Vibrations in gear lever

Vibrations in gear lever

Fault symptom

Vibrations and rattling in gear lever.


Vibration can arise when the driver accelerates in 3rd gear at low speed.

This is due to vibration caused by the engine firing order being conveyed to the gear lever via the gear cables.


Proceed as follows in case of customer complaints:

1. Measure the distance between the gear selector counterbalance and the plastic washer on the gear selector lever housing. Use a feeler gauge and support the counterbalance when measuring, see illustration.

2. Select the correct number of plastic washers (part no. 904 909 13) according to the table below:

Measure the distance (mm) no. of washers
0-0.7 1
0.7 - 1.7 2
1.7 - 2.7 3
2.7 - 3.7 4

3. To save removing the counterbalance, cut an opening in the washers, 12 mm on the outside diameter and 8 mm on the inside diameter. Support the counterbalance and press the washer onto the rod.