

It is important that the fluorescent lamp fittings are positioned in relation to the work bay for the car, the lift, etc. in such a manner that the front fittings provide good lighting to the engine bay.

The illustration shows the position of the fluorescent lamp fittings in relation to the car. The type and location of the fittings are also tailored to the colour of the floor. On most fluorescent lamp fittings, it is possible to set the reflector for symmetrical or asymmetrical light. We recommended that the two fittings above the car's engine bay be set for symmetrical light while the others are set for asymmetrical light, aimed at the car.

Luminance: at least 750 lux

Fitting type: Fagerhult Disal

Measurements: 1643 x 253 x 100 mm

Number of fluorescent lamps per fitting: 2

Power, fluorescent lamp: 58 W

The recommended height above the floor for the fittings' mounting frames is 3.5-4 metres. The height is adapted to the lift and the conditions of the premises.