Rear outer wheel housing, CV

Rear outer wheel housing, CV

1. Position the car in an aligning bench and cross-measure if necessary.

2. Remove the Side panel assembly, CV .

3. Cutting can be done in two different ways depending on the amount of damage. Cut the outer wheel housing according to the following two alternatives:

4. Make fine adjustments to the cutting.

5. Grind all the surfaces that are to be welded.

6. Cut the replacement piece as illustrated depending on the amount of damage.

7. Drill holes for plug-welding in the spare part.

8. Apply welding primer to the surfaces to be spot and plug welded. Use Teroson Zink Spray.

9. Spot and plug weld the replacement piece in place.

10. Wash away surplus welding primer. Welding primer reduces the adhesion of paint, filler and sealant.

11. Fit the Side panel assembly, CV

12. Seal joints, seams and panel edges with sealant. Use 1K-PUR.

13. Apply anti-corrosion agent to all surfaces after painting.