Part of side panel, 5D

Part of side panel, 5D

Depending on the damage, there are two method variants with different locations for applying the cut: part of side panel and part of rear side panel.

Part of side panel

1. Remove roof carrier anchor point.

2. Protect the roof from weld and grinding spray.


Do not cut the metal underneath.

3. Cut according to the markings. Cut only through the roof panel and side panel.

4. Drill out the spot welds on the roof between the C and D-pillars. Drill only through the roof panel and side panel.

5. Drill out the spot welds holding the outer side panel in the door aperture and sill.

6. Drill out the spot welds holding the outer side panel at the rear side window and rear bumper abutment.

7. Knock loose the side panel and bend it off from the adhesive on the edge of the wheel housing. Pull out the side panel from the roof panel above.

8. Align any deformed sheet metal or panels.

9. Cut and position the spare part.

10. Drill holes for plug-welding in the spare part.

11. Grind clean the surfaces to be welded on the body and the spare part.

12. Apply welding primer to the surfaces to be spot and plug welded. Use Teroson Zink Spray

13. Apply Teroson 6700 to the edge of the outer wheel housing.

14. Position the spare part by moving it in under the roof and securing it with a few welding clamps.

15. Drill holes for plug welding in the new side panel as illustrated.

16. Spot and plug weld on the spare part.

17. Seam weld the joints. Note that the weld must go through two panels, the roof panel and the side panel.

18. Apply rust protector to the roof edge and side panel after painting.

Part of rear side panel


Do not cut the metal underneath.

1. Cut according to the markings.

2. Drill out the spot welds.

3. Knock loose the side panel and bend it loose from the adhesive on the wheel housing. Align any deformed metal.

4. Adjust and align all the fitting surfaces

5. Cut the spare part. Drill holes for plug welds where appropriate.

6. Grind clean the surfaces to be welded on the body and the spare part.

7. Apply welding primer on the surfaces to be welded. Use Teroson Zink Spray.

8. Apply Teroson 6700 to the edge of the outer wheel housing.

9. Put in place the spare part and secure it with some welding clamps.

10. Spot weld on the spare part and plug weld where appropriate.

11. All-weld the joints.

12. Grind the welds.

13. Wash away surplus welding primer. Welding primer reduces the adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

Apply etching primer to all surfaces that have been ground clean.

14. Seal joints and seams with sealant.

15. Apply rust protector to the side plate after painting. Use Terotex HV 400.