Charging system, petrol

Charging system, petrol

List of components

No. Name Location Illus.
1 Battery in engine bay
2 Generator, B207: on the front long side of the engine (right) B284: on the rear long side of the engine (right)
4 Starter motor, B207, B284: on the front long side of the engine (left)
589 Trionic engine control module, 4-cyl petrol, on front of engine A B
608 Control module, Motronic E9, V6 petrol at the top of the rear cylinder bank A B
Grounding points
G2 On the side of the left structure strut by the connector bracket B207 B284
G7 B207 : On the engine control module upper right-hand attachment lug Z18XE: On support bracket under intake manifold B284
G14 By the seat member under the left seat
G25 On the left engine mounting B284 AUT: On a bracket on the front of the gearbox
G33P On the floor below the LH A-pillar (black tape)