Cylinder head components, removing and fitting

Cylinder head components, removing and fitting

1. Remove the fuel regulator lambda sensor (1) from the exhaust manifold using KM-6129 (83 96 350 Oxygen sensor dismantling sleeve) .

2. Remove the heat shield plate from the exhaust manifold.

3. Remove the engine transport bracket from the exhaust manifold.

4. Remove the exhaust manifold (2) from the cylinder head.

5. Remove the thermostat housing from the cylinder head.

6. Remove the spark plug using KM-194-E or 83 95 485 Spark plug socket, with guide sleeves .

7. Clean the sealing surfaces and remove remains of sealant.


Note the marking on the camshaft bearing bracket before removing!

8. The camshafts must come loose evenly from their bearing seats.

9. Undo the camshaft caps alternately in a spiral from the outside and in 1/2 to 1 turn.

10. Remove the camshaft caps from the cylinder head and take off the camshafts.

11. Use a suitable tool to wiggle out the camshaft sealing rings - do not damage the sealing surfaces.

12. Clean the sealing surfaces and remove remains of sealant.

13. Pull out the hydraulic tappets (2) from the cylinder head with KM-845 or 83 91 401 Magnetic tool (1) and put them aside in the correct order so they can be refitted to the correct valves.

14. Lay up the hydraulic tappets in order.


Inspect or overhaul the cylinder head respectively - see Cylinder head and components, checking and measuring overview and Cylinder head, overhaul respectively.

15. Clean all dismantled components.

16. Oil the tappets with engine oil and place in the right order in the cylinder head.

17. Moisten the sliding surfaces on the hydraulic valve tappets and camshafts with MoS slip paste (grey). Put the camshafts into the cylinder head.


18. The numbers on the camshaft bearing caps must agree with the ones in the cylinder head.

19. Apply sealing compound (green) to the guide bearing sealing surfaces (arrows).

20. Fit the camshaft bearing caps onto the cylinder head and tighten from the inside and out - tightening torque 8 Nm.

21. Lubricate the sealing lips on the new camshaft sealing rings with silicone grease (white). Press in the camshaft sealing rings into the camshaft bearing caps using KM-422 - or 83 94 959 Fitting tool, camshaft seal, V6 using the camshaft sprocket bolt and washer.

22. Fit the spark plugs into the cylinder head with 83 95 485 Spark plug socket, with guide sleeves - tightening torque 25 Nm.

23. Fit the thermostat housing together with a new sealing ring on the cylinder head - tightening torque 20 Nm.

24. Fit the exhaust manifold (2) together with a new seal and new retaining nuts on the cylinder head in the illustrated order - tightening torque 13 Nm + 13 Nm.

25. Fit the engine transport bracket onto the exhaust manifold - tightening torque 22 Nm.

26. Fit the heat shield plate onto the exhaust manifold - tightening torque 8 Nm.

27. Fit the fuel regulator lambda sensor (1) into the exhaust manifold using KM-6129 - tightening torque 30 Nm.