Radio receiver, console

Radio receiver, console

To remove

1. Remove the radio receiver:

Radio receiver, TMC, 4D

Radio receiver, TMC, 5D

Radio receiver, TMC, CV

Radio receiver, satellite radio, 4D

Radio receiver, satellite radio, 5D

Radio receiver, satellite radio, CV

2. Remove the console:

4D: Remove the nuts (A) and the screw (B).

5D: Remove the wiring harness clip (A) and press in the console locking clip (B), pull it back and lift out the console (C).

CV: Remove the nuts.

To fit

1. Fit the console:

4D: Fit the nuts (A) and the screw (B).

5D: Fit the wiring harness clip (C), align the console at the front edge and press in the console locking clip (B), make sure that the locking clip (A) snaps in.

CV: Turn upside down and fit the nuts (A).

2. Fit the radio receiver:

Radio receiver, TMC, 4D

Radio receiver, TMC, 5D

Radio receiver, TMC, CV

Radio receiver, satellite radio, 4D

Radio receiver, satellite radio, 5D

Radio receiver, satellite radio, CV