Hydraulic unit

Hydraulic unit


1. Close the soft top completely.

2. Remove the Luggage compartment side trim, CV on the right-hand side.

3. Remove the hydraulic unit nuts and lift out the hydraulic unit somewhat to access the connections.


Lift up the hydraulic unit carefully so that the hydraulic hoses are not damaged.

4. Unplug the connector to the pump.

5. Unplug the connectors to the valves.


The hydraulic valve connectors have the following colours: Blue, green and orange. The top of the valve housing is marked for the respective colour: "B" for blue, "G" for green and "O" for orange.

6. Remove the oil filler plug (for pressure equalisation). Refit the plug.

7. Place some paper under the hydraulic unit to catch any hydraulic fluid that may run out.

8. Remove the hydraulic hose attaching plate.

9. Lift out the hydraulic unit.


1. Place the hydraulic unit in the luggage compartment.

2. Place the attaching plate together with the hydraulic lines in mounting position.

3. Fit and tighten the bolts for the hydraulic line attaching plate.

4. Plug in the pump motor connector.

5. Connect the hydraulic valve connectors.


The hydraulic valve connectors have the following colours: Blue, green and orange. The top of the valve housing is marked for the respective colour: "B" for blue, "G" for green and "O" for orange.

6. Place the hydraulic unit in mounting position. Fit the hydraulic unit nuts.

7. Fill the reservoir to MAX with fluid.

See Checking/filling oil

Use 89 96 860 Power steering fluid .


Never use the same fluid as in the Saab 900 Cabriolet -M94

8. Open and close the soft top for 5 complete cycles to bleed the system and check its function.

9. Check for any fluid leaks.

10. Check the oil level and top up as necessary. See Checking/filling oil . Use 89 96 860 Power steering fluid .

11. Connect the diagnostics tool and erase any diagnostic trouble code.

12. Fit Luggage compartment side trim .