Road test schedule

Road test schedule

This schedule is intended as a guide for conducting road tests to check complaints concerning the FA 57 automatic transmission. Note, legal speed limits must not be exceeded.

Before starting the road test:

- Check the level of the fluid in the transmission before starting the road test.

Road test:

1. Check the starter motor interlock:

- Try to start the car with the selector lever in position P or N .

- Try to start the car with the selector lever in a position other than P or N .

2. Check the positions of the selector lever:

- Check the feel of the selector lever to make sure that it locates correctly in each position and does not “jump out” of the selected position.

- Make sure the play in positions N and D are the same.

3. Check reverse gear:

- Reverse the car in the normal manner, checking at the same time that the reversing light comes on.

4. Listen for mechanical noise:

- Start in position D . Drive the car so that the transmission change up and down. Listen for abnormal noise from the transmission. If there is noise, terminate the road test immediately, return to the garage and carry out fault diagnosis, see “Fault diagnosis, fault symptoms”.

5. Check the operation of the transmission while driving:

- Start in D position. Check gear changing. Take note of whether the gears slip or are harsh when changing. Check that the lock-up function is in order.

- Start in D position. Depress the accelerator pedal to kick down position (100% pedal position) to see that the transmission changes down.