(234-2599) Engine Noise, Excessive Diesel Knock"

Symptom: Engine noise, excessive diesel knock.

Bulletin Nbr: 234-2599
Date: ........... December 2005
Market: enligt separat lista
Engine Noise, Excessive Diesel Knock"

Cars affected

9-3 M05- with engine alternative Z19

9-5 M06- with engine alternative Z19


There have been customer complaints of engine noise, excessive diesel knock. This could be because there has not been adaptation of the injection system. In order to reduce engine noise, there is a function that provides a small pre-injection of fuel before the normal fuel injection. This adaptation can be adjusted for variations in the injection system and tolerances in the engine.

Adaptation normally occurs during engine braking during normal operation. Depending on the customer's driving style, it could take an extremely long time before this occurs, causing engine noise, excessive diesel knock.

Carry out the following measures upon customer complaint.

Symptom description

Engine noise, excessive diesel knock.

Parts required



2 mechanics required - one driver and one to read Tech2.

1. Connect Tech2 with CANdi box.

2. Warm up the engine (at least 70 degrees).

3. Select the following in Tech2:

- Fault diagnosis

- Model year

- Model 9-3 or 9-5

- Engine

- EDC16

- 1.9 TiD

- Read the values

- Read the value Target Fuel Pressure

At idling speed, fuel pressure is normally 300 bar (+/- 10 bar).

4. Aut: Select position M.

5. In 3rd gear, accelerate to approx. 2700 rpm and release the accelerator pedal. Read Target Fuel Pressure. If the value locks at exactly 300, 500, 800 or 1200 bar within 6 seconds of releasing the accelerator pedal, adaptation was carried out correctly. Continue engine braking until the pressure moves from the locked value (does not apply to 300 as that is base pressure).

In the table below, note that adaptation was correctly carried out.


If the pressure does not lock at any of the values, adaptation is already correct and the procedure for this value should not be repeated.

6. Repeat point five until adaptation is carried out five times per pressure level. If there is a reasonable noise level from the engine (diesel knock) before all adaptations have been carried out, the operating cycle can be terminated.

300 500 800 1200

Warranty/Time Information

In the event of customer complaint and if the car is within the warranty period , use the following information to fill out the claim:

Failed Object: 12250

Fault/Reason code: 40

Location code: 09

Repair/Action code: 05

Time: 0.5 hr