

Colours for walls and floors have been selected to provide a bright and friendly atmosphere and as much harmony as possible with the colours of the adjacent sales and office space.

Wall colours from floor and up to 3 m high depend on the wall's position in the premises (the numbers refer to the adjacent illustration):

1 Light grey: Entrance walls or walls primarily made up of window openings and doors.

2 Bluish grey: Walls opposite position 1

3 Greenish grey: One miscellaneous wall.

All walls over 3 m in height: 4 White.

Doors, windows and frames: Same colour as surrounding wall or light grey (like the floor).

The colours are specified in the NCS and RAL colour systems.

Colour NCS RAL
White S 0500-N 9003
Light grey S 1002-B 50 % 9003 50 % 70747
Bluish grey S 3010-B 7040
Greenish grey S 2005-G10Y 7038