(385-2704 utg.2) Saab Park Assistance, (SPA) disabled

Symptom: The Saab Park Assistance (SPA) does not work despite reverse gear being engaged. No communication with the SPA control module.

Bulletin Nbr: 385-2704 utg.2
Date: ........... MajĀ 2008
Market: all
Saab Park Assistance, (SPA) disabled

Cars affected

Saab 9-3 M03-


The SPA control module freezes due to an internal failure. When the SPA control module freezes it is not possible for the car's other functions to communicate with the SPA control module, which results in the parking assistance not working.

Cutting the voltage (by disconnecting the battery in the car or disconnecting/connecting the SPA control module), resets the fault and the parking assistance works correctly again.

In the case of customer complaint, the following procedure must be carried out.

Symptom description

The Saab Park Assistance (SPA) does not work despite reverse gear being engaged. No communication with the SPA control module.

Parts required

Not affected.



SPA control module must not be replaced.

1. Disconnect/connect the SPA control module's 12 way connector 630 (K12) to reset the control module.

2. Connect Tech2 version 134.000 or later.

3. Connect to TIS 2000 edition 2008-1 update 3 or later.

4. Update the SPA control module with software 12782474.

Warranty/Time Information

In the case of customer complaint and if the car is within the warranty period , use the following information to fill out the claim:

Failed Object: 38349

Fault/Reason code: 61

Location code: 09 (US=9)

Warranty Type (US): 01

Repair/Action code: 05

Labour operation (US): 3834904 (4D/5D), 3834905 (CV)

Labour operation (CA): R4112

Time: 0.3 hours (4D/5D), 0.4 hours (CV)