

General data

Crankshaft end float mm 0.049-0.211
Main bearing clearance mm 0.011 - 0.071
Main bearing seat, diameter mm 63.705 - 63.718

Big-end bearing journal diameter (1)

Category A mm 50.799 - 50.805
Category B mm 50.793 - 50.799
Category C mm 50.787 - 50.793
Big-end bearing journal, recommended undersize mm 0.127
Big-end bearing clearance mm 0.016 - 0.070

Main bearing journal diameter, identification (2)

Degree Colour marking Code number Diameter
A (normal) Z19DT Red 1 (94 00)* 59.994 - 60.000
A (normal) Z19DTH Red 1 (94 00)* 59.994 - 60.000
B (normal) Z19DT Blue 2 (88 94)* 59.987 - 59.993
B (normal) Z19DTH Blue 2 (88 94)* 59.988 - 59.994
C (normal) Z19DT Yellow 3 (82 88)* 59.982 - 59.986
C (normal) Z19DTH Yellow 3 (82 88)* 59.982 - 59.988
Main bearing clearance mm 0.011-0.071

* The last two numbers indicate the final two thousandths of the dimensions

Main bearing journal diameter, identification DTR

Degree Colour marking Code number Diameter
A (normal) Red 1 (94 00)* 59.995 - 60.002
B (normal) Blue 2 (88 94)* 59.988 - 59.995
C (normal) Yellow 3 (82 88)* 59.981 - 59.988
Main bearing clearance mm 0.031-0.051

* The last two numbers indicate the final two thousandths of the dimensions

Oversize bearing halves, main bearing

Degree Colour marking Diameter
Category A, Colour 1 Red mm 1.831 - 1.837
Category B, Colour 2 Blue mm 1.836 - 1.844
Category C, Colour 3 Yellow mm 1.843 - 1.849
Colour 4 brown mm 1.894 - 1.900
Colour 5 Green mm 1.899 - 1.907
Colour 6 Black mm 1.906 - 1.912