm 3 1910
Fuel injection sequence 1-3-4-2
Weight Z19DT kg (lb) 171 (377)
Weight Z19DTH kg (lb) 174 (384)
Compression ratio Z19DTH 17.5:1
Compression ratio Z19DT 18.0:1
Compression pressure bar 25-32
Pressure loss % <25/cylinder
Max output at 4000 rpm, Z19DTH hp (kW) 150 (110)
Max output at 4000 rpm, Z19DT hp (kW) 120 (88)
Max torque at 2000- rpm, Z19DTH Nm 320 (man)
Max. recommended rpm, short duration Z19DTH rpm 5100
Max torque at 2000- rpm, Z19DT Nm 280
Nominal idle, warm engine rpm Man: 850
Fuel, recommended octane/cetane count min 45
Engine management system EDC16
Timing belt Type HNBR*-GF-PA66 *Hydrogenated Nitrile Butadiene Rubber
Timing belt No. of teeth 199
Timing belt width, mm 24