General data

General data

Engine B284L B284R
Type V-shaped, 6-cyl, aluminium 4-stroke engine with 4 valves per cylinder and 2 overhead camshafts per bank. Transverse mounted. V-shaped, 6-cyl, aluminium 4-stroke engine with 4 valves per cylinder and 2 overhead camshafts per bank. Transverse mounted.
Cylinder bore mm 89 89
Stroke mm 74.8 74.8
Compression ratio 9.5:1 9.5:1
Displacement cm 3 2792 2792
Firing order 1-2-3-4-5-6 1-2-3-4-5-6
Spark plug DILFR7B-10G DILFR7B-10G
Plug gap mm 1 +0/-0.1 (nominal 0.95) 1 +0/-0.1 (nominal 0.95)
Engine management system Motronic ME 9.6 Motronic ME 9.6
Fuel, recommended octane/cetane count RON 95 95
Nominal idling speed, warm engine rpm 700 700