Accelerator pedal position sensor (379), E39

Accelerator pedal position sensor (379), E39


Accelerator pedal position sensor (379), E39

Main task

The task of the position sensor is to translate the driver's request from an accelerator position to instructions the engine control module can understand and process. This is directly affected by the accelerator.


The position sensor houses two potentiometers, P1 and P2, that vary voltage on the control module sensor inputs based on the position sensor's shaft angle.

The position sensor consists of a resistance track with collector shoes. The collector shoes are mounted on the position sensor shaft and move over the resistance track in relation to the movements of the shaft.

To ensure that information from the position sensor is accurate, there are two different potentiometers. Both are supplied 5 V, but the signal to the control module is always twice as much on P1 as on P2, 0-5 V on the one and 0-2.5 V on the other. This ensures both the function and diagnosis of the position sensor. See the illustration of the inner connections of the sensor.

When idling, voltage on the control module inputs is 1.1 V and 0.55 V respectively.


379 pin no. Signal type Description
1 Power supply, 5 V Connected to ECM pin 14(A).
2 Power supply, 5 V Connected to ECM pin 33(A).
3 Signal, P1 Connected to ECM pin 15(A).
4 Ground Connected to ECM pin 30(A).
5 Ground Connected to ECM pin 53(A).
6 Signal, P2 Connected to ECM pin 34(A).

Voltage from the sensor varies in relation to the angle of the sensor shaft.