Service programme

Service programme


Turn the key to LOCK or remove it whenever the car is not being used. In OFF position, the battery will discharge within a couple of hours.


This section contains our recommendations for pre-delivery service and maintenance service.

SID displays "TIME FOR SERVICE" when it is time to have the car serviced. The message appears once per day until reset. The indicator is reset in the SID menu "System settings" after completed servicing. If this is forgotten, the customer will receive a service indication the day after the servicing.

The SID menu "System settings" indicates which type of service is required. There are two types:

Intermediate service

Determined by mileage, remaining oil life in the engine and days until the next intermediate service (the indicator appears as soon as any of the parameters are met). Intermediate service primarily entails an engine oil change.

Main service

Determined by solely by mileage (double the interval of intermediate services). The main service includes additional work that is carried out less often than oil changes.

Both main service and intermediate service are indicated simultaneously if they coincide.

The car's first service is an intermediate service. Ideally, the next service is a combined intermediate and main service followed by an intermediate service and so on. The pattern is interrupted if the remaining engine oil life or days to next intermediate service expire early. This occurs if the oil is subjected to tougher conditions than usual (many cold starts, high temperature, high engine load or high engine speed) or if the car has low annual mileage. If this is the case, there will be two intermediate services in a row and then, if necessary, a main service alone. Note that that the oil is not changed in a main service. It is only changed during an intermediate service or a combined main and intermediate service.

The SID menu "System settings" shows the day counter and the remaining oil life in %. If an intermediate service is indicated before the day counter reaches 0 and despite the oil life having a relatively high value, it indicates that the mileage has been exceeded.

If a control module, such as the engine control module, has been replaced always "Remove" the control module via Tech2 before disconnecting it. Once the new module has been installed and SPS programmed, "Add" the control module using Tech2. This procedure reads the service data out of the old control module and loads it into the new one.

Tech2 can also be used to do the following:

Change service programme

Read and modify service data

Reset intermediate service in advance


Calculation of remaining oil service life presupposes the use of engine oil in accordance with Saab specifications. See Recommended oil grade .

Service programme

There are three different service programmes.

1. 30 000 km interval for intermediate service and 60 000 km interval for main service intended for European countries and for cars with diesel engines.

2. 20 000 km interval for intermediate service and 40 000 km interval for main service intended for countries not covered by the European or US/CA programme.

3. 100 000 km interval for intermediate service and 200 000 km interval for main service intended for USA and Canada.

Acceptance inspection and in-storage care

The car's specification must be checked after reception. The car must also be inspected for damage. Any deviations and defects must be reported using special procedures.

See also Acceptance inspection and Acceptance inspection form .

The car must subsequently be checked and cared for during the storage time to make sure it is kept in good condition awaiting its new owner.

See also In-storage car care and In storage car-care form .

Pre-delivery service

The customer will judge you as a business partner after the results. This is where the first contact when handing over the car is of great importance. So pay attention to small details such as oil or dirt stains, that the correct time is set on the clock and so on.

All inspection, check and adjustment points must be carried out conscientiously. Apart from this, unforeseeable defects may have been caused during transport and storage. These are to be regarded as repairs.

See also Pre-delivery service .


A service schedule must be used for all service work to ensure that the correct service points are carried out for the service type in question. Then carry out the work in accordance with the method description.


The inspection of certain points and the replacement of consumable items that are subject to legal requirements should be carried out at the specified mileage only, unless they are defective beforehand.