Outer sill

Outer sill

Depending upon the damage, the two methods described below can be combined.

Replace the middle section of the sill

1. Remove the doors.

2. Cut the rear section of the sill as indicated by the marks. Within the shaded area the cut can be made anywhere depending upon the damage.

3. Cut the lower B-pillar as illustrated. Only cut through the outer panel.


Do not cut the metal underneath.


Sound insulation is located in the lower part of the B-pillar.

4. Drill out the spot welds.

5. Tap out the sill.

6. Cut the replacement panel so that it fits against the cuts previously made.

7. Drill holes for plug welds on the lower section of the sill against the frame member.

8. Position the replacement panel and make fine adjustments to the sill.

9. Grind all surfaces that are to be welded.

10. Apply welding primer to the surfaces to be spot and plug welded. Use Teroson Zink Spray

11. Fit the replacement panel in place and secure with clamps. Check and adjust the fit.

12. All-weld the sill joints.

13. Attach the remainder of the sill with spot and plug welds.

14. Grind the welds.

15. Wash away surplus welding primer. Welding primer reduces the adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

16. Apply primer to all bare metal surfaces.

17. Seal joints and seams with sealant.

18. Apply anti-corrosion agent after painting. Use Terotex HV 400 or Mercasol 1.

Change the front section of the sill

1. Remove the front door

2. Cut the rear section of the sill as indicated by the marks. Within the shaded area the cut can be made anywhere depending upon the damage.

3. Cut the front section of the sill as illustrated. Cut through both panels.

4. Drill out the spot welds.

5. Tap out the sill.

6. Mark the forward section of the replacement panel. The mark should be made to correspond with the previously made cut on the car. The cut should be made with a few mm excess to allow the length to be adjusted on assembly. The cut should be made through two layers of panel.

7. Cut away a section of the outer panel of the replacement panel in order to be able to weld the reinforcement. Save the piece which is removed.

8. Drill holes for plug welds in the front sill and in the loose piece.

9. Fit the replacement panel and adjust the rear sill and front reinforcement.

10. Grind the surfaces which are to be welded.

11. Apply welding primer to the surfaces to be spot and plug welded. Use Teroson Zink Spray

12. Fit the replacement panel in place and secure with clamps. Check and adjust the fit.

13. All-weld the forward sill reinforcement.

14. Allweld the rear section of the sill and the cut out section.

15. Attach the remainder of the sill with spot and plug welds.

16. Grind the welds.

17. Wash away surplus welding primer. Welding primer reduces the adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

18. Apply primer to all bare metal surfaces.

19. Seal joints and seams with sealant.

20. Apply rust protector after painting. Use Terotex HV 400.