General data

General data

Engine B207E B207L, B207S B207R
Type 4-cyl, 4-stroke engine with 4 valves per cylinder, 2 overhead camshafts and 2 balancer shafts. Transverse mounted. 4-cyl, 4-stroke engine with 4 valves per cylinder, 2 overhead camshafts and 2 balancer shafts. Transverse mounted. 4-cyl, 4-stroke engine with 4 valves per cylinder, 2 overhead camshafts and 2 balancer shafts. Transverse mounted.
Cylinder bore mm 86 86 86
Stroke mm 86 86 86
Compression ratio 9.5:1 9.5:1 9.5:1
Min compression bar 12.4 12.4 12.4
Displacement cm 3 1998 1998 1998
Firing order 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2 1-3-4-2
Spark plug see Spark plugs (157) see, Spark plugs (157) see, Spark plugs (157)
Plug gap mm 0.95 ±0.05 0.95 ±0.05 0.95 ±0.05
Weight kg (lb) 149 (329) 149 (329) 149 (329)
Engine management system Trionic 8 Trionic 8 Trionic 8
Fuel, recommended octane/cetane count RON 95 95 98
Nominal idling speed, warm engine rpm Drive: 720 Neutral: 720 Man: 720 Drive: 720 Neutral: 720 Man: 720 Drive: 720 Neutral: 720 Man: 850