Injector (206) EDC16

Injector (206) EDC16


Injector, cyl 1 (206a)

Injector, cyl. 2 (206b)

Injector, cyl. 3 (206c)

Injector, cyl. 4 (206d)

Main task

Adds fuel to the air that flows into the cylinders. Distributes the fuel in the combustion chamber.


Solenoid valve with needle and seat.

Connection, cylinder 1

Pin No. Signal type Description
1 Connected to ECM pin 16(A).
2 Connected to ECM pin 47(A).

Connection, cylinder 2

Pin No. Signal type Description
1 Connected to ECM pin 2(A).
2 Connected to ECM pin 31(A).

Connection, cylinder 3

Pin No. Signal type Description
1 Connected to ECM pin 1(A).
2 Connected to ECM pin 46(A).

Connection, cylinder 4

Pin No. Signal type Description
1 Connected to ECM pin 17(A).
2 Connected to ECM pin 33(A).


The injectors open when the current flows through the coil and close by means of a strong spring when the current is interrupted.

The injectors have six holes and consequently there are six jets of fuel. The holes through which the fuel is injected have a diameter of 0.14 mm. As a comparison, a human hair is 0.08 mm. The holes have to have a small diameter so that the fuel will be atomized into small droplets. Certain manufacturing tolerances are only a few thousandths of a millimetre.

The injection volume is, for example, about 1 mm 3 for the pilot injection, to be compared with a drop of water for example with a volume of around 30 mm 3 .

The injector must be regarded as a precision instrument. Consequently, it is extremely important that no dirt enters the fuel system.