Component Connector End Views

Component Connector End Views

A3L Sunshade - Left

A3L Sunshade - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 OG 6815 Inadvertent Power Control -
B 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 12047663

Service Connector: 12085481

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

A3R Sunshade - Right

A3R Sunshade - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 OG 6815 Inadvertent Power Control -
B 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 12047663

Service Connector: 12085481

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

A6C Fuel Pump and Level Sensor Assembly - Primary

A6C Fuel Pump and Level Sensor Assembly - Primary

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 GY 120 Fuel Pump Supply Voltage -
2 2 PK 1580 Low Reference -
3 0.5 BN/WH 6281 Low Reference -
4 0.5 PU 1589 Primary Fuel Level Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Fuel tank

OEM Connector: 13527865

Service Connector: 19257373

Description: 4-Way F GT 280 Series, Sealed (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 2

Terminated Lead: 13575392

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304720/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/5

Pins: 3, 4

Terminated Lead: 13327132

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304719/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/5

A9A Outside Rearview Mirror - Driver X1

A9A Outside Rearview Mirror - Driver X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 TN 3391 Driver Mirror Motor Common Control DR5
2 0.35 D-BU/WH 3390 Driver Mirror Motor Up (+) Down (-) Control DR5
3 0.35 D-GN/WH 3389 Driver Mirror Motor Right (+) Left (-) Control DR5
4 0.35 GY 1690 Automatic Day/Night Mirror Signal DR4
5 0.35 PK 1691 Low Reference DR4
6 0.5 BK 750 Ground DR5
7 0.5 OG 2267 Mirror Heating Element Supply Voltage DR5
8-10 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13548147

Service Connector: 19149476

Description: 10-Way M AIT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-65B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITW-A03T-064/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

A9A Outside Rearview Mirror - Driver X2 (DR4)

A9A Outside Rearview Mirror - Driver X2 (DR4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-BU 3392 Driver Mirror Position Sensor High Reference AAB
2 0.35 GY 3395 Driver Mirror Position Sensor Left (-) Right (+) Signal AAB
3 0.35 BN 3393 Low Reference AAB
4 0.35 D-GN 3394 Driver Mirror Position Sensor Up (+) Down (-) Signal AAB
5 0.5 YE/BK 3409 Mirror Motor Fold Out Control Without AAB
0.5 YE 3411 Driver Mirror Motor Fold Out Control AAB
6 0.5 L-BU/BK 3410 Mirror Motor Fold In Control Without AAB
0.5 L-BU 3412 Driver Mirror Motor Fold In Control AAB
7-8 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13640058

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 8-Way M Kaizen 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-65B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 7114-4618-02/27

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

A9B Outside Rearview Mirror - Passenger X1

A9B Outside Rearview Mirror - Passenger X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 WH 3398 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Common Control -
2 0.35 OG/BK 3397 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Up (+) Down (-) Control -
3 0.35 GY/BK 3396 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Right (+) Left (-) Control -
4-5 - - - Not used -
6 0.5 BK 650 Ground -
7 0.5 OG 2267 Mirror Heating Element Supply Voltage -
8-10 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13548147

Service Connector: 19149476

Description: 10-Way M AIT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-65B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITW-A03T-064/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

A9B Outside Rearview Mirror - Passenger X2

A9B Outside Rearview Mirror - Passenger X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 YE 3399 Co-Driver Mirror Position Sensor High Reference AAB
2 0.35 BN 3403 Co-Driver Mirror Position Sensor Left (-) Right (+) Signal AAB
3 0.35 L-GN 3400 Low Reference AAB
4 0.35 L-BU/BK 3401 Co-Driver Mirror Position Sensor Up (+) Down (-) Signal AAB
5 0.5 YE/BK 3409 Mirror Motor Fold Out Control Without AAB
0.5 YE/BK 3413 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Fold Out Control AAB
6 0.5 L-BU/BK 3410 Mirror Motor Fold In Control Without AAB
0.5 L-BU/BK 3414 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Fold In Control AAB
7-8 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13640058

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 8-Way M Kaizen 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-65B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 7114-4618-02/27

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

A10 Inside Rearview Mirror (UVC)

A10 Inside Rearview Mirror (UVC)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 BK 1690 Automatic Day/Night Mirror Signal -
6 0.35 BK 6972 Camera Signal #2 + -
7 0.35 BK 6973 Camera Signal #2 -
8 0.5 BK 1351 Signal Ground -
9 0.35 BK 24 Backup Lamp Supply Voltage -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 BK 2514 Keypad Signal UE1
12 0.35 BK 2515 Keypad Supply Voltage UE1
13 0.35 BK 1039 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
14 0.35 BK 2516 Keypad Green LED UE1
15 0.35 BK 2517 Keypad Red LED UE1
16 0.35 BK 1691 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 15441350

Service Connector: 15306351

Description: 16-Way F Micro-Pack 100A Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575548

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

A10 Interior rearview mirror (UYS/UYY without UVC)

A10 Interior rearview mirror (UYS/UYY without UVC)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN 24 Backup Lamp Supply Voltage -
2 0.35 PK 1039 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
3 0.35 D-GN/WH 2514 Keypad Signal UE1
4 0.35 L-GN/BK 2515 Keypad Supply Voltage UE1
5 0.5 BK/WH 1351 Signal Ground -
6 0.35 YE/BK 2516 Keypad Green LED UE1
7 0.35 BN/WH 2517 Keypad Red LED UE1
8 0.35 PK 1691 Low Reference -
9 0.35 GY 1690 Automatic Day/Night Mirror Signal -
10 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 13641322

Service Connector: 13577390

Description: 10-Way female M Kaizen 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

A11 Radio X1

A11 Radio X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BARE 1574 Rear Audio Drain Wire ULD or UWG
2 0.35 YE 7459 Integrated Center Stack Serial Data Low -
3 0.35 BARE 7460 Integrated Center Stack Serial Data Shield -
4 0.35 OG 6761 Center Channel Low Level Audio Signal (-) UQS
5 0.35 PK 6762 Subwoofer Low Level Audio (-) UQS
6 0.35 L-BU/BK 659 Low Reference UE1
7-8 - - - Not used -
9 0.35 BARE 5842 Auxiliary Audio Screen (2) UYS or UYY
10 0.35 TN/WH 3378 Right Auxiliary Audio Signal (3) UYE
0.35 D-GN/WH 5841 Right Auxiliary Audio Signal (2) Without KTA
11 0.35 PK 2060 Auxiliary Detection Signal UYS or UYY
12 0.35 TN 3352 Rear Seat Audio Common Signal ULD or UWG
13 0.35 L-GN 3291 Integrated Center Stack Wake Up Signal -
14-15 - - - Not used -
16 0.35 TN 7458 Center Integrated Center Stack Serial Data High -
17 0.35 BARE 6759 Discrete Audio Drain Wire UQS
18 0.35 D-BU 6760 Center Channel Low Level Audio Signal UQS
19 0.35 WH 6763 Subwoofer Low Level Audio Signal UQS
20 0.35 D-BU 658 Cellular Telephone Voice Signal UE1
21-22 - - - Not used -
23 0.35 D-GN/WH 3376 Auxiliary Audio Common Signal (3) UYE
0.35 D-BU 5843 Auxiliary Audio Common Signal UYS/UYY
24 0.35 YE 3377 Left Auxiliary Audio Signal (3) UYE
0.35 L-GN 5839 Left Auxiliary Audio Signal (2) UYS/UYE
25 0.35 L-BU 5312 Left Rear Seat Audio Signal ULD or UWG
26 0.35 L-GN 5313 Right Rear Seat Audio Signal ULD or UWG
27 0.35 PK 3290 Integrated Center Stack Reset Signal -
28 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
29 0.35 BARE 2011 Left Front Audio Drain Wire UQS
30 0.35 BARE 2099 Left Rear Audio Drain Wire UQS
31 0.8 D-GN 117 Right Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) UQ3
0.35 OG/BK 1546 Front Low Level Audio (-) UQS
32 0.8 GY 118 Left Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) UQ3
0.35 D-GN 1947 Left Front Low Level Audio (-) UQS
33 0.35 TN 1946 Right Rear Low Level Audio (-) UQS
0.8 L-BU 115 Right Rear Speaker Signal (-) UQ3
34 0.35 BN 1999 Left Rear Low Level Audio (-) UQS
0.8 YE 116 Left Rear Speaker Signal (-) UQS
35-36 - - - Not used -
37 0.35 OG 6978 Amplifier Control UQS
38 0.5 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
39 0.8 L-GN 200 Right Front Speaker (+) (1) UQ3
0.35 L-GN/WH 512 Right Front Low Level Audio Signal UQS
40 0.8 TN 201 Left Front Speaker (+) (1) UQ3
0.35 TN 511 Left Front Low Level Audio Signal UQS
41 0.8 D-BU 46 Right Rear Speaker (+) UQ3
0.35 D-BU 546 Right Rear Low Level Audio Signal UQS
42 0.8 BN 199 Left Rear Speaker (+) UQ3
0.35 BN/WH 599 Left Rear Low Level Audio Signal UQS
43 0.35 WH 7066 Entertainment Remote Enable Signal -
44 0.5 RD/WH 340 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13589609

Service Connector: 88988902

Description: 44-Way F GT 150/280 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-6, 9-13, 16-20, 23-28

Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Pins: 29-34, 37, 39-43

Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 29, 30, 33, 34, 37, 41-43 - E/C

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 31, 32, 39, 40 - C/A

Pins: 38, 44

Terminated Lead: 13575753

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304711/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

A11 Radio X3 (UWG)

A11 Radio X3 (UWG)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-BU 5826 Left DVD Audio Signal (+) -
2 0.35 PU 6979 DVD Audio Common -
3 0.35 YE 2059 Left Auxiliary Audio Signal (1) -
4 0.35 PK/BK 5844 Video Bright Control -
5 0.35 L-GN/BK 5845 Video Module Signal -
6 0.35 OG/BK 5831 Remote Infra Red Signal (+) -
7 0.35 PU 2056 Auxiliary Video High Signal -
8 0.35 L-GN 7396 DVD Video Signal 2 (+) -
9 0.35 BARE 6976 DVD Video Drain Wire -
10 0.35 D-GN 6975 DVD Video Signal (+) -
11 0.35 WH 5828 Right DVD Audio Signal (+) -
12 0.35 BARE 6980 DVD Audio Shield -
13 0.35 WH 2058 Right Auxiliary Audio Signal (1) -
14 0.35 BARE 5345 Auxiliary Audio Drain Wire (1) -
15 0.35 D-GN/WH 7395 Video Mode 2 Signal -
16 0.35 TN/WH 5830 Remote Infra Red Signal (-) -
17 0.35 BARE 5346 Video Drain Wire -
18 0.35 WH 7394 DVD Video Signal 2 (-) -
19 0.35 BARE 5818 Video Drain Wire -
20 0.35 WH/BK 5335 DVD Video Signal (-) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Radio accessory

OEM Connector: 13782499

Service Connector: 13578570

Description: 20-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

A11 Radio X4

A11 Radio X4

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 PK 6972 Camera Signal #2 + UVC
6 0.35 PK 5149 Voice Recognition Audio Signal UE1
7 - - - Not used -
8 0.35 BARE 3368 Touch Screen Display Drain Wire UYS/UYY
9 0.35 PK 3369 Touch Screen Display Signal (+) UYS/UYY
10 0.35 L-GN 3364 Navigation Display Reset Signal UYS/UYY
11-14 - - - Not used -
15 0.35 L-BU 6973 Camera Signal #2 UVC
16 0.35 PK/BK 5152 Low Reference UE1
17-18 - - - Not used -
19 0.35 PU 3370 Touch Screen Display Signal (-) UYS/UYY
20 0.35 L-GN 1903 AAS Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Left Front -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Radio accessory

OEM Connector: 13782500

Service Connector: 13578571

Description: 20-Way F Micro HVT Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

A20 Radio/HVAC Controls

A20 Radio/HVAC Controls

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 TN 7458 Center Integrated Center Stack Serial Data High UYS or UYY
2 0.35 YE 7459 Integrated Center Stack Serial Data Low UYS or UYY
3 0.35 BARE 7460 Integrated Center Stack Serial Data Shield UYS or UYY
4 0.35 L-GN 3291 Integrated Center Stack Wake Up Signal UYS or UYY
5-6 - - - Not used -
7 0.35 L-BU 7532 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 10 UYE
8 0.35 YE 7531 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 9 -
9 - - - Not used -
10 0.35 RD/WH 3240 Battery Positive Voltage -
11-14 - - - Not used -
15 0.35 PK 3290 Integrated Center Stack Reset Signal UYS or UYY
16 - - - Not used -
17 0.35 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
18 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13607274

Service Connector: 13576645

Description: 18-Way F Kaizen 64 Series (WH)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

A23C Liftgate Latch Assembly (TB5)

A23C Liftgate Latch Assembly (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 BK 5790 Lift Gate Cinch Latch Motor Open Control -
2 2 BK 5801 Low Reference -
3 2 BK 5791 Lift Gate Cinch Latch Motor Close Control -
4 2 BK 5512 Lift Gate Open -
5 2 BK 7,000 Lift Gate Ajar Switch Signal 3 -
6 2 BK 6000 Lift Gate Ajar Switch Signal (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 15476196

Service Connector: 13580872

Description: 6-Way F GT 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575409

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15392777/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: D/5

A23C Liftgate Latch Assembly (without TB5)

A23C Liftgate Latch Assembly (without TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 1 L-BU 6128 Rear Closure Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control -
2 1 BK 1350 Ground -
3 1 OG 6129 Rear Closure Unlatch Motor Latch Control -
4 1 BK 1350 Ground -
5 1 BK 1350 Ground -
6 1 PK/BK 1303 Lift Gate Ajar Switch Signal (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 15476199

Service Connector: 88988358

Description: 6-Way F GT 280 Series, Sealed (GN)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575405

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304719/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/5

A23D Door Latch Assembly - Driver

A23D Door Latch Assembly - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 BN 5910 Door lock, global -
2 0.8 TN 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
3 0.8 GY 5911 Door Lock Actuator Lock Control 2 -
4 0.35 D-GN 3270 Driver Door Lock Motor Status Control -
5 1 GY 3578 Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return ATH
6 0.35 GY/BK 745 Left Front Door Ajar Switch Signal -
7 0.35 TN/WH 3574 Connector signal, driver's door open -
8 0.35 BK 750 Ground -
9 0.35 PU 1124 Door Lock Key Switch Unlock Signal -
10 1 L-BU/BK 6666 Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control ATH

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 10768367

Service Connector: 88952463

Description: 10-Way F Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 2, 3, 5, 10

Terminated Lead: 13327181

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 4, 6, 8, 9

Terminated Lead: 13327179

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 19206848/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

A23LR Door Latch Assembly - Left Rear

A23LR Door Latch Assembly - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 BN 5910 Door lock, global -
2 0.8 TN 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
3 0.8 GY 295 Door Lock Actuator Lock Control -
4 0.8 TN 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
5 1 D-BU/WH 3580 Left Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return ATH
6 0.35 L-BU/BK 747 Left Rear Door Ajar Switch Signal -
7 0.8 D-BU/WH 3266 Child Security Lock Motor Lock Control -
8 0.8 BK 2150 Ground -
9 0.35 BN/WH 3269 Child Security Lock Motor Status Signal Left Rear -
10 1 L-BU/WH 6667 Left Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control ATH

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 10768367

Service Connector: 88952463

Description: 10-Way F Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 2-5, 7, 8, 10

Terminated Lead: 13327181

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 6, 9

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 19206848/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

A23P Door Latch Assembly - Passenger

A23P Door Latch Assembly - Passenger

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 TN/WH 746 Right Front Door Ajar Switch Signal -
2 0.35 L-GN 3575 Contact signal, open passenger door -
3 0.35 BK 650 Ground -
4 0.8 BN 5910 Door lock, global -
5 1 L-GN 3583 Co Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control ATH
6 - - - Not used -
7 0.8 TN 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
8 0.8 GY 295 Door Lock Actuator Lock Control -
9 - - - Not used -
10 1 PK/BK 3579 Co Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return ATH

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 10768367

Service Connector: 88952463

Description: 10-Way F Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 19206848/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 5, 7, 8, 10

Terminated Lead: 13327181

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

A23RR Door Latch Assembly - Right Rear

A23RR Door Latch Assembly - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN/BK 748 Right Rear Door Ajar Switch Signal -
2 0.8 D-BU/WH 3266 Child Security Lock Motor Lock Control -
3 0.8 BK 2050 Ground -
4 0.35 GY/BK 3268 Child Security Lock Motor Status Signal Right Rear -
5 1 L-GN/BK 6669 Right Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control ATH
6 0.8 BN 5910 Door lock, global -
7 0.8 TN 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
8 0.8 GY 295 Door Lock Actuator Lock Control -
9 0.8 TN 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
10 1 L-GN/WH 3581 Right Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return ATH

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 10768367

Service Connector: 88952463

Description: 10-Way F Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 4

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 19206848/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 2, 3, 5, 7-10

Terminated Lead: 13327181

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

A24D Door Handle Assembly - Driver Exterior (ATH)

A24D Door Handle Assembly - Driver Exterior (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PU 3560 Passive Entry Driver Door Antenna Signal Hi -
2 0.35 PU/WH 3561 Passive Entry Driver Door Antenna Signal Lo -
3 0.35 L-GN/WH 6655 Driver Door Unlatch Switch Signal -
4 0.35 BK/WH 751 Signal Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13617298

Service Connector: 13578576

Description: 4-Way M 0.64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13578576

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-65B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITW-A03T-064/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

A24P Door Handle Assembly - Passenger Exterior (ATH)

A24P Door Handle Assembly - Passenger Exterior (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN 3562 Passive Entry Co_Driver Door Antenna Signal Hi -
2 0.35 L-GN/BK 3563 Passive Entry Co_Driver Door Antenna Signal Lo -
3 0.35 L-BU 3576 Co-Driver Door Exterior Switch Lock Signal -
4 0.35 BK/WH 651 Signal Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13617298

Service Connector: 13578576

Description: 4-Way M 0.64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13578576

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-65B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITW-A03T-064/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

B1 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor

B1 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 TN 5514 Low Reference -
2 0.5 GY 2700 5 Volt 1 Reference -
3 0.5 OG/BK 380 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Lights front

OEM Connector: 15477863

Service Connector: 88988301

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575433

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

B5LF Wheel Speed Sensor - Left Front

B5LF Wheel Speed Sensor - Left Front

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 YE 873 Low Reference -
B 0.8 L-BU 830 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Left Front -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left front wheel.

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

B5LR Wheel Speed Sensor - Left Rear

B5LR Wheel Speed Sensor - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 OG 885 Low Reference -
B 0.5 TN/OG 884 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Left Rear -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B5RF Wheel Speed Sensor - Right Front

B5RF Wheel Speed Sensor - Right Front

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 TN 833 Low Reference -
B 0.8 D-GN 872 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Right Front -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right front wheel

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

B5RR Wheel Speed Sensor - Right Rear

B5RR Wheel Speed Sensor - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 WH 883 Low Reference -
B 0.5 BN 882 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Right Rear -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B7C Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Lower Auxiliary (CJ4)

B7C Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Lower Auxiliary (CJ4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 L-GN 405 Lower Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 BN 6102 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B7D Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Left Lower

B7D Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Left Lower

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 TN 518 Lower Left Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 TN 407 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B7E Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Right Lower

B7E Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Right Lower

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 TN 520 Lower Right Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 TN 407 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B7G Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Upper Auxiliary (CJ4)

B7G Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Upper Auxiliary (CJ4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 BN 404 Upper Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 BN 6102 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B7H Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Left Upper

B7H Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Left Upper

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 TN 516 Upper Left Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 TN 407 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B7J Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Right Upper

B7J Air Temperature Sensor - Duct Right Upper

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 TN 517 Upper Right Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 TN 407 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B9 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor

B9 Ambient Air Temperature Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 D-GN/WH 636 Outside Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.5 YE 61 Outside Ambient Temperature Sensor Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Lights front

OEM Connector: 13543521

Service Connector: 12101856

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575427

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 12048074/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B10B Ambient Light/Sunload Sensor

B10B Ambient Light/Sunload Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 728 Security Indicator Control -
2 0.35 L-BU/BK 590 Solar Sensor Driver Signal -
3 0.35 D-GN 734 Inside Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
4 0.35 PU 1783 Twilight Sentinel Delay Signal -
5 0.35 WH 278 Ambient Light Sensor Signal -
6 0.35 BN 6102 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13726957

Service Connector: 13576539

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 Micro Quadlok Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

B18 Battery Current Sensor

B18 Battery Current Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 PK 5076 Current Sensor Supply Voltage -
B 0.5 BN 5077 Low Reference -
C 0.5 WH 5075 Current Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15326808

Service Connector: 15306388

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575413

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B19B Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor

B19B Brake Booster Vacuum Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 OG 6030 Brake Vacuum Sensor Signal -
2 0.5 YE/BK 6032 Low Reference -
3 0.5 GY 6031 5 Volt Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13511996

Service Connector: 13580873

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575413

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B20 Brake Fluid Level Switch

B20 Brake Fluid Level Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 PU 333 Brake Fluid Level Sensor Signal -
B 0.5 BK 1050 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15449028

Service Connector: 88987993

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575433

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

B22 Brake Pedal Position Sensor

B22 Brake Pedal Position Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 WH 5359 Brake Apply Sensor Supply Voltage -
B 0.35 YE 5361 Brake Apply Sensor Signal -
C 0.35 BN 5360 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13665550

Service Connector: 13577909

Description: 3-Way F GT FBT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575492

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

B23A Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Exhaust

B23A Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Exhaust

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 632 Low Reference LAU
0.5 GY 5296 Low Reference LF1
2 0.5 D-GN 5273 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor (1) -
3 0.5 OG/BK 7376 5 Volt 1 Reference LAU
0.5 YE/BK 5297 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor Supply Voltage (1) LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15339753

Service Connector: 88988595

Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B23B Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Intake

B23B Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 1 Intake

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 632 Low Reference LAU
0.5 TN 5301 Low Reference LF1
2 0.5 OG 5275 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor (1) -
3 0.5 OG/BK 7376 5 Volt 1 Reference LAU
0.5 D-BU 5300 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor Supply Voltage (1) LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15339753

Service Connector: 88988595

Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B23C Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Exhaust

B23C Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Exhaust

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 5299 Low Reference LAU
0.5 PK/BK 632 Low Reference LF1
2 0.5 PU 5274 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor (2) -
3 0.5 OG/BK 7376 5 Volt 1 Reference LAU
0.5 L-GN 5298 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor Supply Voltage (2) LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15339753

Service Connector: 88988595

Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B23D Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Intake

B23D Camshaft Position Sensor - Bank 2 Intake

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 632 Low Reference LAU
0.5 BN/WH 5303 Low Reference LF1
2 0.5 YE 5276 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor (2) -
3 0.5 L-BU 5302 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor Supply Voltage (2) LAU
0.5 OG/BK 7376 5 Volt 1 Reference LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15339753

Service Connector: 88988595

Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B24 Cellular Phone Microphone (UE1)

B24 Cellular Phone Microphone (UE1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 D-GN 654 Low Reference -
B 0.35 GY 655 Cellular Telephone Microphone Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 12047663

Service Connector: 12085481

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B24 Cellular Phone Microphone (without UE1)

B24 Cellular Phone Microphone (without UE1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 0.35 D-GN 654 Low Reference -
3 0.35 GY 655 Cellular Telephone Microphone Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 13646861

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 3-Way M 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-65B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITW-A03T-064/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

B26 Crankshaft Position Sensor

B26 Crankshaft Position Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU 574 Low Reference LAU
0.5 TN 452 Low Reference LF1
2 0.5 YE 573 Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal (1) -
3 0.5 L-GN 2867 Crankshaft Position Sensor Supply Voltage LAU
0.5 GY 605 5 Volt 2 Reference LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575846

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03GF-M064/27

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B27D Door Handle Switch - Driver Exterior (ATH)

B27D Door Handle Switch - Driver Exterior (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 750 Ground -
2 0.35 L-GN/WH 3570 Driver Door Handle Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13528494

Service Connector: 19178174

Description: 2-Way female M Kaizen 64 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B27LR Door Handle Switch - Left Rear Exterior (ATH)

B27LR Door Handle Switch - Left Rear Exterior (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BK 2150 Ground -
2 0.35 BN 6157 Left Rear Door Handle Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13528494

Service Connector: 19178174

Description: 2-Way female M Kaizen 64 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B27P Door Handle Switch - Passenger Exterior (ATH)

B27P Door Handle Switch - Passenger Exterior (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 650 Ground -
2 0.35 PU/WH 3571 Co_Driver Door Handle Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13528494

Service Connector: 19178174

Description: 2-Way female M Kaizen 64 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B27RR Door Handle Switch - Right Rear Exterior (ATH)

B27RR Door Handle Switch - Right Rear Exterior (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BK 2050 Ground -
2 0.35 GY 6158 Right Rear Door Handle Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13528494

Service Connector: 19178174

Description: 2-Way female M Kaizen 64 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B34 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (LAU)

B34 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 YE 410 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal -
2 0.5 TN 2761 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15339756

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13576381

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B34 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (LF1)

B34 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 TN 476 Low Reference -
B 0.5 YE 410 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13584122

Service Connector: 19181237

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150.2 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 12176860/3

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B35 Engine Oil Level Switch (LAU)

B35 Engine Oil Level Switch (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 1174 Oil Level Switch Signal -
2 0.5 TN 2761 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15339756

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498054/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B37 Engine Oil Pressure Switch (LF1)

B37 Engine Oil Pressure Switch (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 TN/BK 231 Oil Pressure Switch Signal -
B 0.5 TN 407 Low Reference -
C-D - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12065400

Service Connector: 12126436

Description: 4-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (L-GN)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 12048074/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B37B Engine Oil Pressure Sensor (LAU)

B37B Engine Oil Pressure Sensor (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BK/WH 51 Signal Ground -
2 0.5 GY 474 5 Volt 3 Reference -
3 0.5 TN/WH 331 Oil Pressure Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13602480

Service Connector: 88988301

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

B39 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor

B39 A/C Evaporator Temperature Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 GY 6137 EVAP Core Temperature Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 TN 407 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12085535

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B46B Fuel Level Sensor Assembly - Secondary

B46B Fuel Level Sensor Assembly - Secondary

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-2 - - - Not used -
3 0.5 BN/WH 6281 Low Reference -
4 0.5 L-BU 1937 Secondary Fuel Level Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Fuel tank

OEM Connector: 13527865

Service Connector: 19257373

Description: 4-Way F GT 280 Series, Sealed (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304719/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/5

B47 Fuel Pressure Sensor

B47 Fuel Pressure Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 PU 7446 Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Signal -
2 0.8 GY 7447 Low Reference -
3 0.8 BN 7445 5 Volt Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Fuel sensor

OEM Connector: 13511131

Service Connector: 19168035

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

B47B Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor (LF1)

B47B Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 GY 598 5 Volt 1 Reference -
B 0.5 YE 2918 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Signal -
C 0.5 TN 808 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve row 2

OEM Connector: 15326556

Service Connector: 88953359

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13576362

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

B51F Suspension Height Sensor - Front (TT6)

B51F Suspension Height Sensor - Front (TT6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 GY/WH 7524 5 Volt Reference -
2 0.8 BN/WH 7525 Front Axle Level Sensor Signal -
3 0.8 PU/WH 7526 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left front wheel.

OEM Connector: 13511996

Service Connector: 13580873

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

B51R Suspension Height Sensor - Rear (TT6)

B51R Suspension Height Sensor - Rear (TT6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 GY 2165 5 Volt Reference -
2 0.5 BN 2184 Automatic Level Control Position Sensor Signal -
3 0.5 PU 2185 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 13511996

Service Connector: 13580873

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B52A Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 (LAU)

B52A Heated Oxygen Sensor 1 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) -
2 0.5 GY/WH 3113 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
3 0.5 TN 1664 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
4 0.5 PU/WH 1665 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15324308

Service Connector: 88952839

Description: 4-Way M 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-5 (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 1-962915-3/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B52B Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 (LAU)

B52B Heated Oxygen Sensor 2 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5294 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (5) -
2 0.5 TN/WH 1423 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
3 0.5 TN/WH 1669 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
4 0.5 PU/WH 1668 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15324308

Service Connector: 88952839

Description: 4-Way M 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-5 (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 1-962915-3/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B52C Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 1 Sensor 1 (LF1)

B52C Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 1 Sensor 1 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 TN/WH 3111 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
B 0.5 PU/WH 3110 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
C - - - Not used -
D 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) -
E 0.5 GY/WH 3113 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12092839

Service Connector: 88987991

Description: 5-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12045773/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B52D Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 1 Sensor 2 (LF1)

B52D Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 1 Sensor 2 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 TN/WH 3121 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
B 0.5 PU 3120 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
C - - - Not used -
D 0.5 PK/BK 5294 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (5) -
E 0.5 GY/WH 3122 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12092839

Service Connector: 88987991

Description: 5-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12045773/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B52E Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 2 Sensor 1 (LF1)

B52E Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 2 Sensor 1 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 TN/WH 3211 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 2 Sensor (1) -
B 0.5 PU/WH 3210 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 2 Sensor (1) -
C - - - Not used -
D 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) -
E 0.5 L-GN 3212 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 2 Sensor (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12092839

Service Connector: 88987991

Description: 5-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12045773/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B52F Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 2 Sensor 2 (LF1)

B52F Heated Oxygen Sensor - Bank 2 Sensor 2 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 TN 3221 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 2 Sensor (2) -
B 0.5 PU 3220 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 2 Sensor (2) -
C - - - Not used -
D 0.5 PK/BK 5294 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (5) -
E 0.5 OG/WH 3223 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 2 Sensor (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12092839

Service Connector: 88987991

Description: 5-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series, sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12045773/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B55 Hood Ajar Switch

B55 Hood Ajar Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A - - - Not used -
B 0.35 PK/BK 109 Hood Ajar Switch Signal -
C 0.35 BK 250 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Lights front

OEM Connector: 15326808

Service Connector: 15306388

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327112

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B59L Front Impact Sensor - Left

B59L Front Impact Sensor - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 YE 354 Left Front Discriminating Sensor Signal -
2 0.5 TN/OG 5045 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13610095

Service Connector: 13314084

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 0.64 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13314084

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

B59R Front Impact Sensor - Right

B59R Front Impact Sensor - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-GN 1409 Right Front Discriminating Sensor Signal -
2 0.5 GY 5600 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13610095

Service Connector: 13314084

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 0.64 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13314084

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

B63LF Side Impact Sensor - Left Front

B63LF Side Impact Sensor - Left Front

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 WH 2132 Left Front Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
2 0.5 PU/WH 6628 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13610095

Service Connector: 13314084

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 0.64 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13314084

Unloading tool: Not applicable

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

B63LR Side Impact Sensor - Left Rear

B63LR Side Impact Sensor - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-GN/WH 6620 Left Middle Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
2 0.5 GY/BK 6621 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13610095

Service Connector: 13314084

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 0.64 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13314084

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

B63RF Side Impact Sensor - Right Front

B63RF Side Impact Sensor - Right Front

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-GN 2 134 Right Front Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
2 0.5 WH/BK 6629 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13610095

Service Connector: 13314084

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 0.64 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13314084

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

B63RR Side Impact Sensor - Right Rear

B63RR Side Impact Sensor - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 L-BU/BK 6624 Right Middle Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
2 0.5 L-GN/WH 6625 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13610095

Service Connector: 13314084

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 0.64 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13314084

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

B65 Intake Manifold Pressure and Air Temperature Sensor (LAU)

B65 Intake Manifold Pressure and Air Temperature Sensor (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 OG/BK 469 Low Reference -
2 0.5 L-BU 6118 Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
3 0.5 GY 2704 5 Volt 3 Reference -
4 0.5 L-GN 432 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 10763258

Service Connector: 88988320

Description: 4-Way F 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B68A Knock Sensor 1

B68A Knock Sensor 1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 D-BU 496 Knock Sensor Signal (1) -
B 0.5 GY 1716 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15374222

Service Connector: 88987972

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Sealed (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326427/5

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

B68B Knock Sensor 2

B68B Knock Sensor 2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 L-BU 1876 Knock Sensor Signal (2) -
B 0.5 GY 2303 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15374222

Service Connector: 88987972

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Sealed (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326427/5

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

B70 Liftgate Close Switch (TB5)

B70 Liftgate Close Switch (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
2 0.35 GY/WH 3034 Lift Gate Shut Face Switch LED Control -
3 0.35 D-GN 3033 Lift Gate Shut Face Switch Signal -
4 0.35 PU/WH 5801 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Tailgate trim panel

OEM Connector: 10756595

Service Connector: 88953370

Description: 4-Way F Quadlok Micro Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with wiring - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 962885-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: 6/6

B71L Liftgate Object Sensor - Left (TB5)

B71L Liftgate Object Sensor - Left (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 PK/BK 5802 Lift Gate Object Sensor Signal -
B 0.35 PU/WH 5801 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 12048457

Service Connector: 12085481

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B71R Liftgate Object Sensor - Right (TB5)

B71R Liftgate Object Sensor - Right (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 WH/BK 6126 Lift Gate Object Sensor 2 Signal -
B 0.35 PK/BK 5802 Lift Gate Object Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 12048457

Service Connector: 12085481

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (LF1)

B74 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 GY 2704 5 Volt 1 Reference -
2 0.5 OG/BK 469 Low Reference -
3 0.5 L-GN 432 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15365614

Service Connector: 88988583

Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B75 Mass Air Flow Sensor (LAU)

B75 Mass Air Flow Sensor (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 0.5 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.5 PK 1839 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
5 0.5 YE 492 Mass Air Flow Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13610794

Service Connector: 13505905

Description: 5-Way F 090 II Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Unloading tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498054/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B75B Mass Air Flow/Intake Air Temperature Sensor (LF1)

B75B Mass Air Flow/Intake Air Temperature Sensor (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 YE 492 Mass Air Flow Sensor Signal -
B 0.5 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
C 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) -
D 0.5 TN 2760 Low Reference -
E 0.5 L-BU 6289 Induction Air Temperature Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13519051

Service Connector: 19151498

Description: 5-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B78A Front Object Sensor - Left Outer (UD5)

B78A Front Object Sensor - Left Outer (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 6581 Front Parking Aid Display Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 OG/BK 5214 Low Reference -
3 0.5 PU/WH 5215 Front Parking Left Corner Sensor -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Front bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B78B Front Object Sensor - Right Outer (UD5)

B78B Front Object Sensor - Right Outer (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 6581 Front Parking Aid Display Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 OG/BK 5214 Low Reference -
3 0.5 BN/WH 5217 Front Parking Right Corner Sensor -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Front bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B78C Front Object Sensor - Left Middle (UD5)

B78C Front Object Sensor - Left Middle (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 6581 Front Parking Aid Display Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 OG/BK 5214 Low Reference -
3 0.5 WH 5216 Front Parking Left Mid Sensor -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Front bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B78D Front Object Sensor - Right Middle (UD5)

B78D Front Object Sensor - Right Middle (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 6581 Front Parking Aid Display Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 OG/BK 5214 Low Reference -
3 0.5 PU/BK 5218 Front Parking Right Mid Sensor -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Front bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B78E Rear Object Sensor - Left Middle (UD5)

B78E Rear Object Sensor - Left Middle (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU 2374 Object Sensor Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 GY 2379 Low Reference -
3 0.5 OG 2376 Left Rear Middle Object Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Rear bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B78F Rear Object Sensor - Right Middle (UD5)

B78F Rear Object Sensor - Right Middle (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU 2374 Object Sensor Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 GY 2379 Low Reference -
3 0.5 D-GN 2377 Right Rear Middle Object Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Rear bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B78G Rear Object Sensor - Left Outer (UD5)

B78G Rear Object Sensor - Left Outer (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU 2374 Object Sensor Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 GY 2379 Low Reference -
3 0.5 YE 2375 Left Rear Corner Object Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Rear bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B78H Rear Object Sensor - Right Outer (UD5)

B78H Rear Object Sensor - Right Outer (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU 2374 Object Sensor Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 GY 2379 Low Reference -
3 0.5 PU 2378 Right Rear Corner Object Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Rear bumper

OEM Connector: 13599025

Service Connector: 88988337

Description: 3-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B87 Rearview Camera (UVC)

B87 Rearview Camera (UVC)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 6972 Camera Signal #2 + -
2 0.35 BARE 6974 Camera Drain Wire -
3 0.35 L-GN 24 Backup Lamp Supply Voltage -
4 0.35 L-BU 6973 Camera Signal #2 -
5 0.35 BK/WH 2151 Signal Ground -
6 0.35 PK 1339 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Number plate lighting

OEM Connector: 13629704

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575840

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

B88D Seat Belt Switch - Driver

B88D Seat Belt Switch - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 TN/WH 238 Driver Seat Belt Switch Signal -
B 0.35 D-BU 1363 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 12052832

Service Connector: 12101825

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575524

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B88LR Seat Belt Switch - Left Rear

B88LR Seat Belt Switch - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 YE 5161 Left Rear Seat Belt Switch Signal -
B 0.35 L-BU 1361 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left rear seat

OEM Connector: 12052832

Service Connector: 12101825

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575524

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B88MR Seat Belt Switch - Rear Middle

B88MR Seat Belt Switch - Rear Middle

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 PK/WH 5163 Center Rear Seat Belt Switch Signal -
B 0.35 L-BU 1361 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right rear seat

OEM Connector: 12052832

Service Connector: 12101825

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575524

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B88P Seat Belt Switch - Passenger

B88P Seat Belt Switch - Passenger

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 OG 1362 Passenger Seat Belt Switch Signal -
B 0.35 L-BU 1361 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 12052832

Service Connector: 12101825

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575524

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B88RR Seat Belt Switch - Right Rear

B88RR Seat Belt Switch - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 PU 5162 Right Rear Seat Belt Switch Signal -
B 0.35 L-BU 1361 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right rear seat

OEM Connector: 12052833

Service Connector: 12117275

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with wiring - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12110502/3

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

B99 Steering Wheel Angle Sensor

B99 Steering Wheel Angle Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
2 0.35 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
3 0.35 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
4 0.35 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
5 0.35 D-GN 2087 Combined Vehicle Inertial Sensor Supply Voltage -
6 0.35 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13623722

Service Connector: 13503884

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MTS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

B101 Immobilizer Antenna

B101 Immobilizer Antenna

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-GN/WH 3277 Vehicle Anti-Theft System Immobilizer Return -
2 0.35 L-BU 7533 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 11 -
3 0.35 PK/BK 3276 Vehicle Anti-Theft System Immobilizer Supply Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13623687

Service Connector: 13503883

Description: 3-Way F Micro Quadlok Series (PU)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

B107 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor

B107 Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 TN 1274 5 Volt 3 Reference -
2 0.5 WH/BK 1164 5 Volt 4 Reference -
3 0.5 D-BU 1161 Accelerator Pedal Position Signal (1) -
4 0.5 BN 1271 Low Reference -
5 0.5 PU 1272 Low Reference -
6 0.5 L-BU 1162 Accelerator Pedal Position Signal (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 15383136

Service Connector: 13580116

Description: 6-Way F Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 4-969005-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B108 Air Quality Sensor (UEC)

B108 Air Quality Sensor (UEC)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 1039 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
2 0.5 BK 1050 Ground -
3 0.5 PU/WH 5203 Air Quality Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13623746

Service Connector: 13579598

Description: 3-Way F 0.64 Micro Quadlok Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 962885-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: 6/6

B117 Rain Sensor (CEC)

B117 Rain Sensor (CEC)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 RD/WH 240 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
3 0.35 BN 6132 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 1 -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 13623681

Service Connector: 13580732

Description: 3-Way F 0.64 MTS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

B118B Windshield Washer Fluid Level Switch

B118B Windshield Washer Fluid Level Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 1050 Ground -
2 0.35 TN 185 Low Washer Fluid Indicator Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Washer

OEM Connector: 15336195

Service Connector: 88988136

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575414

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B119 Multi-axis Acceleration Sensor

B119 Multi-axis Acceleration Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
2-3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
5 0.5 D-GN 2087 Combined Vehicle Inertial Sensor Supply Voltage -
6 0.35 BK/WH 751 Signal Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13611883

Service Connector: 19179377

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 4, 6

Cable splice: Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

Pins: 5

Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 8100-3618/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: 7/7

B157 Secondary Air Injection, Pressure Sensor (LAU)

B157 Secondary Air Injection, Pressure Sensor (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 GY 474 5 Volt 3 Reference -
2 0.5 BK/WH 51 Signal Ground -
3 0.5 BN/WH 6331 Air injection, reactor pump, pressure sensor signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15398808

Service Connector: 19115590

Description: 3-Way F SSC Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-33 (YE)

Terminal/Tray: 184095-1/7

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/D

B150 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor

B150 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-GN 890 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Signal -
2 0.5 BN/WH 6281 Low Reference -
3 0.5 GY 2709 5 Volt 1 Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Fuel sensor

OEM Connector: 13511996

Service Connector: 13580873

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B160 Windshield Temperature and Inside Moisture Sensor (ASV)

B160 Windshield Temperature and Inside Moisture Sensor (ASV)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 597 5 Volt Reference -
2 0.35 L-BU 7564 Humidity Sensor Signal -
3 0.35 D-GN 7566 Low Reference -
4 0.35 GY 7565 Windscreen Temp Sensor Signal -
5 0.35 TN 3197 Humidity Temperature Sensor Signal -
6 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 13726957

Service Connector: 13576539

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 Micro Quadlok Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

B161LF Vertical Suspension Acceleration Sensor - Left Front (F45)

B161LF Vertical Suspension Acceleration Sensor - Left Front (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 YE 1817 Left Front Wheel Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
B 0.8 WH 1100 Left Front Wheel Damping Accelerometer Signal -
C 0.8 PK/BK 1099 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left front wheel.

OEM Connector: 13519047

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

B161RF Vertical Suspension Acceleration Sensor - Right Front (F45)

B161RF Vertical Suspension Acceleration Sensor - Right Front (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 L-GN/BK 1819 Right Front Wheel Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
B 0.8 WH 1106 Right Front Wheel Damping Accelerometer Signal -
C 0.8 PK/BK 1105 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right front wheel

OEM Connector: 13519047

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 3-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

B162LF Vertical Body Acceleration Sensor - Left Front (F45)

B162LF Vertical Body Acceleration Sensor - Left Front (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU/WH 3258 Left Front Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
2 0.5 L-BU 3259 Left Front Accelerometer Signal -
3 0.5 GY 3260 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15397338

Service Connector: 13580108

Description: 3-Way F 2.8 Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B162R Vertical Body Acceleration Sensor - Rear (F45)

B162R Vertical Body Acceleration Sensor - Rear (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU/WH 3255 Rear Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
2 0.5 D-GN 3256 Rear Accelerometer Signal -
3 0.5 BN 3257 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15397338

Service Connector: 13580108

Description: 3-Way F 2.8 Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B162RF Vertical Body Acceleration Sensor - Right Front (F45)

B162RF Vertical Body Acceleration Sensor - Right Front (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/WH 3252 Right Front Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
2 0.5 D-BU 3253 Right Front Accelerometer Signal -
3 0.5 TN 3254 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15397338

Service Connector: 13580108

Description: 3-Way F 2.8 Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

B164 Liftgate Angle Sensor (TB5)

B164 Liftgate Angle Sensor (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 TN/BK 5803 Lift Gate Position Sensor Voltage Reference -
B - - - Not used -
C 0.5 L-BU/WH 5805 Lift Gate Position Sensor Signal (1) -
D 0.5 PU 5806 Lift Gate Position Sensor Signal (2) -
E 0.5 D-GN 5804 Low Reference -
F-G - - - Not used -
H 0.5 YE/BK 2999 Lift Gate Position Sensor Temperature Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 13668276

Service Connector: 13577117

Description: 8-Way F GT FBT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575492

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

B192 Throttle Inlet Absolute Pressure Sensor (LF1)

B192 Throttle Inlet Absolute Pressure Sensor (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 GY/WH 3201 5 Volt 1 Reference -
2 0.5 TN/WH 3202 Low Reference -
3 0.5 YE/WH 3200 Throttle Inlet Absolute Pressure Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15365614

Service Connector: 88988583

Description: 3-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

C1 Battery (+)

C1 Battery (+)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
+ 35 RD 1 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Battery positive

OEM Connector: K523C085

Splice connector: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Designation: Ring terminal

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: No Tool Reqd

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal pin/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

C1 Battery (-) X1 (Battery Negative Harness)

C1 Battery (-) X1 (Battery Negative Harness)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
- 32 BK 1450 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Battery negative

OEM Connector: 13649666

Splice connector: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Designation: Ring terminal

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: No Tool Reqd

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal pin/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not established

C1 Battery (-) X2 (Engine Harness) (LF1)

C1 Battery (-) X2 (Engine Harness) (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
- 0.5 BK 1150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13540658

Splice connector: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Designation: Ring terminal

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: No Tool Reqd

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal pin/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not established

C1 Battery (-) X2 (Engine Harness) (LAU)

C1 Battery (-) X2 (Engine Harness) (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
- 0.5 BK 1150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12103514

Splice connector: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Designation: Ring terminal

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Spare Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: No Tool Reqd

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal pin/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not established

E1C Accent Lamp - Driver Door Handle (TSQ)

E1C Accent Lamp - Driver Door Handle (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
2 0.35 BK 750 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's trim panel

OEM Connector: 13670097

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F 1.6 Timer Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575760

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

E1D Accent Lamp - Driver Door (TSQ)

E1D Accent Lamp - Driver Door (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
2 0.35 BK 750 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's trim panel

OEM Connector: 13670097

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F 1.6 Timer Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575760

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

E1J Accent Lamp - Left Lower Instrument Panel (TSQ)

E1J Accent Lamp - Left Lower Instrument Panel (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -
B 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 12047663

Service Connector: 12085481

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E1K Accent Lamp - Right Lower Instrument Panel (TSQ)

E1K Accent Lamp - Right Lower Instrument Panel (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -
B 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E1L Accent Lamp - Overhead Console

E1L Accent Lamp - Overhead Console

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
2 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E1LR Accent Lamp - Left Rear Door (TSQ)

E1LR Accent Lamp - Left Rear Door (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
2 0.8 BK 2150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13670097

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F 1.6 Timer Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575760

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

E1M Accent Lamp - Passenger Door Handle (TSQ)

E1M Accent Lamp - Passenger Door Handle (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
2 0.35 BK 650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door trim panel

OEM Connector: 13670097

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F 1.6 Timer Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575760

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

E1P Accent Lamp - Passenger Door (TSQ)

E1P Accent Lamp - Passenger Door (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
2 0.35 BK 650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door trim panel

OEM Connector: 13670097

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F 1.6 Timer Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575760

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

E1RR Accent Lamp - Right Rear Door (TSQ)

E1RR Accent Lamp - Right Rear Door (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
2 0.8 BK 2050 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13670097

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F 1.6 Timer Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575760

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

E4Y Turn Signal Repeater Lamp - Left

E4Y Turn Signal Repeater Lamp - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 BK 750 Ground -
2 0.5 L-BU/WH 1314 Supply Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15336027

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pin: 1: pending

Cable splice: Pin 2: 13575400

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

E4Z Turn Signal Repeater Lamp - Right

E4Z Turn Signal Repeater Lamp - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU/WH 1315 Right Front Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
2 1 BK 650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15336027

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1

Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575400

Unloading tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

E5A Backup Lamp - Left

E5A Backup Lamp - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 L-GN 24 Backup Lamp Supply Voltage -
B 0.5 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 13668003

Service Connector: 13577919

Description: 2-Way F GT FBT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575492

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

E5AJ Tail Lamp - Center

E5AJ Tail Lamp - Center

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 L-GN/RD 6846 Rear License Lamp Supply Voltage -
B 0.5 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Number plate lighting

OEM Connector: 15449028

Service Connector: 88987993

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

E5B Backup Lamp - Right

E5B Backup Lamp - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 L-GN 24 Backup Lamp Supply Voltage -
B 0.5 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 13668003

Service Connector: 13577919

Description: 2-Way F GT FBT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575492

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

E6 Center High Mounted Stop Lamp

E6 Center High Mounted Stop Lamp

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 WH 5065 Stop Lamp Relay Coil Supply Voltage -
B 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 12048457

Service Connector: 12085481

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E7L License Plate Lamp - Left

E7L License Plate Lamp - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 L-GN/RD 6846 Rear License Lamp Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Number plate lighting

OEM Connector: 15345129

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F Lamp Socket, Sealed (BN)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

E7R License Plate Lamp - Right

E7R License Plate Lamp - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 L-GN/RD 6846 Rear License Lamp Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Number plate lighting

OEM Connector: 15345129

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F Lamp Socket, Sealed (BN)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

E8A Door Sill Plate Lamp - Driver (TSQ)

E8A Door Sill Plate Lamp - Driver (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
B 1 BK 2150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15326801

Service Connector: 13580114

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A

Terminated Lead: 13327112

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

E8B Door Sill Plate Lamp - Passenger (TSQ)

E8B Door Sill Plate Lamp - Passenger (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
B 0.8 BK 2050 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15326801

Service Connector: 13580114

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A

Terminated Lead: 13327112

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

E8D Door Courtesy Lamp - Driver

E8D Door Courtesy Lamp - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 750 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's trim panel

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8J Instrument Panel Courtesy Lamp - Left

E8J Instrument Panel Courtesy Lamp - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 1750 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8K Instrument Panel Courtesy Lamp - Right

E8K Instrument Panel Courtesy Lamp - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8L Tailgate Courtesy Lamp

E8L Tailgate Courtesy Lamp

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 OG/BK 737 Trunk Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 1350 Ground TB5 with UQS
0.5 BK 1350 Ground UQ3 without TB5

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Tailgate trim panel

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8LR Door Courtesy Lamp - Left Rear

E8LR Door Courtesy Lamp - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 2150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door Trim

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8P Door Courtesy Lamp - Passenger

E8P Door Courtesy Lamp - Passenger

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door trim panel

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8RR Door Courtesy Lamp - Right Rear

E8RR Door Courtesy Lamp - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 2150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right Rear Door Trim

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8T Seat Courtesy Lamp - Left Rear (TSQ)

E8T Seat Courtesy Lamp - Left Rear (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 OG 7559 LED Ambient Lighting Control 3 -
B 0.35 BK 2150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left rear seat

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E8U Seat Courtesy Lamp - right rear (TSQ)

E8U Seat Courtesy Lamp - right rear (TSQ)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
B 0.35 BK 2050 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right rear seat

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E14A Seat Heating Element - Driver Back (KA1)

E14A Seat Heating Element - Driver Back (KA1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 L-GN 2078 Driver Heated Seat Element Return -
B 0.8 PU 2424 Driver Heated Back Element Return -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 12059254

Service Connector: 12126020

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (GN)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13505668

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

E14B Seat Heating Element - Driver Cushion (KA1)

E14B Seat Heating Element - Driver Cushion (KA1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 PK 2077 Driver Heated Seat Element Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 L-GN 2078 Driver Heated Seat Element Return -
C 0.35 YE/BK 2079 Driver Heated Seat NTC Signal -
D 0.35 YE 2080 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13748387

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 4-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, B

Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Pins: C, D

Terminated Lead: 13575463

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E14C Seat Heating Element - Passenger Back (KA1)

E14C Seat Heating Element - Passenger Back (KA1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 PK 2480 Passenger Heated Seat Element Return -
B 0.8 L-BU 2433 Passenger Heated Back Element Return -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 12059254

Service Connector: 12126020

Description: 2-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (GN)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13505668

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

E14D Seat Heating Element - Passenger Cushion (KA1)

E14D Seat Heating Element - Passenger Cushion (KA1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 D-BU 2479 Passenger Heated Seat Element Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 PK 2480 Passenger Heated Seat Element Return -
C 0.35 GY 2434 Passenger Heated Seat NTC Signal -
D 0.35 PK 2435 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 13748387

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 4-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, B

Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Pins: C, D

Terminated Lead: 13575463

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E14F Seat Heating Element - Left Rear Cushion (KA6)

E14F Seat Heating Element - Left Rear Cushion (KA6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 GY 2294 Left Rear Heated Seat Cushion Element Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 BN 2295 Left Rear Heated Seat Cushion Element Return -
C 0.35 L-BU 7047 Left Rear Cushion NTC Signal -
D 0.35 L-BU/WH 7048 Left Rear Cushion NTC Return -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left rear seat

OEM Connector: 12047786

Service Connector: 12085536

Description: 4-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, B

Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Pins: C, D

Terminated Lead: 13575463

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E14H Seat Heating Element - Right Rear Cushion (KA6)

E14H Seat Heating Element - Right Rear Cushion (KA6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 D-GN 2296 Right Rear Heated Seat Cushion Element Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 BN 2297 Right Rear Heated Seat Cushion Element Return -
C 0.35 OG 7053 Right Rear Cushion NTC Signal -
D 0.35 OG/WH 7054 Right Rear Cushion NTC Return -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right rear seat

OEM Connector: 12047786

Service Connector: 12085536

Description: 4-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, B

Terminated Lead: 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Pins: C, D

Terminated Lead: 13575463

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E18 Rear Defogger Grid X1

E18 Rear Defogger Grid X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 PU 293 Rear Defog Element Supply Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 12059885

Service Connector: 12101893

Description: 1-Way M Metri-Pack 480 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12101893

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-41 (BU)

Terminal/Tray: 12020120/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/D

E18 Rear Defogger Grid X2

E18 Rear Defogger Grid X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 12059885

Service Connector: 12101893

Description: 1-Way M Metri-Pack 480 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12101893

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-41 (BU)

Terminal/Tray: 12020120/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/D

E27 Instrument Panel Compartment Lamp

E27 Instrument Panel Compartment Lamp

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 OG 6815 Inadvertent Power Control -
2 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice Pin 1 - 13575855

Cable splice Pin 2 - 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E29LF Fog Lamp - Left Front (T96)

E29LF Fog Lamp - Left Front (T96)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 PU 2234 Front Fog Lamp Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 BK 150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Front bumper

OEM Connector: 12059183

Service Connector: 12101898

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12077411/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/5

E29RF Fog Lamp - Right Front (T96)

E29RF Fog Lamp - Right Front (T96)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 PU 2234 Front Fog Lamp Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 BK 150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Front bumper

OEM Connector: 12059183

Service Connector: 12101898

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12077411/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/5

E33L Cargo Lamp - Left

E33L Cargo Lamp - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 OG/BK 737 Trunk Lamp Control -
2 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E33R Cargo Lamp - Right

E33R Cargo Lamp - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 OG/BK 737 Trunk Lamp Control -
2 1 BK 1250 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pin 1: 13575790

Cable splice Pin 2: 13327201

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: Pins 2 - 8240-0128/22

Terminal/Tray: Pins 1 - 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 2 - C/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 1 - E/C

E37D Dome/Reading Lamps - Overhead Console

E37D Dome/Reading Lamps - Overhead Console

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 OG 6815 Inadvertent Power Control -
2 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
3 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
4 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 13607335

Service Connector: 13316141

Description: 4-Way F 1.5 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327109

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E37LR Dome/Reading Lamps - Left Rear

E37LR Dome/Reading Lamps - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 OG 6815 Inadvertent Power Control -
B 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
C 0.5 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 12047781

Service Connector: 12101864

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

E37RR Dome/Reading Lamps - Right Rear

E37RR Dome/Reading Lamps - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 OG 6815 Inadvertent Power Control -
B 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
C 0.5 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 12047781

Service Connector: 12101864

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

F105 Passenger Instrument Panel Air Bag X1

F105 Passenger Instrument Panel Air Bag X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 OG 3024 Passenger IP Module Stage 1 Low Control -
2 0.5 YE 3025 Passenger IP Module Stage 1 High Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger airbag

OEM Connector: N/A

Service connector: Service by Component Assembly - See spare parts catalogue

Description: 2-Way F (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Component Assembly - See spare parts catalogue

Unloading tool: Not applicable

Diagnostic meter tip: Not applicable

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F105 Passenger Instrument Panel Air Bag X2

F105 Passenger Instrument Panel Air Bag X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU 3026 Passenger IP Module Stage 2 Low Control -
2 0.5 GY 3027 Passenger IP Module Stage 2 High Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger airbag

OEM Connector: N/A

Service connector: Service by Component Assembly - See spare parts catalogue

Description: 2-Way F (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Component Assembly - See spare parts catalogue

Unloading tool: Not applicable

Diagnostic meter tip: Not applicable

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F105L Roof Rail Air Bag - Left

F105L Roof Rail Air Bag - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK 5020 Left Front Head Curtain Module Low Control -
2 0.5 PU/WH 5019 Left Front Head Curtain Module High Control -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13740528

Service Connector: 13580093

Description: 2 way female (BK with YE casing)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service at connection joint - 13580093

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F105R Roof Rail Air Bag - Right

F105R Roof Rail Air Bag - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 WH/BK 5022 Right Front Head Curtain Module Low Control -
2 0.5 YE/BK 5021 Right Front Head Curtain Module High Control -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13740528

Service Connector: 13580093

Description: 2 way female unsealed (BK with YE casing)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service at connection joint - 13580093

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F106LF Seat Air Bag - Left Front

F106LF Seat Air Bag - Left Front

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 L-BU 3068 Driver Side Impact Module High Control -
2 0.5 L-GN/BK 3069 Driver Side Impact Module Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13768613

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2 way female unsealed (BK with YE casing)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F106RF Seat Air Bag - Right Front

F106RF Seat Air Bag - Right Front

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU 3066 Passenger Side Impact Module High Control -
2 0.5 TN/BK 3067 Passenger Side Impact Module Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13768614

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2 way female unsealed (BK with YE casing)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F107 Steering wheel airbag X1

F107 Steering wheel airbag X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 TN 3021 Steering Wheel Module Stage 1 High Control -
2 0.5 BN 3020 Steering Wheel Module - Stage 1 Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: 19153417

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2 way female unsealed (BK with YE casing)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F107 Steering wheel airbag X2

F107 Steering wheel airbag X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 WH 3023 Steering Wheel Module - Stage 2, High Control -
2 0.5 PK 3022 Steering Wheel Module - Stage 2, Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: 19153418

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way female (YE)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F109E Seat Belt Buckle Pretensioner - 2nd Row Left

F109E Seat Belt Buckle Pretensioner - 2nd Row Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 5155 Left Rear Seat Belt Pretensioner Control -
2 0.5 YE/BK 5156 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13826985

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F FBP90-1 Series (BK with YE cover)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F109F Seat Belt Buckle Pretensioner - 2nd Row Right

F109F Seat Belt Buckle Pretensioner - 2nd Row Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU 5157 Right Rear Seat Belt Pretensioner Control -
2 0.5 BN/WH 5158 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13826986

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F FBP90-1 Series (BK with YE cover)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F112D Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner - Driver

F112D Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 TN/WH 3477 Driver Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner High Control -
2 0.5 PK/BK 3478 Driver Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13740525

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F FBP90-1 Series (BK with YE cover)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F112P Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner - Passenger

F112P Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner - Passenger

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 L-GN 3475 Passenger Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner High Control -
2 0.5 PK 3476 Passenger Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13740526

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F FBP90-1 Series (BK with YE cover)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F113D Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner - Driver

F113D Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 L-BU 3481 Driver Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner High Control -
2 0.5 D-GN 3482 Driver Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13768615

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F FBP90-1 Series (BK with YE cover)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

F113P Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner - Passenger

F113P Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner - Passenger

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 3479 Passenger Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner High Control -
2 0.5 D-GN/WH 3480 Passenger Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 13768623

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F FBP90-1 Series (BK with YE cover)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

G6 Brake Booster Pump - Accessory

G6 Brake Booster Pump - Accessory

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 OG 1470 Brake Booster Pump Motor Supply Voltage -
2 0.8 BK 250 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlamps (LAU)

Cable harness type: Engine (LF1)

OEM Connector: 10779536

Service Connector: 19115602

Description: 2-Way M 2.8 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

G8 Coolant Pump - Auxiliary (LAU)

G8 Coolant Pump - Auxiliary (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 1 BK 450 Ground -
2 0.8 PK 5126 After Boil Heater Pump Supply Voltage -
3 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13663390

Service Connector: 13574937

Description: 3-Way F 1.2 MLK Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

G10 Cooling Fan Motor (LF1)

G10 Cooling Fan Motor (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 5 BK 450 Ground -
2 5 L-BU 409 Cooling Fan Motor Supply Voltage (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 10890183

Service Connector: 13574939

Description: 2-Way F 9.5 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-22 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-3250/10

Core/Insulation Crimp: G/3

G13 Alternator X1

G13 Alternator X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 25 Charge Indicator Control -
2 0.5 GY 23 Alternator Field Duty Cycle Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12186308

Service Connector: 89046837

Description: 2-Way F Junior Power Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

G13 Alternator X2

G13 Alternator X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 32 RD/BK 2 Battery Positive Voltage -

Terminal Part Information
Cable harness type: Battery cable

Designation: Ring terminal

Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal/Tray: Pending

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not established

G16 Headlamp Washer Fluid Pump (CE4)

G16 Headlamp Washer Fluid Pump (CE4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU 1197 Headlamp Washer Pump Control -
2 0.5 BK 1050 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Washer

OEM Connector: 15416991

Service Connector: 19178185

Description: 2-Way F 1.5 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4102-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

G18 High Pressure Fuel Pump (LF1)

G18 High Pressure Fuel Pump (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU 7300 High Pressure Fuel Pump Actuator Low - Control -
2 0.5 YE 7301 High Pressure Fuel Pump Actuator High - Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15339756

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump (LAU)

G21 Secondary Air Injection Pump (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 4 OG 78 Air Injection Reaction Pump Supply Voltage -
2 4 BK 450 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15380936

Service Connector: 13574941

Description: 2-Way F 5.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575437

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-42 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 1241818-1/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: B/G

G24 Windshield Washer Pump

G24 Windshield Washer Pump

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 D-GN 392 Rear Window Washer Pump Control -
2 0.8 OG 98 Rear Window Washer Pump Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Washer

OEM Connector: 15416991

Service Connector: 19178185

Description: 2-Way F 1.5 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

K8 Blower Motor Control Module X1

K8 Blower Motor Control Module X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 GY/BK 754 Blower Motor Speed Control -
4 - - - Not used -
5 3 BK 1650 Ground -
6 3 RD/BK 542 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13520671

Service Connector: 88988512

Description: 6-Way F GT 150 6.3 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 3

Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

Pins: 5, 6

Cable splice: Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K8 Blower Motor Control Module X2

K8 Blower Motor Control Module X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 4 RD 65 Battery + -
2 4 BK 5987 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Fan motor

OEM Connector: 10846816

Service Connector: 88988507

Description: 2-Way female F 6.3 series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575289

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-42 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4122-02/10

Core/Insulation Crimp: D/G

K8A Control module, fan motor- accessory X1 (CJ4)

K8A Control module, fan motor- accessory X1 (CJ4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-GN 2211 Fan motor, speed control -
2 0.5 PK 739 Ignition 1 Voltage -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.5 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13654155

Service Connector: 88988640

Description: 4-Way F (WH)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575746

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic meter tip: N/A

Terminal/tray: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

K8A Control module, fan motor- accessory X2 (CJ4)

K8A Control module, fan motor- accessory X2 (CJ4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 OG 5988 Fan motor, low control -
B 0.5 D-BU 101 Fan motor, power supply -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Fan motor, accessory

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way female series Metri-Pack 150 (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 12064971/5

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

K9 Body Control Module X1

K9 Body Control Module X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 1 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
2 3 RD/WH 2540 Battery Positive Voltage -
3 0.5 RD/WH 2140 Battery Positive Voltage -
4 0.5 RD/WH 2240 Battery Positive Voltage -
5 0.35 PU/WH 6816 Indicator Dimming Control -
6 0.35 YE 7554 Park Lock Solenoid Soft Control -
7 - - - Not used -
8 0.35 L-GN 5720 Ignition Mode Switch Accessory LED Signal -
9 0.35 D-GN 7555 Lighting Control Switch Signal -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 D-GN 306 Headlamp Switch Headlamps Off Signal Control -
12 0.35 WH/RD 6821 Switch signal, Night Panel -
13 - - - Not used -
14 0.35 PU 328 Interior Lamp Defeat Switch Signal -
15 - - - Not used -
16 0.35 WH 103 Headlamp Switch On Signal -
17 0.35 PU/WH 7543 Hazard LED Dimming Signal -
18 - - - Not used -
19 0.35 BN 5360 Low Reference -
20 0.35 D-BU 5719 Ignition Mode Switch Start LED Signal -
21 0.35 GY 728 Security Indicator Control -
22 0.35 L-BU 13 Headlamp Switch Park Lamp Signal -
23 - - - Not used -
24 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
25 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
26 0.35 L-GN 3274 Remote Function Actuator Transmit Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13594128

Service Connector: 19151262

Description: 26-Way F 0.64 2.8 Series (WH)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4

Terminated Lead: 13327199

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC-A061T-M2.8/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 3, 4 - E/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 1 - C/A

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575560

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC-A081T-M2.8/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/D

Pins: 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 19-22, 24-26

Terminated Lead: 13575870

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K9 Body Control Module X2

K9 Body Control Module X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 RD/WH 2740 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 1 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
3 0.8 RD/WH 2940 Battery Positive Voltage -
4 3 RD/WH 4040 Battery Positive Voltage -
5 0.35 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
6 0.35 GY 5697 Child Lockout Indicator -
7 0.35 YE 5361 Brake Apply Sensor Signal -
8 0.5 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
9 - - - Not used -
10 0.35 WH 278 Ambient Light Sensor Signal -
11 0.35 PU 5526 Tap Up/Tap Down Switch Signal -
12 0.35 GY 391 Rear Wiper Switch Signal -
13 0.35 WH 5359 Brake Apply Sensor Supply Voltage -
14 0.35 L-BU 1788 Traction Control Switch Signal (1) -
15 0.35 OG/BK 781 Driver Door Lock Switch Unlock Signal -
16 0.35 GY 3273 Remote Function Actuator Return -
17 0.35 L-GN/WH 5723 Ignition Mode Switch Mode Voltage -
18 0.35 L-BU 3265 Child Security Lock Switch Signal -
19 0.35 PK/BK 780 Driver Door Lock Switch Lock Signal -
20 - - - Not used -
21 0.35 GY 6135 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 4 -
22 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
23 0.8 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
24 0.8 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
25 0.35 PK/WH 3272 Remote Function Actuator Supply Voltage -
26 0.35 WH 111 Hazard Switch Signal -
27 0.35 L-BU/WH 3275 Remote Function Actuator Receive Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13594133

Service Connector: 19151266

Description: 27-Way F 0.64 2.8 Series (L-BU)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575560

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC-A081T-M2.8/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/D

Pins: 2, 3

Terminated Lead: 13327199

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC-A061T-M2.8/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 2 - C/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 3 - E/A

Pins: 5-8, 10-19, 21, 22, 25-27

Terminated Lead: 13575870

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

Pins: 23, 24

Terminated Lead: 13327197

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A031T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K9 Body Control Module X3

K9 Body Control Module X3

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-GN/WH 3277 Vehicle Anti-Theft System Immobilizer Return -
2 0.35 L-BU 7533 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 11 -
3 0.35 PK/BK 3276 Vehicle Anti-Theft System Immobilizer Supply Voltage -
4 0.35 YE 7556 Lighting Control Switch Reference -
5 0.35 BN 4 Accessory Voltage -
6 0.35 PK 3 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
7 - - - Not used -
8 0.35 L-GN 6818 Steering Wheel Resistor Ladder Signal #1 -
9 0.35 GY 1884 Cruise Control Set/Coast/Resume/Accelerate Switch Signal -
10 0.35 TN/BK 6009 Low Reference -
11 0.35 PU 524 Headlamp Dimmer Switch High Beam Signal -
12 0.35 D-GN 663 Hazard Switch Left Turn Signal -
13 0.35 L-BU 1714 Windshield Wiper Switch Low Signal -
14 0.35 L-BU 553 Gear selector switch, signal, performance -
15-16 - - - Not used -
17 0.35 YE 307 Headlamp Switch Flash To Pass Signal -
18 0.35 L-GN/WH 3287 Horn Switch Signal -
19 - - - Not used -
20 0.35 L-GN 1715 Windshield Wiper Switch High Signal -
21 0.35 PU 5526 Tap Up/Tap Down Switch Signal -
22-23 - - - Not used -
24 0.35 TN 664 Hazard Switch Right Turn Signal -
25 0.35 PK 94 Windshield Washer Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13594127

Service Connector: 19151261

Description: 25-Way F 0.64 Series (L-GN)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575870

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K9 Body Control Module X4

K9 Body Control Module X4

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 D-BU 7539 Right Front DRL Supply Voltage -
2 0.8 L-BU 7538 Left Front DRL Supply Voltage -
3 0.5 D-BU/WH 1315 Right Front Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
4 0.35 D-GN/WH 1335 Right Rear Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
0.35 D-GN/WH 1335 Right Rear Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
5 0.5 BN/WH 309 Right Park Lamp Supply Voltage -
6 0.5 PU 709 Left Park Lamp Supply Voltage -
7 0.5 YE 7542 Left Rear Stop Lamp Supply Voltage -
8 0.35 D-GN 5706 Endgate Latch Relay Supply Voltage Without TB5
9 0.35 D-BU 3263 Relay opening control, logistics mode -
10 0.35 YE 5420 Rear Wiper Motor Relay Coil Control -
11 0.35 WH 5065 Stop Lamp Relay Coil Supply Voltage -
12 0.35 PK 70 RAP Relay Switch Supply Voltage -
13 - - - Not used -
14 0.5 OG 2268 Windshield Washer Relay Control -
15 0.5 YE 5199 Run/Crank Relay Coil Control -
16 0.35 GY 91 Windshield Wiper Motor Relay Coil Supply Voltage -
17 0.5 YE 196 Windshield Wiper Motor Park Switch Signal -
18 0.5 WH 5075 Current Sensor Signal -
19 - - - Not used -
20 0.5 RD/WH 2340 Battery Positive Voltage -
21 0.5 PK 5076 Current Sensor Supply Voltage -
22 0.5 D-BU 5985 Accessory Wakeup Serial Data -
23 0.35 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
24 0.35 PK/BK 109 Hood Ajar Switch Signal -
25 - - - Not used -
26 0.5 BK 1150 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13594129

Service Connector: 19151263

Description: 26-Way F 0.64 2.8 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-4

Terminated Lead: 13327199

Unloading tool: Pins 1-4 - J-38125-12A

Unloading tool: Pins 4 - Pending

Diagnostic Test Probe: Pin 1-3 - J-35616-35 (VT)

Diagnostic meter tip: Pins 4 - Pending

Terminal/Tray: Pins 1-3 - SNAC-A061T-M2.8/20

Terminal/Tray: Pins 4 - Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 1-3 - E/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 4 - Not Available

Pins: 5-12, 14-18, 20-24, 26

Terminated Lead: 13575870

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K9 Body Control Module X5

K9 Body Control Module X5

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 YE/BK 1334 Left Rear Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
0.35 YE/BK 1334 Left Rear Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
2 0.35 L-BU/WH 1314 Left Front Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
0.35 L-BU/WH 1314 Left Front Turn Signal Lamp Supply Voltage -
3 3 RD/WH 3840 Battery Positive Voltage -
4 3 RD/WH 3440 Battery Positive Voltage -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.5 BN 5077 Low Reference -
7 0.5 D-GN 7541 Right Rear Stop Lamp Supply Voltage -
8 0.35 OG 5186 Left Trailer Turn Signal Lamp V92
9 - - - Not used -
10 0.35 D-GN/WH 1317 Fog Lamp Relay Control -
11 0.35 L-GN 2270 Rear Window Washer Relay Control -
12 0.35 L-BU/WH 6311 Cruise/ETC/TCC Brake Signal -
13 0.35 PK/WH 1970 Headlamp Low Beam Relay Control TT6
14 0.35 L-GN 5486 Control, relay winding -
15 0.35 D-BU 9382 Transmission Sport Mode Indicator Control -
16 0.35 L-GN/BK 3267 Child Security Lock Relay Control -
17 0.35 YE 5187 Right Trailer Turn Signal Lamp V92
18 0.5 TN/WH 1969 Headlamp High Beam Relay Control -
19 0.35 TN 28 Horn Relay Control -
20 0.35 YE 5704 Endgate Latch Relay Coil Control Without TB5
21 0.35 D-GN 9381 Transmission Intelligent Mode Indicator Control -
22 0.35 D-BU 45 Park Lamp Relay Control V92
23 0.35 D-GN 9383 Transmission Comfort Mode Indicator Control -
24 0.5 TN 860 Front Windshield Wiper Switch High Signal -
25 - - - Not used -
26 0.5 WH 2282 Headlamp Washer Relay Control CE4

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13594130

Service Connector: 19151264

Description: 26-Way F 0.64 2.8 Series (BN)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 2

Terminated Lead: 13327199

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

Pins: 3, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575560

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC-A081T-M2.8/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/D

Pins: 6-8, 10-24, 26

Terminated Lead: 13575870

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K9 Body Control Module X6

K9 Body Control Module X6

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 L-BU 195 Door Lock Control -
2 2 D-GN 3271 Door Lock Control (2) -
3 2 BK 750 Ground -
4 2 TN 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
5 0.35 PK/BK 1303 Lift Gate Ajar Switch Signal (1) Without TB5
6-9 - - - Not used -
10 0.35 D-GN 6134 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 3 -
11-14 - - - Not used -
15 0.35 GY 5797 Rear Closure Handle Switch Open Signal Without TB5
16 0.35 BN 6132 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 1 -
17-21 - - - Not used -
22 0.35 GY 5054 Sport Mode Switch Signal -
23 - - - Not used -
24 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
25 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
26 0.35 PK 7557 LED Ambient Lighting Control 1 -
27 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13594134

Service Connector: 19151267

Description: 27-Way F 0.64 2.8 Series (PK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-4

Terminated Lead: 13575560

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC-A081T-M2.8/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/D

Pins: 5, 10, 15, 16, 22, 24-26

Terminated Lead: 13575870

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K9 Body Control Module X7

K9 Body Control Module X7

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 GY 157 Interior Lamp Control -
2 0.5 OG 6815 Inadvertent Power Control -
3 0.5 L-GN 24 Backup Lamp Supply Voltage -
4 0.35 PK/BK 186 Fuel Door Lock Relay Control -
5 0.35 TN 3572 Driver Door Unlatch Enable Signal ATH
6 0.35 TN 7553 Park Lock Solenoid Control -
7 0.35 OG/BK 737 Trunk Lamp Control -
8 0.5 D-GN/RD 6846 Rear License Lamp Supply Voltage -
9 0.5 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
10-11 - - - Not used -
12 0.35 BN/WH 3269 Child Security Lock Motor Status Signal Left Rear -
13 0.35 PU/WH 5905 Key Capture/Column Lock Shift Position Signal -
14-15 - - - Not used -
16 0.35 L-GN 3264 Relay closure, logistics mode -
17 0.35 D-BU 3573 Non Driver Door Unlatch Enable Signal ATH
18 0.35 GY/BK 3268 Child Security Lock Motor Status Signal Right Rear -
19 0.35 WH 156 Courtesy Lamp Switch Signal -
20-21 - - - Not used -
22 0.35 OG 5721 Ignition Mode Switch Off LED Signal -
23 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
24-26 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13594132

Service Connector: 19151265

Description: 26-Way F 0.64 2.8 Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-3

Terminated Lead: 13327199

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC-A061T-M2.8/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Pins: 4-9, 12, 13, 17-19, 22, 23

Terminated Lead: 13575870

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K17 Electronic Brake Control Module

K17 Electronic Brake Control Module

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 5 RD/BK 442 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 - - - Not used -
3 0.5 L-GN 1903 AAS Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Left Front -
4-7 - - - Not used -
8 0.5 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
9-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
12 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
13 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
14 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
15 0.5 YE 6641 Variable Effort Steering Solenoid Control NV7
16 5 BK 1050 Ground -
17 0.5 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
18-19 - - - Not used -
20 0.5 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
21 - - - Not used -
22 0.5 D-GN 2087 Combined Vehicle Inertial Sensor Supply Voltage -
23-25 - - - Not used -
26 0.5 GY 6031 5 Volt Reference -
27 0.5 YE/BK 6032 Low Reference -
28-31 - - - Not used -
32 2 RD/BK 1042 Battery Positive Voltage -
33 0.5 TN 833 Low Reference -
34 0.5 D-GN 872 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Right Front -
35 0.5 BN 6305 Brake Vacuum Switch Signal -
36 0.5 TN 884 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Left Rear -
37 0.5 OG 885 Low Reference -
38 - - - Not used -
39 0.5 PU 333 Brake Fluid Level Sensor Signal -
40 - - - Not used -
41 0.5 OG 6030 Brake Vacuum Sensor Signal -
42 0.5 WH 883 Low Reference -
43 0.5 BN 882 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Right Rear -
44 0.5 BN 1295 Variable Effort Steering Solenoid Supply Voltage NV7
45 0.5 L-BU 830 Wheel Speed Sensor Signal Left Front -
46 0.5 YE 873 Low Reference -
47 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13547678

Service Connector: 19115598

Description: 47-Way F MK25 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 16

Terminated Lead: 13575383

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-42 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4142-02/10

Core/Insulation Crimp: D/3

Pins: 3, 8, 12, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 26, 27, 33-37, 39, 41-46

Terminated Lead: 13575814

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 638551-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

Pins: 11, 14

Terminated Lead: 13575532

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 638551-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

Pins: 32

Terminated Lead: 13575439

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K19 Suspension Control Module (F45)

K19 Suspension Control Module (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 BK 2050 Ground -
2 - - - Not used -
3 0.5 PK/BK 1099 Low Reference -
4 0.5 PK/BK 1105 Low Reference -
5 0.5 GY 3260 Low Reference -
6 0.5 TN 3254 Low Reference -
7 0.5 BN 3257 Low Reference -
8-9 - - - Not used -
10 0.5 YE 1817 Left Front Wheel Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
11 0.5 L-GN/BK 1819 Right Front Wheel Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
12 0.5 PU/WH 3258 Left Front Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
13 0.5 PK/WH 3252 Right Front Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
14 0.5 D-BU/WH 3255 Rear Accelerometer Voltage Reference -
15 - - - Not used -
16 2 WH 1106 Right Front Wheel Damping Accelerometer Signal -
17 - - - Not used -
18 0.5 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
19 0.5 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
20 0.5 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
21 0.5 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
22 - - - Not used -
23 0.5 D-GN 3256 Rear Accelerometer Signal -
24 0.5 L-BU 3259 Left Front Accelerometer Signal -
25 0.5 D-BU 3253 Right Front Accelerometer Signal -
26 - - - Not used -
27 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
28 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
29 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
30 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
31 - - - Not used -
32 2 RD/WH 1740 Battery Positive Voltage -
33 0.5 D-GN 1119 Right Rear Damping Servo Control -
34 0.5 D-BU/WH 1118 Right Rear Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
35 0.5 D-BU/WH 1114 Left Rear Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
36 0.5 D-GN 1115 Left Rear Damping Servo Control -
37-38 - - - Not used -
39 0.5 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
40 - - - Not used -
41 0.5 WH 1100 Left Front Wheel Damping Accelerometer Signal -
42 - - - Not used -
43 0.5 GY 1113 Left Front Damping Servo Control -
44 0.5 L-BU/WH 1107 Left Front Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
45 0.5 GY 1117 Right Front Damping Servo Control -
46 0.5 L-BU/WH 1116 Right Front Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
47 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15491307

Service Connector: 89047377

Description: 47-Way F ASG Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 16, 32

Terminated Lead: 13327187

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-42 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 15476168/5

Core/Insulation Crimp: F/3

Pins: 3-7, 10-14, 18-21, 23-25, 27, 29, 33-36, 39, 41, 43-46

Terminated Lead: 13575378

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITS-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: 9/9

Pins: 28, 30

Terminated Lead: 13575379

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITS-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: 9/9

K20 Engine Control Module X1 (LAU)

K20 Engine Control Module X1 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 L-GN 5282 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (1) -
2 0.5 PU 5284 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (1) -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.8 YE/BK 846 Fuel Injector Control (6) -
5 0.5 D-GN/WH 428 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Control -
6 - - - Not used -
7 0.5 OG 5275 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor (1) -
8 - - - Not used -
9 0.5 PU 5274 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor (2) -
10 0.5 BN 25 Charge Indicator Control -
11 0.5 BN 1174 Oil Level Switch Signal -
12 - - - Not used -
13 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference -
14 - - - Not used -
15 0.5 OG/BK 7376 5 Volt 1 Reference -
16 0.5 WH 5268 Turbo Bypass Valve Control -
17 - - - Not used -
18 0.5 YE 258 Waste Gate Solenoid Control -
19-23 - - - Not used -
24 0.5 WH 560 Throttle Relaxer Motor Supply Voltage -
25 0.5 WH/BK 5283 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (2) -
26 0.8 PK/BK 1746 Fuel Injector Control (3) -
27 - - - Not used -
28 0.8 TN/WH 845 Fuel Injector Control (5) -
29 - - - Not used -
30 0.5 GY 23 Alternator Field Duty Cycle Signal -
31-32 - - - Not used -
33 0.5 YE 5276 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor (2) -
34 0.5 D-GN 5273 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor (1) -
35 0.5 YE 573 Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal (1) -
36-38 - - - Not used -
39 0.5 GY 416 5 Volt 4 Reference -
40 0.5 GY 474 5 Volt 3 Reference -
41 0.5 PK/BK 632 Low Reference -
42 - - - Not used -
43 0.5 BK/WH 51 Signal Ground -
44 0.5 TN 2761 Low Reference -
45 0.5 L-GN 2867 Crankshaft Position Sensor Supply Voltage -
46 0.5 PU 574 Low Reference -
47 - - - Not used -
48 0.5 GY 561 Throttle Relaxer Motor Return -
49 0.5 OG/BK 5272 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (2) -
50 0.8 L-BU/BK 844 Fuel Injector Control (4) -
51 0.8 TN 1744 Fuel Injector Control (1) -
52 0.8 L-GN/BK 1745 Fuel Injector Control (2) -
53-54 - - - Not used -
55 0.5 PU 2121 Ignition Control (1) -
56 0.5 L-BU 2123 Ignition Control (3) -
57 0.5 D-GN 2125 Ignition Control (5) -
58 - - - Not used -
59 0.5 D-BU 496 Knock Sensor Signal (1) -
60 0.5 GY 2303 Low Reference -
61 0.5 TN/WH 331 Oil Pressure Sensor Signal -
62-63 - - - Not used -
64 0.5 OG/BK 469 Low Reference -
65 - - - Not used -
66 0.5 L-GN 432 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Signal -
67 0.5 TN 1664 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
68-77 - - - Not used -
78 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference -
79 0.5 OG/WH 2122 Ignition Control (2) -
80 0.5 D-GN/WH 2124 Ignition Control (4) -
81 0.5 L-BU/WH 2126 Ignition Control (6) -
82 0.5 YE 410 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal -
83 0.5 GY 1716 Low Reference -
84 0.5 L-BU 1876 Knock Sensor Signal (2) -
85 - - - Not used -
86 0.5 L-BU 6118 Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
87 0.5 BN/WH 6331 Air Injection Reaction Pump Pressure Sensor Signal -
88 0.5 TN 2752 Low Reference -
89 0.5 PU 486 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (2) -
90 0.5 D-GN 485 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (1) -
91 - - - Not used -
92 0.5 PU/WH 1665 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
93-94 - - - Not used -
95 0.5 GY 2704 5 Volt 3 Reference -
96 0.5 GY/WH 3113 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13606728

Service Connector: 19153157

Description: 96-Way F 120 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575545

Release Tool: J-38125-213

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498135/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K20 Engine Control Module X1 (LF1)

K20 Engine Control Module X1 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-3 - - - N/A -
4 0.5 YE/WH 3200 Throttle Inlet Absolute Pressure Sensor Signal -
5 0.5 GY/WH 3201 5 Volt 1 Reference -
6 0.5 OG/BK 380 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Signal -
7-8 - - - N/A -
9 0.5 D-GN 890 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Signal -
10 0.5 GY 2709 5 Volt 1 Reference -
11-13 - - - N/A -
14 0.5 WH/BK 1164 5 Volt 4 Reference -
15 0.5 D-BU 1161 Accelerator Pedal Position Signal (1) -
16-19 - - - N/A -
20 0.5 TN/WH 3202 Low Reference -
21 0.5 GY 2700 5 Volt 1 Reference -
22 0.5 TN 5514 Low Reference -
23-24 - - - N/A -
25 0.5 PU 1589 Primary Fuel Level Sensor Signal -
26 0.5 BN/WH 6281 Low Reference -
27 0.5 L-BU 1937 Secondary Fuel Level Sensor Signal -
28-29 - - - N/A -
30 0.5 BN 1271 Low Reference -
31-32 - - - Not used -
33 0.5 TN 1274 5 Volt 3 Reference -
34 0.5 L-BU 1162 Accelerator Pedal Position Signal (2) -
35-38 - - - N/A -
39 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
40 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
41 - - - N/A -
42 0.5 D-BU 473 High Speed Cooling Fan Relay Control -
43 - - - N/A -
44 0.5 D-GN/WH 465 Fuel Pump Primary Relay Control -
45 - - - N/A -
46 0.5 BN/WH 419 Check Engine Indicator Control -
47-50 - - - N/A -
51 0.5 PK 439 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
52 0.5 RD/WH 440 Battery Positive Voltage -
53 0.5 PU 1272 Low Reference -
54-56 - - - N/A -
57 0.5 L-BU/WH 6311 Cruise/ETC/TCC Brake Signal -
58 - - - N/A -
59 0.5 D-GN 335 Low Speed Cooling Fan Relay Control -
60-61 - - - N/A -
62 0.8 PK/BK 5291 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (2) -
63 0.5 PU/WH 6386 Starter Enable Relay (PPEI 3) Control -
64-65 - - - N/A -
66 0.5 WH 1310 EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Control -
67 0.8 PK/BK 5292 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (3) -
68-69 - - - N/A -
70 0.5 D-BU 5985 Accessory Wakeup Serial Data -
71 - - - N/A -
72 0.5 YE 5991 Powertrain Relay Coil Control -
73 2 PK/BK 5290 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13744183

Service Connector: 13580735

Description: 73 way female 0.64/2.8-series, sealed (BK with BU surround)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 4-6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20-22, 25-27, 30, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 51-53, 57, 59, 62, 63, 66, 67, 70, 72

Terminated Lead: 13575575

Release Tool: J-38125-213

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 33467-0005/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 62, 67 - K/K

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4-6, 9, 10, 14, 15, 20 22, 25 27, 30, 33, 34, 39, 40, 42, 44, 46, 51 53, 57, 59, 63, 66, 70, 72 - J/J

Pins: 73

Terminated Lead: 13575351

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1326030-8/17

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/4

K20 Engine Control Module X2 (LAU)

K20 Engine Control Module X2 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
2 2 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
3 0.8 PK/BK 5290 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (1) -
4 2 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
5 0.8 PK/BK 5290 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (1) -
6 0.8 PK/BK 5290 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (1) -
7 0.5 TN/WH 1423 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
8 0.5 BN 436 Air Injection Reaction Pump Relay Coil Control -
9 0.5 BN/WH 6281 Low Reference -
10 0.5 D-GN/WH 465 Fuel Pump Primary Relay Control -
11 0.5 TN 5514 Low Reference -
12 0.5 BN/WH 419 Check Engine Indicator Control -
13 0.5 YE 492 Mass Air Flow Sensor Signal -
14 0.5 GY 2709 5 Volt 1 Reference -
15 0.5 D-BU 1161 Accelerator Pedal Position Signal (1) -
16 - - - Not used -
17 0.5 OG/BK 1786 Transmission Park/Neutral Signal (1) -
18 - - - Not used -
19 0.5 WH 1310 EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Control -
20-22 - - - Not used -
23 0.5 TN/WH 1669 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
24 - - - Not used -
25 0.5 L-BU 1162 Accelerator Pedal Position Signal (2) -
26 0.5 L-BU 1937 Secondary Fuel Level Sensor Signal -
27 0.5 D-GN 890 Fuel Tank Pressure Sensor Signal -
28 - - - Not used -
29 0.5 PK/WH 2092 Fuel Saver Mode (ECO) Switch Signal -
30-33 - - - Not used -
34 0.5 BN 1271 Low Reference -
35 0.5 GY 2700 5 Volt 1 Reference -
36 0.5 PU 1589 Primary Fuel Level Sensor Signal -
37 - - - Not used -
38 0.5 PU/WH 1668 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
39 0.5 OG/BK 380 A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor Signal -
40 - - - Not used -
41 0.5 D-BU 5985 Accessory Wakeup Serial Data -
42 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
43-44 - - - Not used -
45 0.5 GY 5127 After Boil Heater Relay Control -
46 0.5 D-GN 335 Low Speed Cooling Fan Relay Control -
47 0.5 PU 1272 Low Reference -
48 0.5 TN 1274 5 Volt 3 Reference -
49 0.5 WH/BK 1164 5 Volt 4 Reference -
50-51 - - - Not used -
52 0.5 L-BU/WH 6311 Cruise/ETC/TCC Brake Signal -
53 - - - Not used -
54 0.5 PK 439 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
55 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
56 0.5 RD/WH 440 Battery Positive Voltage -
57 0.5 PU/WH 6386 Starter Enable Relay (PPEI 3) Control -
58 0.5 YE 5991 Powertrain Relay Coil Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 10866294

Service Connector: 19115599

Description: 58-Way F 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 2, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575442

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498059/24

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/5

Pins: 3, 5, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575411

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498058/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 7-15, 17, 19, 23, 25-27, 29, 34-36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 45-49, 52, 54-58

Terminated Lead: 13575545

Release Tool: J-38125-213

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498135/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K20 Engine Control Module X2 (LF1)

K20 Engine Control Module X2 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-2 - - - N/A -
3 0.5 TN 808 Low Reference -
4-9 - - - N/A -
10 0.5 PU/WH 3110 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
11 0.5 PU/WH 3210 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 2 Sensor (1) -
12 0.5 PU 3120 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
13 0.5 PU 3220 Heated Oxygen Sensor High Signal Bank 2 Sensor (2) -
14 0.5 GY 2093 5 Volt 2 Reference -
15 - - - N/A -
16 0.5 BN 582 Throttle Actuator Control Close -
17 - - - N/A -
18 0.5 GY 598 5 Volt 1 Reference -
19 0.5 YE 2918 Fuel Rail Pressure Sensor Signal -
20-25 - - - N/A -
26 0.5 TN/WH 3111 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
27 0.5 TN/WH 3211 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 2 Sensor (1) -
28 0.5 TN/WH 3121 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
29 0.5 TN 3221 Heated Oxygen Sensor Low Signal Bank 2 Sensor (2) -
30-31 - - - N/A -
32 0.5 YE 581 Throttle Actuator Control Open -
33 0.5 D-GN 485 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (1) -
34 0.5 GY 2701 5 Volt 4 Reference -
35 0.5 PU 486 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (2) -
36 0.5 D-BU 496 Knock Sensor Signal (1) -
37 0.5 L-BU 1876 Knock Sensor Signal (2) -
38-40 - - - N/A -
41 0.5 GY/WH 3113 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (1) -
42 0.5 GY/WH 3122 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 1 Sensor (2) -
43 0.5 L-GN 432 Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Signal -
44 0.5 GY 2704 5 Volt 1 Reference -
45-48 - - - N/A -
49 0.5 L-BU 6289 Induction Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
50 0.5 PK/WH 2092 Signal, fuel save mode (ECO) -
51 0.5 D-GN/WH 428 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Control -
52 0.5 YE 492 Mass Air Flow Sensor Signal -
53 0.5 BN 25 Charge Indicator Control -
54 0.5 TN 2752 Low Reference -
55 0.5 GY 23 Alternator Field Duty Cycle Signal -
56 0.5 GY 1716 Low Reference -
57 0.5 GY 2303 Low Reference -
58 0.5 OG/BK 1786 Transmission Park/Neutral Signal (1) -
59-60 - - - N/A -
61 0.5 L-GN 3212 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 2 Sensor (1) -
62 0.5 OG/WH 3223 Heated Oxygen Sensor Heater Low Control Bank 2 Sensor (2) -
63 0.5 OG/BK 469 Low Reference -
64-68 - - - N/A -
69 0.5 TN 2760 Low Reference -
70-72 - - - N/A -
73 2 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13756653

Service Connector: 13580736

Description: 73 way female 0.64/2.8-series, sealed (BK with BK surround)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 3, 10-13, 16, 18, 19, 26-29, 32-37, 41-44, 49, 51-58, 61-63, 69

Terminated Lead: 13575575

Release Tool: J-38125-213

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 33467-0005/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

Pins: 73

Terminated Lead: 13575351

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1326030-8/17

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/4

K20 Engine Control Module X3 (LF1)

K20 Engine Control Module X3 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-7 - - - N/A -
8 0.5 YE 410 Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor Signal -
9 0.5 TN/BK 231 Oil Pressure Switch Signal -
10 0.5 GY 605 5 Volt 2 Reference -
11-12 - - - N/A -
13 0.5 L-BU/WH 2126 Ignition Control (6) -
14 0.5 D-GN 2125 Ignition Control (5) -
15 0.5 BN/WH 2130 Low Reference -
16 0.5 YE 7301 High Pressure Fuel Pump Actuator High - Control -
17-22 - - - N/A -
23 0.5 TN 407 Low Reference -
24 0.5 TN 476 Low Reference -
25 0.5 TN 452 Low Reference -
26 0.5 YE 573 Crankshaft Position Sensor Signal (1) -
27 0.5 D-GN/WH 2124 Ignition Control (4) -
28 0.5 L-BU 2123 Ignition Control (3) -
29 0.5 OG/WH 2122 Ignition Control (2) -
30 0.5 PU 2121 Ignition Control (1) -
31 0.5 BN 2129 Low Reference -
32 0.5 PU 7300 High Pressure Fuel Pump Actuator Low - Control -
33 0.5 OG 5275 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor (1) -
34 0.5 D-BU 5300 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor Supply Voltage (1) -
35 0.5 D-GN 5273 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor (1) -
36 0.5 YE 5276 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor (2) -
37 0.5 L-BU 5302 Camshaft Position Intake Sensor Supply Voltage (2) -
38 0.5 PU 5274 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor (2) -
39 0.5 PU 5284 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (1) -
40 0.5 L-GN 5282 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (1) -
41 0.5 OG/BK 5272 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (2) -
42 0.5 WH/BK 5283 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (2) -
43-45 - - - N/A -
46 0.8 L-BU 4804 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Control Cylinder 4 -
47 0.8 L-GN 4805 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Control Cylinder 5 -
48 0.8 D-BU 4802 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Control Cylinder 2 -
49 - - - N/A -
50 0.8 D-GN 4803 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Control Cylinder 3 -
51 0.8 PU 4806 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Control Cylinder 6 -
52 0.8 BN 4801 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Control Cylinder 1 -
53 0.5 TN 5301 Low Reference -
54 0.5 YE/BK 5297 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor Supply Voltage (1) -
55 0.5 GY 5296 Low Reference -
56 0.5 BN/WH 5303 Low Reference -
57 0.5 L-GN 5298 Camshaft Position Exhaust Sensor Supply Voltage (2) -
58 0.5 BN 5299 Low Reference -
59 0.5 BN 6753 Low Reference -
60 0.5 BN/WH 6754 Low Reference -
61 0.5 D-BU 6755 Low Reference -
62 0.5 D-BU/WH 6756 Low Reference -
63-65 - - - N/A -
66 0.8 L-BU/WH 4904 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Supply Cylinder 4 -
67 0.8 L-GN/WH 4905 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Supply Cylinder 5 -
68 0.8 D-BU/WH 4902 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Supply Cylinder 2 -
69 - - - N/A -
70 0.8 D-GN/WH 4903 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Supply Cylinder 3 -
71 0.8 PU/WH 4906 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Supply Cylinder 6 -
72 0.8 BN/WH 4901 Direct Fuel Injector (DFI) High Voltage Supply Cylinder 1 -
73 2 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13742538

Service Connector: 13580737

Description: 73 way female 0.64/2.8-series, sealed (BK with GY surround)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 8-10, 13-16, 23-42, 46-48, 50-62, 66-68, 70-72

Terminated Lead: 13575575

Release Tool: J-38125-213

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 33467-0005/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 46-48, 50-52, 66-68, 70-72 - K/K

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 8-10, 13-16, 23-42, 53-62 - J/J

Pins: 73

Terminated Lead: 13575351

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1326030-8/17

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/4

K22 Cooling Fan Control Module (LAU)

K22 Cooling Fan Control Module (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 10 RD 242 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 10 BK 450 Ground -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.5 D-GN 335 Low Speed Cooling Fan Relay Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13639758

Service Connector: 19181808

Description: 4-Way F 1.5 9.5 Series, Sealed (D-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 4

Terminated Lead: 13575424

Unloading tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

K27 Fuel Pump Control Module

K27 Fuel Pump Control Module

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 RD/WH 2640 Battery Positive Voltage -
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) Without F45
0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) F45
6 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
7 - - - Not used -
8 0.35 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
9 - - - Not used -
10 0.5 PU 7446 Fuel Line Pressure Sensor Signal -
11-12 - - - Not used -
13 2 GY 120 Fuel Pump Supply Voltage -
14-16 - - - Not used -
17 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) Without F45
0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) F45
18 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
19 - - - Not used -
20 0.35 D-GN/WH 465 Fuel Pump Primary Relay Control -
21 0.5 PK 1739 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
22 0.5 BN 7445 5 Volt Reference -
23 0.5 GY 7447 Low Reference -
24 - - - Not used -
25 2 BK 2150 Ground -
26-37 - - - Not used -
38 2 PK 1580 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13518748

Service Connector: 19178089

Description: 38-Way F 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 13, 25, 38

Terminated Lead: 13575409

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15392777/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: D/5

Pins: 5, 10, 17, 21-23

Terminated Lead: 13575378

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITS-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: 9/9

Pins: 6, 8, 18, 20

Terminated Lead: 13575379

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAITS-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: 9/9

K28 Headlamp Leveling Control Module X1 (TT6)

K28 Headlamp Leveling Control Module X1 (TT6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 7528 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 6 -
2 0.35 TN 7529 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 7 -
3 0.35 PK 3203 Right Headlamp Bulb Outage Signal -
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
6 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
7-8 - - - Not used -
9 0.35 PK 3204 Left Headlamp Bulb Outage Signal -
10 0.35 PK 7528 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 6 -
11 0.35 TN 7529 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 7 -
12 - - - Not used -
13 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
14 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
15-16 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13783354

Service Connector: 13580738

Description: 16-Way F Micro HVT Series (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K28 Headlamp Leveling Control Module X2 (TT6)

K28 Headlamp Leveling Control Module X2 (TT6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 0.5 BN 2184 Automatic Level Control Position Sensor Signal -
3 0.5 GY/WH 7524 5 Volt Reference -
4 0.5 BN/WH 7525 Front Axle Level Sensor Signal -
5 0.5 PU/WH 7526 Low Reference -
6 0.35 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
7 - - - Not used -
8 0.5 PK/WH 3208 Automatic Headlamp Position Supply Voltage -
9 0.5 PK/BK 3207 Automatic Headlamp Position Supply Voltage 2 -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.5 PU 2185 Low Reference -
12 - - - Not used -
13 0.5 GY 2165 5 Volt Reference -
14 0.5 GY 3206 Automatic Headlamp Position Return -
15 0.5 GY/BK 3205 Automatic Headlamp Position Return 2 -
16 0.8 BK 750 Ground -
17 - - - Not used -
18 0.5 RD/WH 1140 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13548562

Service Connector: 89047360

Description: 18-Way F 0.64 Kaizen Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 2-6, 8, 9, 11, 13-15, 18

Terminated Lead: 13579944

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

Pins: 16

Terminated Lead: 13327118

Unloading tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A02T-M064

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K29 Seat Heating Control Module X1 (KA1 without AAB or AUN)

K29 Seat Heating Control Module X1 (KA1 without AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 BK 750 Ground -
B 1 RD/WH 5140 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13527997

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575721

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110844/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

K29 Seat Heating Control Module X2 (KA1 without AAB or AUN)

K29 Seat Heating Control Module X2 (KA1 without AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 PU 2424 Driver Heated Back Element Return -
2 0.8 L-BU 2433 Passenger Heated Back Element Return -
3 0.8 PK 2077 Driver Heated Seat Element Supply Voltage -
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.8 D-BU 2479 Passenger Heated Seat Element Supply Voltage -
6-12 - - - Not used -
13 0.35 YE 2080 Low Reference -
14 0.35 PK 2435 Low Reference -
15-16 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13520382

Service Connector: 13503876

Description: 16-Way F GT FBT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-3, 5

Terminated Lead: 13575480

Unloading tool: J-38125-29

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: Pins 1-3, 5-13526678/le

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 1-3, 5-2/A

Pins: 13-14

Terminated Lead: 13575481

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/tray: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

K29 Seat Heating Control Module X3 (KA1 without AAB or AUN)

K29 Seat Heating Control Module X3 (KA1 without AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 YE/BK 2079 Driver Heated Seat NTC Signal -
4 0.35 GY 2434 Passenger Heated Seat NTC Signal -
5 0.35 WH 5908 Passenger Seat Vent Motor Control (1) KU3
6 0.35 D-GN 5906 Driver Seat Vent Motor Control (1) KU1
7-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
12 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13784026

Service Connector: 13578574

Description: 12-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K29R Seat Heating Control Module - Rear X1 (KA6)

K29R Seat Heating Control Module - Rear X1 (KA6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 BK 2150 Ground -
B 1 RD/WH 4740 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left rear seat

OEM Connector: 13527997

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575721

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110844/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

K29R Seat Heating Control Module - Rear X2 (KA6)

K29R Seat Heating Control Module - Rear X2 (KA6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 BN 2295 Left Rear Heated Seat Cushion Element Return -
2 0.8 GY 2457 Right Rear Heated Seat Element Return -
3 0.8 GY 2294 Left Rear Heated Seat Cushion Element Supply Voltage -
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.8 D-GN 2296 Right Rear Heated Seat Cushion Element Supply Voltage -
6-12 - - - Not used -
13 0.35 L-BU/WH 7048 Left Rear Cushion NTC Return -
14 0.35 OG/WH 7054 Right Rear Cushion NTC Return -
15-16 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left rear seat

OEM Connector: 15489823

Service Connector: 15134091

Description: 16-Way F 1.5 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: Pins 13, 14 - 8240-0127/22

Terminal/Tray: Pins 1-3, 5 - 8240-0128/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 1-3, 5 - C/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 13, 14 - E/C

K29R Seat Heating Control Module - Rear X3 (KA6)

K29R Seat Heating Control Module - Rear X3 (KA6)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 L-BU 7047 Left Rear Cushion NTC Signal -
4 0.35 OG 7053 Right Rear Cushion NTC Signal -
5-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
12 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left rear seat

OEM Connector: 13551678

Service Connector: 89047364

Description: 12-Way F 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K31 Navigation Control Module X1 (UYS or UYY)

K31 Navigation Control Module X1 (UYS or UYY)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 RD/WH 3240 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 PK 3369 Touch Screen Display Signal (+) -
5 0.35 L-GN 3364 Navigation Display Reset Signal -
6 0.35 WH 7066 Entertainment Remote Enable Signal -
7 0.35 BARE 3368 Touch Screen Display Drain Wire -
8 0.35 PU 3370 Touch Screen Display Signal (-) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13518475

Service Connector: 13576542

Description: 8-Way F YESC Kaizen Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K33 HVAC Control Module X1

K33 HVAC Control Module X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 0.35 GY 7565 Windscreen Temp Sensor Signal ASV
3 0.35 PU/WH 5203 Air Quality Sensor Signal UEC
4 0.35 D-GN 734 Inside Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
5 0.35 TN 3197 Humidity Temperature Sensor Signal ASV
6 0.35 GY 597 5 Volt Reference ASV
7 0.35 D-GN 7566 Low Reference ASV
8-11 - - - Not used -
12 0.35 L-BU 7564 Humidity Sensor Signal ASV
13 0.35 PU 1783 Twilight Sentinel Delay Signal -
14-17 - - - Not used -
18 0.35 BN 404 Upper Air Temperature Sensor Signal CJ4
19 0.35 L-GN 405 Lower Air Temperature Sensor Signal CJ4
20 0.35 L-BU/BK 590 Solar Sensor Driver Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13782502

Service Connector: 13580739

Description: 20-Way F Micro HVT Series (GN)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K33 HVAC Control Module X2

K33 HVAC Control Module X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 RD/WH 3340 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 YE 7531 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 9 -
5-7 - - - Not used -
8 0.5 BK 1650 Ground -
9 0.35 PK 1039 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
10 0.5 PK 7574 Electric Variable Displacement Control -
11 0.5 PU 7575 Electric Variable Displacement Compressor Supply -
12-14 - - - Not used -
15 0.35 GY/BK 754 Blower Motor Speed Control -
16 0.35 D-GN 2211 Rear Blower Motor Speed Control CJ4
17 - - - Not used -
18 0.35 BN 6102 Low Reference -
19 0.35 WH 193 Rear Defog Relay Control -
20 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13782501

Service Connector: 13578572

Description: 20-Way F Micro HVT Series (BN)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K33 HVAC Control Module X3

K33 HVAC Control Module X3

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 TN 516 Upper Left Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
2 0.35 GY 3165 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (1) -
3 0.35 D-GN 3166 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (2) -
4 0.35 D-BU 3167 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (3) -
5 0.35 BN 3168 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (4) -
6-8 - - - Not used -
9 0.35 TN 407 Low Reference -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 TN/BK 3169 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (1) -
12 0.35 PU 3170 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (2) -
13 0.35 L-GN 3171 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (3) -
14 0.35 L-BU 3172 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (4) -
15 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
16 0.35 D-BU/WH 3173 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (1) -
17 0.35 BN/WH 3174 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (2) -
18 0.35 YE 3175 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (3) -
19 0.35 WH 3176 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (4) -
20 0.35 GY 6137 EVAP Core Temperature Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15489824

Service Connector: 15126711

Description: 20-Way F 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-5, 9, 11-14, 16-20

Terminated Lead: 13575840

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Pins: 15

Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K33 HVAC Control Module X4

K33 HVAC Control Module X4

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN/WH 3177 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (1) -
2 0.35 L-BU/WH 3178 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (2) -
3 0.35 GY/WH 3179 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (3) -
4 0.35 D-GN/WH 3180 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (4) -
5 0.35 YE/BK 3181 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (1) -
6 0.35 WH/BK 3182 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (2) -
7 0.35 TN/WH 3183 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (3) -
8 0.35 PU/WH 3184 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (4) -
9 0.35 TN 517 Upper Right Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
10 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage CJ4
11 0.35 TN 518 Lower Left Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
12 0.35 TN 520 Lower Right Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
13 0.35 TN/BK 3185 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (1) CJ4
14 0.35 L-GN/BK 3186 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (2) CJ4
15 0.35 L-BU/BK 3187 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (3) CJ4
16 0.35 GY/BK 3188 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (4) CJ4
17 0.35 L-GN 3189 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (1) CJ4
18 0.35 GY 3190 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (2) CJ4
19 0.35 D-BU 3191 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (3) CJ4
20 0.35 YE/BK 3192 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (4) CJ4

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15491304

Service Connector: 15126710

Description: 20-Way F USCAR 64 Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-9, 11-20

Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Pins: 10

Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K36 Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module X1

K36 Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 WH 3023 Steering Wheel Module Stage 2 High Control -
2 0.5 PK 3022 Steering Wheel Module Stage 2 Low Control -
3 0.5 BN 3020 Steering Wheel Module Stage 1 Low Control -
4 0.5 TN 3021 Steering Wheel Module Stage 1 High Control -
5 0.5 YE 3025 Passenger IP Module Stage 1 High Control -
6 0.5 OG 3024 Passenger IP Module Stage 1 Low Control -
7 0.5 PU 3026 Passenger IP Module Stage 2 Low Control -
8 0.5 GY 3027 Passenger IP Module Stage 2 High Control -
9 0.5 RD/WH 4440 Battery Positive Voltage -
10 0.35 PU 5234 Passenger Seat Belt Indicator -
11 0.35 D-BU 2307 Passenger Air Bag ON Indicator Control -
12 0.35 D-GN 2308 Passenger Air Bag Off Indicator Control -
13-14 - - - N/A -
15 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
16 - - - N/A -
17 0.35 PK 1139 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
18 - - - N/A -
19 0.5 BK/WH 1251 Signal Ground -
20-24 - - - N/A -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13707365

Service Connector: 13580843

Description: 24-Way F Kaizen 0.64 Series, Sealed (YE)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13580843

Unlocking tool: not required

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K36 Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module X2

K36 Inflatable Restraint Sensing and Diagnostic Module X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 5155 Left Rear Seat Belt Pretensioner Control -
2 0.5 YE/BK 5156 Low Reference -
3-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.5 PU 5157 Right Rear Seat Belt Pretensioner Control -
6 0.5 BN/WH 5158 Low Reference -
7-8 - - - Not used -
9 0.5 L-BU 3481 Driver Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner High Control -
10 0.5 D-GN 3482 Driver Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner Low Control -
11 0.5 D-GN/WH 3480 Passenger Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner Low Control -
12 0.5 BN 3479 Passenger Seat Belt Anchor Pretensioner High Control -
13 0.5 L-BU 3068 Driver Side Impact Module High Control -
14 0.5 L-GN/BK 3069 Driver Side Impact Module Low Control -
15 0.5 TN/BK 3067 Passenger Side Impact Module Low Control -
16 0.5 PU 3066 Passenger Side Impact Module High Control -
17 0.5 PU/WH 5019 Left Front Head Curtain Module High Control -
18 0.5 PK 5020 Left Front Head Curtain Module Low Control -
19 0.5 WH 2132 Left Front Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
20 0.5 PU/WH 6628 Low Reference -
21 0.5 WH/BK 6629 Low Reference -
22 0.5 D-GN 2 134 Right Front Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
23 0.5 YE 354 Left Front Discriminating Sensor Signal -
24 0.5 TN/OG 5045 Low Reference -
25 0.5 GY 5600 Low Reference -
26 0.5 D-GN 1409 Right Front Discriminating Sensor Signal -
27 0.5 D-GN/WH 6620 Left Middle Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
28 0.5 GY/BK 6621 Low Reference -
29 0.5 L-GN/WH 6625 Low Reference -
30 0.5 L-BU/BK 6624 Right Middle Side Impact Sensing Module Signal -
31-36 - - - Not used -
37 0.5 TN/WH 3477 Driver Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner High Control -
38 0.5 PK/BK 3478 Driver Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner Low Control -
39 0.5 PK 3476 Passenger Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner Low Control -
40 0.5 L-GN 3475 Passenger Seat Belt Retractor Pretensioner High Control -
41 0.35 TN/WH 238 Driver Seat Belt Switch Signal -
42 - - - Not used -
43 0.35 D-BU 1363 Low Reference -
44 0.35 L-BU 1361 Low Reference -
45 0.35 OG 1362 Passenger Seat Belt Switch Signal -
46-47 - - - Not used -
48 0.35 PK/WH 5163 Center Rear Seat Belt Switch Signal -
49 0.35 YE 5161 Left Rear Seat Belt Switch Signal -
50 0.35 PU 5162 Right Rear Seat Belt Switch Signal -
51-52 - - - Not used -
53 0.5 YE/BK 5021 Right Front Head Curtain Module High Control -
54 0.5 WH/BK 5022 Right Front Head Curtain Module Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13715983

Service Connector: 13580845

Description: 54-Way F 0.64 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13580845

Unlocking tool: not required

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K39 Liftgate Control Module X1 (TB5)

K39 Liftgate Control Module X1 (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-GN 6112 Power Lift Gate On/Off Switch Signal -
2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 D-GN 3033 Lift Gate Shut Face Switch Signal -
4 0.35 D-GN 5512 Lift Gate Open -
5 0.35 PK/BK 6000 Lift Gate Ajar Switch Signal (2) -
6 0.35 GY 7,000 Lift Gate Ajar Switch Signal 3 -
7 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
8 0.35 WH/BK 6126 Lift Gate Object Sensor 2 Signal -
9-11 - - - Not used -
12 0.35 GY/BK 6113 Rear Lift Gate Open/Close Switch Signal -
13 - - - Not used -
14 0.35 GY 5797 Rear Closure Handle Switch Open Signal -
15 - - - Not used -
16 0.35 PU/WH 5801 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13783349

Service Connector: 13578573

Description: 16-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K39 Liftgate Control Module X2 (TB5)

K39 Liftgate Control Module X2 (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 BN 5790 Lift Gate Cinch Latch Motor Open Control -
2 2 L-BU 5791 Lift Gate Cinch Latch Motor Close Control -
3 3 RD/WH 1540 Battery Positive Voltage -
4 1 RD/WH 840 Battery Positive Voltage -
5 0.35 BARE 3016 Lift Gate Cinch Latch Motor Drain Wire -
6 3 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15477757

Service Connector: 13577622

Description: 6-Way F GT 280 Series (OG)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 2

Terminated Lead: 13575754

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304713/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/4

Pins: 3, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575756

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304713/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: F/D

Pins: 4, 5

Terminated Lead: 13575753

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304711/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 5 - E/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 4 - 2/A

K39 Liftgate Control Module X3 (TB5)

K39 Liftgate Control Module X3 (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 3 WH 5798 Lift Gate Open/Close Motor Open Control -
2 3 TN/WH 5799 Lift Gate Open/Close Motor Close Control -
3-5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 BARE 3015 Lift Gate Open/Close Motor Drain Wire -
7 0.5 YE/BK 2999 Lift Gate Position Sensor Temperature Signal -
8 0.5 TN/BK 5803 Lift Gate Position Sensor Voltage Reference -
9 0.5 L-BU/WH 5805 Lift Gate Position Sensor Signal (1) -
10 0.5 PU 5806 Lift Gate Position Sensor Signal (2) -
11 0.5 D-GN 5804 Low Reference -
12 - - - Not used -
13 0.35 GY/WH 3034 Lift Gate Shut Face Switch LED Control -
14 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15466088

Service Connector: 19179972

Description: 14-Way F 64/2.8 YESC Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 2

Terminated Lead: 13575543

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1326030-8/17

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/D

Pins: 6, 13

Terminated Lead: 13575836

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4720-02/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 7-11

Terminated Lead: 13575838

Unloading tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4721-02/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X1 (AAB or AUN)

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X1 (AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 WH 5908 Passenger Seat Vent Motor Control (1) KU3
2 0.5 D-GN 1518 Power Seat Front Vertical Up Switch Signal -
3 0.5 YE 1519 Power Seat Rear Vertical Up Switch Signal -
4 0.5 L-BU 1521 Power Seat Rear Vertical Down Switch Signal -
5 0.35 PU 5286 Adjustable Pedal Switch Forward Signal -
6 0.35 OG/BK 5285 Adjustable Pedal Switch Rearward Signal -
7 0.5 GY/BK 1269 Power Seat Recline Forward Switch Signal -
8 0.5 D-GN/WH 1270 Power Seat Recline Rearward Switch Signal -
9 0.35 TN 6207 Memory Sensor High Reference -
10 0.35 D-GN 5906 Driver Seat Vent Motor Control (1) KU1
11 0.35 WH 7530 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 8 -
12 0.5 D-BU 1520 Power Seat Front Vertical Down Switch Signal -
13 0.5 OG/WH 3298 Memory Sensor High Reference (2) -
14 - - - Not used -
15 0.35 D-GN 569 Memory Seat Horizontal Motor Position Sensor Signal -
16 0.35 TN 568 Memory Seat Rear Vertical Motor Position Sensor Signal -
17 0.35 BN/WH 557 Memory Seat Front Vertical Motor Position Sensor Signal -
18 0.35 WH/BK 570 Driver Memory Seat Recline Motor Position Sensor Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13548562

Service Connector: 89047360

Description: 18-Way F 0.64 Kaizen Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 5, 6, 9-11, 15-18

Terminated Lead: 13327119

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Pins: 2-4, 7, 8, 12, 13

Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X2 (AAB or AUN)

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X2 (AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 TN 1522 Power Seat Horizontal Forward Switch Signal -
2-3 - - - Not used -
4 0.5 OG 614 Memory Seat Switch Set Signal -
5 0.35 PK 5289 Adjustable Pedal Sensor Signal JF4
6 - - - Not used -
7 0.35 GY 2434 Passenger Heated Seat NTC Signal KA1
8-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.5 L-GN 1523 Power Seat Horizontal Rearward Switch Signal -
12-13 - - - Not used -
14 0.5 WH 615 Memory Seat Switch Signal (1) -
15 - - - Not used -
16 0.35 YE/BK 2079 Driver Heated Seat NTC Signal KA1
17 - - - Not used -
18 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13548561

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 18-Way F 0.64 Kaizen Series (GN)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 4, 11, 14

Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Pins: 5, 7, 16, 18

Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K40 Seat memory control module X3 (AAB with KA1 or AUN with KA1)

K40 Seat memory control module X3 (AAB with KA1 or AUN with KA1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 2435 Low Reference -
2-3 - - - Not used -
4 0.8 L-BU 2433 Passenger Heated Back Element Return -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.8 PU 2424 Driver Heated Back Element Return -
7-9 - - - Not used -
10 0.8 D-BU 2479 Passenger Heated Seat Element Supply Voltage -
11 0.8 PK 2077 Driver Heated Seat Element Supply Voltage -
12 0.35 YE 2080 Low Reference -
13-16 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 15489823

Service Connector: 15134091

Description: 16-Way F 1.5 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: Pins 4, 6, 10, 11 - 8240-0128/22

Terminal/Tray: Pins 1, 12 - 8240-0127/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 4, 6, 10, 11 - C/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pins 1, 12 - E/C

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X4 (AAB or AUN)

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X4 (AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 1 RD/WH 5140 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.5 D-BU/WH 5978 Low Reference -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 GY 6206 Low Reference -
5 2 RD/WH 5040 Battery Positive Voltage -
6 2 BK 750 Ground -
7 2 D-GN 286 Driver Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Up Control -
8 2 D-BU 287 Driver Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Down Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13544530

Service Connector: 13581412

Description: 8-Way F GT 280 Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X5 (AAB or AUN)

K40 Seat Memory Control Module X5 (AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 L-GN 284 Driver Power Seat Horizontal Motor Rearward Control -
2 2 TN 285 Driver Power Seat Horizontal Motor Forward Control -
3 2 L-BU 283 Driver Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Down Control -
4 2 YE 282 Driver Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Up Control -
5 2 L-GN 276 Driver Power Seat Recline Motor Forward Control -
6 2 L-BU 277 Driver Power Seat Recline Motor Rearward Control -
7 1 PU 5130 Adjustable Pedal Actuator Forward Control -
8 1 YE 5129 Adjustable Pedal Actuator Rearward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13544529

Service Connector: 13503877

Description: 8-Way F GT FBT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13503877

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K41 Front and Rear Parking Assist Control Module X1 (UD5)

K41 Front and Rear Parking Assist Control Module X1 (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 RD/WH 3140 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 BN 5852 Rear Park Assist LED Disable Signal -
4-5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
7 0.5 BK/WH 2151 Signal Ground -
8 0.35 GY 2555 Rear Park Assist Disable Signal -
9-12 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15477027

Service Connector: 88988229

Description: 12-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K41 Front and Rear Parking Assist Control Module X2 (UD5)

K41 Front and Rear Parking Assist Control Module X2 (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PU 2378 Right Rear Corner Object Sensor Signal -
2 0.5 D-GN 2377 Right Rear Middle Object Sensor Signal -
3 0.5 OG 2376 Left Rear Middle Object Sensor Signal -
4 0.5 D-BU 2374 Object Sensor Supply Voltage -
5 0.5 YE 2375 Left Rear Corner Object Sensor Signal -
6-7 - - - Not used -
8 0.5 GY 2379 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13551679

Service Connector: 19115653

Description: 8-Way F YESC Kaizen Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

K41 Front and Rear Parking Assist Control Module X3 (UD5)

K41 Front and Rear Parking Assist Control Module X3 (UD5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN 6581 Front Parking Aid Display Supply Voltage -
2-3 - - - Not used -
4 0.5 PU/WH 5215 Front Parking Left Corner Sensor -
5 0.5 WH 5216 Front Parking Left Mid Sensor -
6-7 - - - Not used -
8 0.5 OG/BK 5214 Low Reference -
9 - - - Not used -
10 0.5 PU/BK 5218 Front Parking Right Mid Sensor -
11 0.5 BN/WH 5217 Front Parking Right Corner Sensor -
12-14 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15491263

Service Connector: 15127038

Description: 14-Way F Kaizen 64 Series (BU)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13579944

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Applicable

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K47 Rear Differential Clutch Control Module X1 (F46)

K47 Rear Differential Clutch Control Module X1 (F46)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 L-BU/BK 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
B 0.5 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
C 0.5 TN/L-GN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
D 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
E - - - Not used -
F 0.5 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
G 0.5 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
H 0.5 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
J 0.5 TN/YE 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
K 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
L 1 BK 2150 Ground -
M 1 RD/BK 1542 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 15326849

Service Connector: 13504588

Description: 12-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A-D, F-K

Terminated Lead: 13575354

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: L, M

Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

K47 Rear Differential Clutch Control Module X2 (F46)

K47 Rear Differential Clutch Control Module X2 (F46)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.75 BK* 935 Differential lock actuator, low control -
B 0.75 RD* 934 Differential lock actuator, high control -
C 0.75 BK* 987 Pump, differential coupling, low control -
D 0.75 YE 933 Pump, differential coupling, high control -
* Cable colours may vary depending on changes by the supplier: A-B: RD/BK; C: WH

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Rear differential

OEM Connector: 15326815

Service Connector: 19180287

Description: 4-Way female GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

K49 Rear Seat Control Module (ULD)

K49 Rear Seat Control Module (ULD)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-BU 5312 Left Rear Seat Audio Signal -
2 0.35 L-GN 5313 Right Rear Seat Audio Signal -
3 0.35 TN 3352 Rear Seat Audio Common Signal -
4-5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
7 - - - Not used -
8 0.35 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
9 0.35 OG/BK 5329 Left Infra Red Audio Signal UWG
10 0.35 PU/WH 5330 Right Infra Red Audio Signal UWG
11 0.35 D-BU/WH 3360 Infra Red Audio Common Signal UWG
12 0.35 BARE 5332 Infra Red Audio Drain Wire UWG
13-15 - - - Not used -
16 0.35 RD/WH 3240 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13783350

Service Connector: 13580577

Description: 16-Way F Micro HVT Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K61 Motor module sunroof (C3U)

K61 Motor module sunroof (C3U)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 1 RD/WH 3540 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 - - - Not used -
3 - - - Not used -
4 1 BK 1350 Ground -
5-6 - - - Not used -
7 0.35 L-BU 5027 Sunroof Switch Data (1) -
8 0.35 D-BU 128 Low Reference -
9-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 BN 6132 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 1 -
12-14 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 15466088

Service Connector: 19179972

Description: 14-Way female 64/2.8 YESC series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575544

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1326030-6/17

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

Pins: 7-11

Terminated Lead: 13575836

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4720-02/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

K62 Sunroof Sunshade Motor Module (C3U)

K62 Sunroof Sunshade Motor Module (C3U)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 1 RD/WH 3540 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 YE - Not used -
3 - - - Not used -
4 3 BK 1350 Ground -
5-6 - - - Not used -
7 0.35 D-BU/WH 3032 Sunroof Switch Data (1) -
8 0.35 GY 5307 Low Reference -
9-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 BN 6132 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 1 -
12 0.35 BN/WH - - -
13 - - - Not used -
14 0.35 BN/WH - - -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Sunroof

OEM Connector: 7283-8398-40

Service Connector: 19179972

Description: 14-Way female 64/2.8 YESC series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575287

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4112-02/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/D

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575285

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4110-02/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

Pins: 7, 8, 11, 12, 14

Terminated Lead: 13575847

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4720-02/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

K71 Transmission Control Module X1 (MXE)

K71 Transmission Control Module X1 (MXE)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 RD/WH 1840 Battery Positive Voltage -
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.5 OG/BK 1786 Transmission Park/Neutral Signal (1) -
6 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
7 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
8 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
9 0.8 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.8 PK 2139 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
12 0.5 D-BU 5985 Accessory Wakeup Serial Data -
13 - - - Not used -
14 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
15-16 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13759372

Service Connector: 19153172

Description: 16-Way F 64/1.5 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 9

Terminated Lead: 13575424

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 5-8, 11, 12, 14

Terminated Lead: 13575838

Unloading tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Diagnostic meter tip: Pins 5-8, 12, 14 - Pending

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4721-02/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: Pin 11 - J/J

K73 Telematics Communication Interface Control Module X1 (UE1)

K73 Telematics Communication Interface Control Module X1 (UE1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
2 0.35 BN/WH 2517 Keypad Red LED -
3 0.35 YE/BK 2516 Keypad Green LED -
4-5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 L-GN/BK 2515 Keypad Supply Voltage -
7 0.5 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
8-9 - - - Not used -
10 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
11 0.35 D-GN/WH 2514 Keypad Signal -
12 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
13-14 - - - Not used -
15 0.5 RD/WH 140 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13580805

Service Connector: 19153138

Description: 16-Way F Multilock 040 II Series (WH)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575548

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K73 Telematics Communication Interface Control Module X2 (UE1)

K73 Telematics Communication Interface Control Module X2 (UE1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-BU 658 Cellular Telephone Voice Signal -
2 0.35 L-BU/BK 659 Low Reference -
3 0.35 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
4 0.35 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
5 0.35 BARE 1792 Drain Wire UYS or UUY
6 0.35 PK 5149 Voice Recognition Audio Signal UYS or UUY
7 0.35 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
8 0.35 BARE 1782 Drain Wire -
9 0.35 GY 655 Cellular Telephone Microphone Signal -
10 0.35 D-GN 654 Low Reference -
11 - - - Not used -
12 0.35 PK/BK 5152 Low Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13580809

Service Connector: 88952886

Description: 12-Way F Multilock 040 II Series (WH)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575548

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K77 Remote Control Door Lock Receiver

K77 Remote Control Door Lock Receiver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 3273 Remote Function Actuator Return -
2 0.35 L-BU/WH 3275 Remote Function Actuator Receive Signal -
3 0.35 L-GN 3274 Remote Function Actuator Transmit Signal -
4 0.35 PK/WH 3272 Remote Function Actuator Supply Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Headlining

OEM Connector: 15363838

Service connector: Pending

Description: 4-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

K83 Parking Brake Control Module

K83 Parking Brake Control Module

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 3 RD/WH 1640 Battery Positive Voltage -
B 0.5 PU 7683 Park Brake Release Switch Voltage Reference -
C 0.5 L-BU 1134 Park Brake Switch Signal -
D 0.5 PU 7684 Park Brake Apply Switch Voltage Reference -
E 0.5 WH/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
F 0.5 TN/YE 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
G 0.5 WH/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
H 3 BK 1350 Ground -
J - - - Not used -
K 0.5 WH 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
L 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) without F46
0.5 TN/L-GN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) F46
M 0.5 WH 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
N 0.5 YE 1492 Park Brake Switch Supply Voltage -
P 0.5 L-BU 5986 Serial Data Communication Enable -
R 0.5 BN 6107 Park Brake Apply Switch Signal -
S 0.5 D-BU 6108 Park Brake Release Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 15479301

Service Connector: 15306348

Description: 16-Way F GT 150 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, H

Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15392777/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: D/5

Pins: B-G, K-R

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: S

Terminated Lead: 13576356

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304719/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/5

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X1

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
4-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 L-GN/BK 3558 Passive Start Switch Signal 2 -
12 0.35 GY/BK 3559 Low Reference -
13-14 - - - Not used -
15 0.35 PK/BK 3555 Passive Start Interior Antenna 2 Signal Lo -
16 0.35 BN/BK 3552 Passive Start Interior Antenna 1 Signal Hi -
17 0.35 WH 3553 Passive Start Interior Antenna 1 Signal Lo -
18 0.35 L-GN 3556 Passive Start Interior Antenna 3 Signal Hi -
19 0.35 D-GN 3557 Passive Start Interior Antenna 3 Signal Lo -
20 0.35 D-BU 3554 Passive Start Interior Antenna 2 Signal Hi -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13782499

Service Connector: 13578570

Description: 20-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X2

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 RD/WH 4340 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.5 BK/WH 1351 Signal Ground -
3 0.35 BN 4 Accessory Voltage -
4 0.35 PK 3 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
5 2 RD/WH 540 Battery Positive Voltage -
6 2 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13520671

Service Connector: 88988512

Description: 6-Way F GT 150 6.3 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-4

Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

Pins: 5, 6

Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-42 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4121-02/10

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/B

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X3 (ATH)

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X3 (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 1 L-GN/BK 6669 Right Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control -
3 1 L-BU/WH 6667 Left Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control -
4 1 L-GN 3583 Co Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control -
5 1 L-BU/BK 6666 Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Control -
6 - - - Not used -
7 1 L-GN/WH 3581 Right Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return -
8 1 D-BU/WH 3580 Left Rear Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return -
9 1 PK/BK 3579 Co Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return -
10 1 GY 3578 Driver Door Unlatch Motor Unlatch Return -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13583664

Service Connector: 13503878

Description: 10-Way F GT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575480

Release Tool: J-38125-29

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 13526678/SPO

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/A

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X4 (ATH)

K84 Keyless Entry Control Module X4 (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 6158 Right Rear Door Handle Switch Signal -
2 0.35 BN 6157 Left Rear Door Handle Switch Signal -
3 0.35 TN 3572 Driver Door Unlatch Enable Signal -
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 L-BU 3576 Co-Driver Door Exterior Switch Lock Signal -
6 0.35 PU 3560 Passive Entry Driver Door Antenna Signal Hi -
7 0.35 PU/WH 3561 Passive Entry Driver Door Antenna Signal Lo -
8 - - - Not used -
9 0.35 L-GN/BK 3563 Passive Entry Co_Driver Door Antenna Signal Lo -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 PU/WH 3571 Co_Driver Door Handle Switch Signal -
12 0.35 L-GN/WH 3570 Driver Door Handle Switch Signal -
13 - - - Not used -
14 0.35 D-BU 3573 Non Driver Door Unlatch Enable Signal -
15 0.35 L-GN/WH 6655 Driver Door Unlatch Switch Signal -
16 0.5 D-GN 3568 Passive Entry Rear Closure Antenna Signal Hi -
17 - - - Not used -
18 0.5 D-GN/WH 3569 Passive Entry Rear Closure Antenna Signal Lo -
19 - - - Not used -
20 0.35 L-GN 3562 Passive Entry Co_Driver Door Antenna Signal Hi -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 15491304

Service Connector: 15126710

Description: 20-Way F USCAR 64 Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13579944

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

K85 Passenger Presence Detection Module

K85 Passenger Presence Detection Module

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 RD/WH 2040 Battery Positive Voltage -
B 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
C - - - Not used -
D 0.35 BK/WH 651 Signal Ground -
E-F - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 15332142

Service Connector: 89046638

Description: 6-Way M GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575502

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15304702/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

K96L Mirror Control Module - left (AAB or AUN)

K96L Mirror Control Module - left (AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 RD/WH 1940 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.5 YE 3411 Driver Mirror Motor Fold Out Control -
3 0.5 L-BU 3412 Driver Mirror Motor Fold In Control -
4 0.35 GY 3395 Driver Mirror Position Sensor Left (-) Right (+) Signal -
5 0.35 D-BU 3392 Driver Mirror Position Sensor High Reference -
6 0.35 BN 3393 Low Reference -
7 0.35 L-GN/WH 3404 Driver Mirror Switch Right (+) Left (-) Signal -
8 0.35 PU/WH 1382 LED Dimming Signal -
9 0.35 D-BU/WH 3390 Driver Mirror Motor Up (+) Down (-) Control -
10 0.35 D-GN/WH 3389 Driver Mirror Motor Right (+) Left (-) Control -
11 0.35 TN 3391 Driver Mirror Motor Common Control -
12 0.35 WH 7530 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 8 -
13 0.35 D-GN 3394 Driver Mirror Position Sensor Up (+) Down (-) Signal -
14 0.5 BK 750 Ground -
15 0.5 BN 5478 Low Reference -
16 0.35 PK/WH 3405 Driver Mirror Switch Up (-) Down (+) Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's trim panel

OEM Connector: 13595812

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 16-Way F Kaizen 64 Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1-6, 9-14

Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Pins: 7, 8, 15, 16

Cable splice: Pin 7, 8, 16: 13575840

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

M6B Air Temperature Door Actuator - Auxiliary (CJ4)

M6B Air Temperature Door Actuator - Auxiliary (CJ4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN 3189 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (1) -
2 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
3 0.35 GY 3190 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (2) -
4 0.35 D-BU 3191 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (3) -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 YE/BK 3192 Temp Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15338980

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575587

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

M6L Air Temperature Door Actuator - Left

M6L Air Temperature Door Actuator - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 TN/BK 3169 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (1) -
2 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
3 0.35 PU 3170 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (2) -
4 0.35 L-GN 3171 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (3) -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 L-BU 3172 Temp Door Stepper Motor Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15338980

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575587

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

M6R Air Temperature Door Actuator - Right

M6R Air Temperature Door Actuator - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 YE/BK 3181 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (1) -
2 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
3 0.35 WH/BK 3182 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (2) -
4 0.35 TN/WH 3183 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (3) -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 PU/WH 3184 Temp Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15338980

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575587

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

M8B Blower Motor - accessory (CJ4)

M8B Blower Motor - accessory (CJ4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 OG 5988 Fan motor, low control -
B 0.5 D-BU 101 Fan motor, supply voltage -

Connector Part Information
Type of cable harness: Fan motor, accessory

OEM Connector: 12084957

Service Connector: 12126461

Description: 2-Way female Metri-Pack 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12126461

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12034046/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

M16 Adjustable Pedal Assembly (JF4)

M16 Adjustable Pedal Assembly (JF4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 1 YE 5129 Adjustable Pedal Actuator Rearward Control -
3 1 PU 5130 Adjustable Pedal Actuator Forward Control -
4 0.35 GY 6206 Low Reference -
5 0.35 PK 5289 Adjustable Pedal Sensor Signal -
6 0.35 TN 6207 Memory Sensor High Reference -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 15477860

Service Connector: 13574938

Description: 6-Way F BFC 180 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 2,3

Terminated Lead: 13575802

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-33 (YE)

Terminal/Tray: 173630-7/7

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Pins: 4, 5, 6

Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-33 (YE)

Terminal/Tray: 173630-7/7

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

M17 Liftgate Motor Assembly (TB5)

M17 Liftgate Motor Assembly (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 3 WH 5798 Lift Gate Open/Close Motor Open Control -
B 3 TN/WH 5799 Lift Gate Open/Close Motor Close Control -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13665544

Service Connector: 13577619

Description: 2-Way F GT FBT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575499

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

M27 Fuel Door Unlatch Actuator

M27 Fuel Door Unlatch Actuator

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 TN/WH 294 Door Lock Actuator Unlock Control -
2 0.8 D-BU 6800 Fuel Door Lock/Unlock (1) Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 13548106

Service Connector: 13314083

Description: 2-Way F 1.2 Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-560

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 964274-2/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

M37B Mode Door Actuator - Auxiliary (CJ4)

M37B Mode Door Actuator - Auxiliary (CJ4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 TN/BK 3185 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (1) -
2 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
3 0.35 L-GN/BK 3186 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (2) -
4 0.35 L-BU/BK 3187 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (3) -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 GY/BK 3188 Mode Door Stepper Motor Rear Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15338980

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575587

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

M37L Mode Door Actuator - Left

M37L Mode Door Actuator - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 3165 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (1) -
2 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
3 0.35 D-GN 3166 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (2) -
4 0.35 D-BU 3167 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (3) -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 BN 3168 Mode Door Stepper Motor Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15338980

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575587

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

M37R Mode Door Actuator - Right

M37R Mode Door Actuator - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN/WH 3177 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (1) -
2 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
3 0.35 L-BU/WH 3178 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (2) -
4 0.35 GY/WH 3179 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (3) -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 D-GN/WH 3180 Mode Door Stepper Motor Passenger Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15338980

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4, 6

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575587

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

M45 Rear Wiper Motor

M45 Rear Wiper Motor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 WH 393 Rear Window Wiper Motor Control -
B 0.8 RD/WH 3040 Battery Positive Voltage -
C 0.8 BK 1350 Ground -
D-E - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Tailgate

OEM Connector: 13665410

Service Connector: 13583009

Description: 5-Way F GT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575497

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

M46 Air Recirculation Door Actuator

M46 Air Recirculation Door Actuator

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-BU/WH 3173 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (1) -
2 0.8 OG 7572 HVAC Motor Supply Voltage -
3 0.35 BN/WH 3174 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (2) -
4 0.35 YE 3175 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (3) -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 WH 3176 Air Inlet Door Stepper Motor Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: HVAC

OEM Connector: 15338980

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 6-Way F 0.64 MQS Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3, 4, 6

Terminated Lead: 13327114

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13327139

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: K/K

M50D Seat Front Vertical Motor - Driver

M50D Seat Front Vertical Motor - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 D-GN 286 Driver Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Up Control -
2 0.35 BN/WH 557 Memory Seat Front Vertical Motor Position Sensor Signal AAB or AUN
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 OG/WH 3298 Memory Sensor High Reference (2) AAB or AUN
5 2 D-BU 287 Driver Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Down Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 5

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

Pins: 2, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

M50P Seat Front Vertical Motor - Passenger (AG2)

M50P Seat Front Vertical Motor - Passenger (AG2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 D-GN 297 Passenger Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Up Control -
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 2 D-BU 298 Passenger Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Down Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

M51D Seat Horizontal Motor - Driver

M51D Seat Horizontal Motor - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 TN 285 Driver Power Seat Horizontal Motor Forward Control -
2 0.35 D-GN 569 Memory Seat Horizontal Motor Position Sensor Signal AAB or AUN
3 - - - Memory Seat Horizontal Motor Position Sensor Signal -
4 0.35 OG/WH 3298 Memory Sensor High Reference (2) AAB or AUN
5 2 L-GN 284 Driver Power Seat Horizontal Motor Rearward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 5

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

Pins: 2, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

M51P Seat Horizontal Motor - Passenger (AG2)

M51P Seat Horizontal Motor - Passenger (AG2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 L-GN 290 Passenger Power Seat Horizontal Motor Rearward Control -
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 2 TN 296 Passenger Power Seat Horizontal Motor Forward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

M53D Seat Lumbar Support Motor - Driver

M53D Seat Lumbar Support Motor - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 TN 768 Driver Power Seat Lumbar Motor Rearward Control -
B 2 PU 767 Driver Power Seat Lumbar Motor Forward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 12020556

Service Connector: 12101820

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 480 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12101820

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-40 (BU)

Terminal/Tray: 12124304/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/B

M53P Seat Lumbar Support Motor - Passenger (AG2)

M53P Seat Lumbar Support Motor - Passenger (AG2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 TN 768 Passenger Power Seat Lumbar Motor Rearward Control -
B 2 PU 767 Passenger Power Seat Lumbar Motor Forward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 12020556

Service Connector: 12101820

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 480 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12101820

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-40 (BU)

Terminal/Tray: 12124304/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/B

M55D Seat Rear Vertical Motor - Driver

M55D Seat Rear Vertical Motor - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 L-BU 283 Driver Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Down Control -
2 0.35 TN 568 Memory Seat Rear Vertical Motor Position Sensor Signal AAB or AUN
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 OG/WH 3298 Memory Sensor High Reference (2) AAB or AUN
5 2 YE 282 Driver Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Up Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 5

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

Pins: 2, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

M55P Seat Rear Vertical Motor - Passenger (AG2)

M55P Seat Rear Vertical Motor - Passenger (AG2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 L-BU 289 Passenger Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Down Control -
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 2 YE 288 Passenger Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Up Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

M56D Seat Recline Motor - Driver

M56D Seat Recline Motor - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 L-BU 277 Driver Power Seat Recline Motor Rearward Control -
2 0.35 WH/BK 570 Driver Memory Seat Recline Motor Position Sensor Signal AAB or AUN
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 OG/WH 3298 Memory Sensor High Reference (2) AAB or AUN
5 2 L-GN 276 Driver Power Seat Recline Motor Forward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 5

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

Pins: 2, 4

Terminated Lead: 13575737

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

M56P Seat Recline Motor - Passenger (AG2)

M56P Seat Recline Motor - Passenger (AG2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 D-BU 77 Passenger Power Seat Recline Motor Rearward -
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 2 D-GN 76 Passenger Power Seat Recline Motor Forward -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 10848198

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 5-Way F MQS/MCP Mixed Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

M64 Starter Motor X1 (LAU)

M64 Starter Motor X1 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 3 PU 6 Starter Solenoid Crank Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

Designation: Ring terminal

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575594

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal pin/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

M64 Starter Motor X1 (LF1)

M64 Starter Motor X1 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 3 PU 6 Starter Solenoid Crank Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12089916

Service Connector: 12101763

Description: 1-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12077413/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: F/5

M64 Starter Motor X2 (LAU)

M64 Starter Motor X2 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 32 RD/BK 2 Battery Positive Voltage -
32 RD/BK 2 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Battery cable

Designation: Ring terminal

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal pin/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

Terminal Part Information
Cable harness type: Battery cable

Designation: Ring terminal

Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal pin/washer: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

M64 Starter Motor X2 (LF1)

M64 Starter Motor X2 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 32 RD/BK 2 Battery Positive Voltage -
32 RD/BK 2 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Battery cable

Designation: Ring terminal

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Diagnostic meter tip: Diagnostic meter tip: No Tool Reqd

Terminal/tray: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

M72 Variable Power Steering Solenoid Valve (NV7)

M72 Variable Power Steering Solenoid Valve (NV7)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 YE 6641 Variable Effort Steering Solenoid Control -
2 0.8 BN 1295 Variable Effort Steering Solenoid Supply Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Servo control

OEM Connector: 13530224

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way F 2.8 Junior Power Timer Series, Sealed (BU)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

M73A Seat Blower Motor - Driver Back (KU1)

M73A Seat Blower Motor - Driver Back (KU1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 D-GN 5906 Driver Seat Vent Motor Control (1) -
B 0.5 BK 750 Ground -
C 0.5 PK 739 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13748388

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 3-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pin A - 13575463

Cable splice: Pins: B, C - 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

M73B Seat Blower Motor - Passenger Back (KU3)

M73B Seat Blower Motor - Passenger Back (KU3)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 WH 5908 Passenger Seat Vent Motor Control (1) -
B 0.5 BK 650 Ground -
C 0.5 PK 739 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 13748388

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 3-Way M Metri-Pack 150 Series (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pin A - 13575463

Cable splice: Pins: B, C - 13575462

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12047581/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

M73C Seat Blower Motor - Driver Cushion (KU1)

M73C Seat Blower Motor - Driver Cushion (KU1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 D-GN 5906 Driver Seat Vent Motor Control (1) -
B 0.5 BK 750 Ground -
C 0.5 PK 739 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 12065422

Service Connector: 12101864

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575464

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

M73D Seat Blower Motor - Passenger Cushion (KU3)

M73D Seat Blower Motor - Passenger Cushion (KU3)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 WH 5908 Passenger Seat Vent Motor Control (1) -
B 0.5 BK 650 Ground -
C 0.5 PK 739 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 12065422

Service Connector: 12101864

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575464

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

M74D Window Motor - Driver

M74D Window Motor - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 BK 750 Ground -
2 2 RD/BK 1842 Battery Positive Voltage -
3 0.35 TN/BK 3379 Power Window Switch Driver Up Signal -
4 0.35 D-GN 6134 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 3 -
5 0.35 D-GN 3381 Power Window Switch Driver Express Signal -
6 0.35 GY/BK 745 Left Front Door Ajar Switch Signal -
7 0.35 GY 3380 Power Window Switch Driver Down Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13595813

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 7-Way F Kaizen 0.64 2.8 Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 2

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964273-1/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/5

Pins: 3-7

Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

M74LR Window Motor - Left Rear

M74LR Window Motor - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 3 D-BU 668 Power Window Motor Left Rear Up Control -
B 3 BN 669 Power Window Motor Left Rear Down Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 12129487

Service Connector: 88988609

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Flexlock, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 88988609

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110845/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: F/5

M74P Window Motor - Passenger

M74P Window Motor - Passenger

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 2 BK 650 Ground -
2 2 RD/BK 4042 Battery Positive Voltage -
3 0.35 L-BU 3384 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Up Signal -
4 0.35 D-GN 6134 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 3 -
5 0.35 PU 3386 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Express Signal -
6 0.35 TN/WH 746 Right Front Door Ajar Switch Signal -
7 0.35 TN 3385 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Down Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13595813

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 7-Way F Kaizen 0.64 2.8 Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 2

Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964273-1/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/5

Pins: 3-7

Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

M74RR Window Motor - Right Rear

M74RR Window Motor - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 3 D-BU 670 Power Window Motor Right Rear Up Control -
B 3 BN 671 Power Window Motor Right Rear Down Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 12129487

Service Connector: 88988609

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Flexlock, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 88988609

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110845/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: F/5

M75 Windshield Wiper Motor

M75 Windshield Wiper Motor

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A - - - Not used -
B 0.5 YE 196 Windshield Wiper Motor Park Switch Signal -
C 2 BK 1050 Ground -
D 2 PU 92 Windshield Wiper Motor High Speed Control -
E 2 D-GN 95 Windshield Wiper Motor Low Speed Control -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 12084891

Service Connector: 15305874

Description: 5-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Pins B

Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12077411/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/5

Pins: C, D, E

Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12129493/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/5

P2 Transmission Shift Lever Position Indicator

P2 Transmission Shift Lever Position Indicator

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
2 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13595633

Service Connector: 13314093

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13579944

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

P13 Horn Assembly

P13 Horn Assembly

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 BK 150 Ground -
B 0.8 D-GN 29 Horn Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Lights front

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

P14 Passenger Air Bag Disable Indicator

P14 Passenger Air Bag Disable Indicator

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-BU 2307 Passenger Air Bag ON Indicator Control -
2 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
3 0.35 D-GN 2308 Passenger Air Bag Off Indicator Control -
4 0.35 PK 1139 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
5 0.35 PU 5234 Passenger Seat Belt Indicator -
6 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 13608102

Service Connector: 19153174

Description: 6-Way F 1.2 HCM Series (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 19153174

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SHCM-A03T-P025/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

P16 Instrument Cluster

P16 Instrument Cluster

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
2-3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 D-GN/WH 1358 Driver Information Center Switch Signal -
5 0.35 BN 897 Low Reference -
6 0.35 YE 61 Outside Ambient Temperature Sensor Low Reference -
7 0.35 D-GN/WH 636 Outside Ambient Air Temperature Sensor Signal -
8-9 - - - Not used -
10 0.5 BK 1750 Ground -
11-14 - - - Not used -
15 0.35 TN 185 Low Washer Fluid Indicator Control -
16 0.35 PK 893 Driver Information Center Select Menu Switch Signal -
17 0.35 BN/WH 419 Check Engine Indicator Control -
18 - - - Not used -
19 0.35 PK 139 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
20 0.5 RD/WH 2840 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13782499

Service Connector: 13578570

Description: 20-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

P17 Info Display Module (UYE)

P17 Info Display Module (UYE)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 RD/WH 3240 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
3 0.35 L-BU 7532 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 10 -
4 0.35 L-GN 3291 Integrated Center Stack Wake Up Signal -
5 0.35 PK 3290 Integrated Center Stack Reset Signal -
6 0.35 BARE 7460 Integrated Center Stack Serial Data Shield -
7 0.35 TN 7458 Center Integrated Center Stack Serial Data High -
8 0.35 YE 7459 Integrated Center Stack Serial Data Low -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13518475

Service Connector: 13576542

Description: 8-Way F YESC Kaizen Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 133227119

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

P19AC Speaker - Subwoofer (UQS)

P19AC Speaker - Subwoofer (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 D-BU/WH 346 Left/Rear Subwoofer Speaker (+) -
B 2 L-GN/BK 1794 Left/Rear Subwoofer Speaker (-) -
C-D - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 12129136

Service Connector: 12129136

Description: 4-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Flexlock (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13579923

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110842/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: A/B

P19AG Speaker - Left Front Door (UQ3)

P19AG Speaker - Left Front Door (UQ3)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 GY 118 Left Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
2 0.8 TN 201 Left Front Speaker (+) (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13665500

Service Connector: 19179953

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19AG Speaker - Left Front Door (UQS)

P19AG Speaker - Left Front Door (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 GY 118 Left Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
2 0.8 TN 201 Left Front Speaker (+) (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's door

OEM Connector: 13649632

Service Connector: 13504282

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19AH Speaker Right Front Door (UQ3)

P19AH Speaker Right Front Door (UQ3)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 D-GN 117 Right Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
2 0.8 L-GN 200 Right Front Speaker (+) (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13665500

Service Connector: 19179953

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19AH Speaker Right Front Door (UQS)

P19AH Speaker Right Front Door (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 D-GN 117 Right Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
2 0.8 L-GN 200 Right Front Speaker (+) (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door

OEM Connector: 13649632

Service Connector: 13504282

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19AL Speaker - Left Rear Door (UQ3)

P19AL Speaker - Left Rear Door (UQ3)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 YE 116 Left Rear Speaker Signal (-) -
2 0.8 BN 199 Left Rear Speaker (+) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13665500

Service Connector: 19179953

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19AL Speaker - Left Rear Door (UQS)

P19AL Speaker - Left Rear Door (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 YE 116 Left Rear Speaker Signal (-) -
2 0.8 BN 199 Left Rear Speaker (+) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13649632

Service Connector: 13504282

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19AM Speaker - Right Rear Door (UQ3)

P19AM Speaker - Right Rear Door (UQ3)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 L-BU 115 Right Rear Speaker Signal (-) -
2 0.8 D-BU 46 Right Rear Speaker (+) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13665500

Service Connector: 19179953

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19AM Speaker - Right Rear Door (UQS)

P19AM Speaker - Right Rear Door (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 L-BU 115 Right Rear Speaker Signal (-) -
2 0.8 D-BU 46 Right Rear Speaker (+) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13649632

Service Connector: 13504282

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575735

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191812/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19B Speaker - Center Instrument Panel (UQ3)

P19B Speaker - Center Instrument Panel (UQ3)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 GY 118 Left Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
2 0.8 L-GN 200 Right Front Speaker (+) (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13595207

Service Connector: 13580105

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0128/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19B Speaker - Center Instrument Panel (UQS)

P19B Speaker - Center Instrument Panel (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 L-BU 1960 Front Center Speaker (-) -
2 0.8 YE 1860 Front Center Speaker (+) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13608099

Service Connector: 13314097

Description: 2-Way F 1.5 Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575790

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 8240-0128/22

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

P19F Speaker - Left Rear Cargo Door (UQS)

P19F Speaker - Left Rear Cargo Door (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 WH 1959 Left Rear Midrange Speaker (-) -
B 0.8 TN 1859 Left Rear Midrange Speaker (+) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Tailgate trim panel

OEM Connector: 12064869

Service Connector: 12117323

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BU)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12117323

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

P19H Speaker - Left Front Tweeter

P19H Speaker - Left Front Tweeter

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 GY 118 Left Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
2 0.5 TN 201 Left Front Speaker (+) (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13595633

Service Connector: 13314093

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

P19T Speaker - Right Rear Cargo Door (UQS)

P19T Speaker - Right Rear Cargo Door (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 OG 1955 Right Rear Midrange Speaker (-) -
B 0.8 TN 1855 Right Rear Midrange Speaker (+) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Tailgate trim panel

OEM Connector: 12064869

Service Connector: 12117323

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BU)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12117323

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

P19V Speaker - Right Front Tweeter

P19V Speaker - Right Front Tweeter

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-GN 117 Right Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
2 0.5 L-GN 200 Right Front Speaker (+) (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13595633

Service Connector: 13314093

Description: 2-Way F Kaizen 64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

P22E Video Display - Driver Seatback (UWG)

P22E Video Display - Driver Seatback (UWG)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 RD/WH 4840 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 WH 7066 Entertainment Remote Enable Signal -
3 0.35 OG/BK 5329 Left Infra Red Audio Signal -
4 0.35 PU/WH 5330 Right Infra Red Audio Signal -
5 0.35 PU 6979 DVD Audio Common -
6 0.35 L-BU 5826 Left DVD Audio Signal (+) -
7 0.35 WH 5828 Right DVD Audio Signal (+) -
8 0.35 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
9 0.35 D-GN 6975 DVD Video Signal (+) -
10 0.35 WH/BK 5335 DVD Video Signal (-) -
11 0.35 D-BU/WH 3360 Infra Red Audio Common Signal -
12 0.35 OG/BK 5831 Remote Infra Red Signal (+) -
13 0.35 TN/WH 5830 Remote Infra Red Signal (-) -
14 0.35 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
15 0.35 L-GN/BK 5845 Video Module Signal -
16 0.35 PK/BK 5844 Video Bright Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 13783349

Service Connector: 13578573

Description: 16-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

P22F Video Display - Passenger Seatback (UWG)

P22F Video Display - Passenger Seatback (UWG)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 RD/WH 4840 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 WH 7066 Entertainment Remote Enable Signal -
3-7 - - - Not used -
8 0.5 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
9 0.35 L-GN 7396 DVD Video Signal 2 (+) -
10 0.35 WH 7394 DVD Video Signal 2 (-) -
11 - - - Not used -
12 0.35 OG/BK 5831 Remote Infra Red Signal (+) -
13 0.35 TN/WH 5830 Remote Infra Red Signal (-) -
14 0.35 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
15 0.35 D-GN/WH 7395 Video Mode 2 Signal -
16 0.35 PK/BK 5844 Video Bright Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 13595812

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 16-Way F Kaizen 64 Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327119

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Q6A Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 1 Exhaust

Q6A Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 1 Exhaust

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) LAU
0.5 L-GN 5282 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (1) LF1
2 0.5 L-GN 5282 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (1) LAU
0.5 BN/WH 6754 Low Reference LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15411401

Service Connector: 88988588

Description: 2-Way F 090 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 8100-0594/6

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q6B Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 1 Intake

Q6B Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 1 Intake

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) LAU
0.5 PU 5284 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (1) LF1
2 0.5 PU 5284 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (1) LAU
0.5 BN 6753 Low Reference LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15411401

Service Connector: 88988588

Description: 2-Way F 090 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 8100-0594/6

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q6C Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 2 Exhaust

Q6C Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 2 Exhaust

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) LAU
0.5 WH/BK 5283 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (2) LF1
2 0.5 WH/BK 5283 Camshaft Phaser Exhaust Solenoid (2) LAU
0.5 D-BU/WH 6756 Low Reference LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15411401

Service Connector: 88988588

Description: 2-Way F 090 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 8100-0594/6

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q6D Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 2 Intake

Q6D Camshaft Position Actuator Solenoid Valve - Bank 2 Intake

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) LAU
0.5 OG/BK 5272 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (2) LF1
2 0.5 OG/BK 5272 Camshaft Phaser Intake Solenoid (2) LAU
0.5 D-BU 6755 Low Reference LF1

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15411401

Service Connector: 88988588

Description: 2-Way F 090 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 8100-0594/6

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X1 (MH2 or MH4)

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X1 (MH2 or MH4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
2 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
3-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.5 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
6-9 - - - Not used -
10 0.8 RD/WH 1840 Battery Positive Voltage -
11 - - - Not used -
12 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
13 0.8 PK 2139 Run/Crank Ignition 1 Voltage -
14 0.5 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
15 0.5 D-BU 5985 Accessory Wakeup Serial Data -
16-17 - - - Not used -
18 0.8 BK/WH 451 Signal Ground -
19 - - - Not used -
20 0.5 OG/BK 1786 Transmission Park/Neutral Signal (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13570698

Service Connector: 19151494

Description: 20-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (D-BU w/ BK Case)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 10, 13, 18

Terminated Lead: 13575400

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 2, 5, 12, 14, 15, 20

Terminated Lead: 13575433

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326267/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X2 (MH2 or MH4)

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X2 (MH2 or MH4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 GY - Low Reference -
B 0.5 BK - Shifting range switch signal P -
C 0.5 YE - Shifting range switch signal C -
D 0.5 RD - Shifting range switch signal B -
E 0.5 GN - Shifting range switch signal A -
F 0.5 WH - Park/Neutral-switch signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Automatic transmission

OEM Connector: 15336500

Service connector: N/A

Description: 6-Way female Metri-Pack 150.2 (GN)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/tray: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X3 (MH2 or MH4)

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X3 (MH2 or MH4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 WH - ISS high signal -
B 0.5 BK - ISS low signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Automatic transmission

OEM Connector: 13530018

Service connector: N/A

Description: 2-Way female Metri-Pack 150.2 (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/tray: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X4 (MH2 or MH4)

Q8 Control solenoid valve unit X4 (MH2 or MH4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 WH - OSS high signal -
B 0.5 BK - OSS low signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Automatic transmission

OEM Connector: 15473844

Service connector: N/A

Description: 2-Way female Metri-Pack 150.2 (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/tray: N/A

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

Q12 Evaporative Emission Purge Solenoid Valve

Q12 Evaporative Emission Purge Solenoid Valve

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) -
2 0.5 D-GN/WH 428 EVAP Canister Purge Solenoid Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 10740370

Service Connector: 88988586

Description: 2-Way F 2.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-561

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 1928498056/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q13 Evaporative Emission Vent Solenoid Valve

Q13 Evaporative Emission Vent Solenoid Valve

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 WH 1310 EVAP Canister Vent Solenoid Control -
2 0.8 RD/WH 2440 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Fuel sensor

OEM Connector: 13771883

Service Connector: 13579002

Description: 2-Way F 1.5 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1

Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13579002

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4102-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575424

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q17A Fuel Injector 1 (LAU)

Q17A Fuel Injector 1 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.75 WH 5291 Powertrain, Main Relay, Fused Supply (2) -
B 0.75 TN 1744 Fuel Injector Control (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q17A Fuel Injector 1 (LF1)

Q17A Fuel Injector 1 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 BN 4801 Fuel Injector 1 Control - -
2 0.8 BN/WH 4901 Fuel Injector 1 Control + -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve row 1

OEM Connector: 1928403874

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q17B Fuel Injector 2 (LAU)

Q17B Fuel Injector 2 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.75 WH 5292 Powertrain, Main Relay, Fused Supply (3) -
B 0.75 L-GN/BK 1745 Fuel Injector Control (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q17B Fuel Injector 2 (LF1)

Q17B Fuel Injector 2 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 D-BU 4802 Fuel Injector 2 Control - -
2 0.8 D-BU/WH 4902 Fuel Injector 2 Control + -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve row 2

OEM Connector: 1928403874

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q17C Fuel Injector 3 (LAU)

Q17C Fuel Injector 3 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.75 WH 5291 Powertrain, Main Relay, Fused Supply (2) -
B 0.75 PK/BK 1746 Fuel Injector Control (3) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q17C Fuel Injector 3 (LF1)

Q17C Fuel Injector 3 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 D-GN 4803 Fuel Injector 3 Control - -
2 0.8 D-GN/WH 4903 Fuel Injector 3 Control + -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve row 1

OEM Connector: 1928403874

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q17D Fuel Injector 4 (LAU)

Q17D Fuel Injector 4 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.75 WH 5292 Powertrain, Main Relay, Fused Supply (3) -
B 0.75 L-BU/BK 844 Fuel Injector Control (4) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q17D Fuel Injector 4 (LF1)

Q17D Fuel Injector 4 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 L-BU 4804 Fuel Injector 4 Control - -
2 0.8 L-BU/WH 4904 Fuel Injector 4 Control + -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve row 2

OEM Connector: 1928403874

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q17E Fuel Injector 5 (LAU)

Q17E Fuel Injector 5 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.75 WH 5291 Powertrain, Main Relay, Fused Supply (2) -
B 0.75 TN/WH 845 Fuel Injector Control (5) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q17E Fuel Injector 5 (LF1)

Q17E Fuel Injector 5 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 L-GN 4805 Fuel Injector 5 Control - -
2 0.8 L-GN/WH 4905 Fuel Injector 5 Control + -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve row 1

OEM Connector: 1928403874

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q17F Fuel Injector 6 (LAU)

Q17F Fuel Injector 6 (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.75 WH 5292 Powertrain, Main Relay, Fused Supply (3) -
B 0.75 YE/BK 846 Fuel Injector Control (6) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve

OEM Connector: 15419715

Service Connector: 13580876

Description: 2-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q17F Fuel Injector 6 (LF1)

Q17F Fuel Injector 6 (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 PU 4806 Fuel Injector 6 Control - -
2 0.8 PU/WH 4906 Fuel Injector 6 Control + -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Injection valve row 2

OEM Connector: 1928403874

Service Connector: 88988963

Description: 2-Way F Kompakt 280 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-4103-08/9

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q37LF Shock Absorber Actuator - Left Front (F45)

Q37LF Shock Absorber Actuator - Left Front (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 L-BU/WH 1107 Left Front Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 GY 1113 Left Front Damping Servo Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left front wheel.

OEM Connector: 13510085

Service Connector: 13580114

Description: 2-Way female GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q37LR Shock Absorber Actuator - Left Rear (F45)

Q37LR Shock Absorber Actuator - Left Rear (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 D-BU/WH 1114 Left Rear Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
B 0.5 D-GN 1115 Left Rear Damping Servo Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 15326806

Service Connector: 13580103

Description: 2-Way M GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575397

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326269/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

Q37RF Shock Absorber Actuator - Right Front (F45)

Q37RF Shock Absorber Actuator - Right Front (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 L-BU/WH 1116 Right Front Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
B 0.8 GY 1117 Right Front Damping Servo Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Right front wheel

OEM Connector: 13510085

Service Connector: 13580114

Description: 2-Way female GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

Q37RR Shock Absorber Actuator - Right Rear (F45)

Q37RR Shock Absorber Actuator - Right Rear (F45)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 D-BU/WH 1118 Right Rear Damping Servo Supply Voltage -
B 0.5 D-GN 1119 Right Rear Damping Servo Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Chassis

OEM Connector: 15326806

Service Connector: 13580103

Description: 2-Way M GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575397

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-3 (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326269/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/4

Q38 Throttle Body

Q38 Throttle Body

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 GY 561 Throttle Relaxer Motor Return LAU
0.5 BN 582 Throttle Actuator Control Close LF1
B 0.5 WH 560 Throttle Relaxer Motor Supply Voltage LAU
0.5 YE 581 Throttle Actuator Control Open LF1
C 0.5 TN 2752 Low Reference -
D 0.5 D-GN 485 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (1) -
E 0.5 GY 416 5 Volt 4 Reference LAU
0.5 GY 2701 5 Volt 4 Reference LF1
F 0.5 PU 486 Throttle Position Sensor Signal (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15355297

Service Connector: 13504128

Description: 6-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 15326427/5

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Q40 Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve (LAU)

Q40 Turbocharger Bypass Solenoid Valve (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) -
2 0.5 WH 5268 Turbo Bypass Valve Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12186308

Service Connector: 89046837

Description: 2-Way F Junior Power Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q42 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve (LAU)

Q42 Turbocharger Wastegate Solenoid Valve (LAU)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 PK/BK 5293 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (4) -
2 0.5 YE 258 Waste Gate Solenoid Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15404492

Service Connector: 13574942

Description: 2-Way F 2.8 Junior Power Timer Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-36

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-35 (VT)

Terminal/Tray: 4-964286-1/16

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q46 A/C Compressor Solenoid Valve

Q46 A/C Compressor Solenoid Valve

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.5 PU 7575 Electric Variable Displacement Compressor Supply -
B 0.5 PK 7574 Electric Variable Displacement Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 12052644

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 12048074/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Q49 Rear differential, coupling, solenoid (F46)

Q49 Rear differential, coupling, solenoid (F46)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.75 RD* 934 Differential, lock actuator, high control -
2 0.75 BK* 935 Differential, lock actuator, low control -
*The colours for 1-2 can vary RD/BK from the supplier

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Rear differential

OEM Connector: 10833916

Service Connector: 13576532

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 1502.8 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service with cable harness - see Spare parts catalogue

Unlocking tool: N/A

Diagnostic meter tip: pending

Terminal/Tray: Service with harness - See spare parts catalogue

Core/Insulation Crimp: N/A

R10A Cooling Fan Resistor - Low Speed (LF1)

R10A Cooling Fan Resistor - Low Speed (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 5 GY 532 Cooling Fan Motor Supply Voltage (2) -
2 5 L-BU 409 Cooling Fan Motor Supply Voltage (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13662304

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F Y-Type 9.5 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 19279378

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-22 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-3250/10

Core/Insulation Crimp: G/3

R10B Cooling Fan Resistor - Medium Speed (LF1)

R10B Cooling Fan Resistor - Medium Speed (LF1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 5 YE 5358 Cooling Fan Motor Supply Voltage (3) -
2 5 L-BU 409 Cooling Fan Motor Supply Voltage (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 13662304

Service connector: Pending

Description: 2-Way F Y-Type 9.5 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 19179378

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-22 (RD)

Terminal/Tray: 7116-3250/10

Core/Insulation Crimp: G/3

S1 Adjustable Pedal control Switch (JF4)

S1 Adjustable Pedal control Switch (JF4)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 1750 Ground -
2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 PU 5286 Adjustable Pedal Switch Forward Signal -
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 OG/BK 5285 Adjustable Pedal Switch Rearward Signal -
6 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13595476

Service Connector: 19167753

Description: 6-Way F AIT II Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

S2L Transmission Manual Shift Switch - Left

S2L Transmission Manual Shift Switch - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
2 0.35 WH 5525 Tap Up/Tap Down Enable Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: 103653-1

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way M MTE Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S2R Transmission Manual Shift Switch - Right

S2R Transmission Manual Shift Switch - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 5526 Tap Up/Tap Down Switch Signal -
2 0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
3 0.35 WH 5525 Tap Up/Tap Down Enable Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: 104257-2

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 3-Way M Receptacle Housing (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S3 Transmission Shift Lever

S3 Transmission Shift Lever

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-BU 5985 Accessory Wakeup Serial Data -
2 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -
3 0.35 PU 5526 Tap Up/Tap Down Switch Signal -
4 0.35 TN 7553 Park Lock Solenoid Control -
5 0.35 YE 7554 Park Lock Solenoid Soft Control -
6 0.35 PU/WH 5905 Key Capture/Column Lock Shift Position Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13595476

Service Connector: 19167753

Description: 6-Way F AIT II Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13579944

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S12 Dome Lamp Switch

S12 Dome Lamp Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
2 0.35 PU 328 Interior Lamp Defeat Switch Signal -
3 0.35 WH 156 Courtesy Lamp Switch Signal -
4 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 13541539

Service Connector: 19179273

Description: 4-Way F AIT II Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327119

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

S25 Garage Door Opener (UG1)

S25 Garage Door Opener (UG1)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 RD/WH 3940 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
3 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 13658917

Service Connector: 13505907

Description: 3-Way F P/C Series (CR)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13505907

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S30 Headlamp Switch

S30 Headlamp Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 YE 7556 Lighting Control Switch Reference -
2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 L-BU 13 Headlamp Switch Park Lamp Signal -
4 0.35 WH 103 Headlamp Switch On Signal -
5 0.35 D-GN 306 Headlamp Switch Headlamps Off Signal Control -
6 0.35 BK 1750 Ground -
7 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
8-11 - - - Not used -
12 0.35 D-GN 7555 Lighting Control Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 10890121

Service Connector: 13576636

Description: 12-Way F 0.64 Micro Quadlok Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575783

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

S33 Horn Switch

S33 Horn Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
B 0.35 RD 3287 Horn Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: 12047662

Service Connector: 12085535

Description: 2-Way F Metri-Pack 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12085535

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-14 (GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15326030/2

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/C

S38 Ignition Mode Switch

S38 Ignition Mode Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 0.35 L-GN 5720 Ignition Mode Switch Accessory LED Signal -
3 0.35 L-GN/BK 3558 Passive Start Switch Signal 2 -
4 0.35 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
5 0.35 D-BU 5719 Ignition Mode Switch Start LED Signal -
6 0.35 L-GN/WH 5723 Ignition Mode Switch Mode Voltage -
7 0.35 GY/BK 3559 Low Reference -
8 0.35 OG 5721 Ignition Mode Switch Off LED Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 10890122

Service Connector: 13576543

Description: 8-Way F 0.64 Series (BN)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575783

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

S45B Liftgate Control Switch - Interior (TB5)

S45B Liftgate Control Switch - Interior (TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 750 Ground -
2 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
3 0.35 D-GN 6112 Power Lift Gate On/Off Switch Signal -
4 0.35 GY/BK 6113 Rear Lift Gate Open/Close Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's trim panel

OEM Connector: 10768790

Service Connector: 13576535

Description: 4-Way F 0.64 Micro Quadlok Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327114

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

S46 Tailgate handle switch (without TB5)

S46 Tailgate handle switch (without TB5)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 1350 Ground Without TB5
0.35 BK 1350 Low Reference TB5
2 0.35 GY 5797 Rear Closure Handle Switch Open Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Number plate lighting

OEM Connector: 13640461

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 2-Way M 0.64 Kaizen Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S47D Seat Memory Switch - Driver (AAB or AUN)

S47D Seat Memory Switch - Driver (AAB or AUN)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU/WH 5978 Low Reference -
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.5 OG 614 Memory Seat Switch Set Signal -
6 0.5 WH 615 Memory Seat Switch Signal (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 10768368

Service Connector: 88988105

Description: 6-Way F Micro Quadlok Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327139

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S48A Multifunction Switch - Instrument Panel

S48A Multifunction Switch - Instrument Panel

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 1750 Ground -
2 0.35 GY 5697 Child Lockout Indicator -
3 0.35 PU/WH 6816 Indicator Dimming Control -
4 0.35 WH 111 Hazard Switch Signal -
5 0.35 PU/WH 7543 Hazard LED Dimming Signal -
6 0.35 L-BU 3265 Child Security Lock Switch Signal -
7 0.35 PK/BK 780 Driver Door Lock Switch Lock Signal -
8 - - - Not used -
9 0.35 OG/BK 781 Driver Door Lock Switch Unlock Signal -
10 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13784020

Service connector: Pending

Description: 10-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S48E Multifunction Switch - Center Console

S48E Multifunction Switch - Center Console

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
2 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -
3 0.35 PU/WH 6816 Indicator Dimming Control UD5
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 GY 2555 Rear Park Assist Disable Signal UD5
6 0.35 BN 5852 Rear Park Assist LED Disable Signal UD5
7-8 - - - Not used -
9 0.5 GY 2093 5 Volt 2 Reference (LF1) -
0.5 GY 2093 5 Volt 1 Reference (LAU) -
10 0.5 PK/WH 2092 Fuel Saver Mode (ECO) Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13784020

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 10-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S52 Outside Rearview Mirror Switch

S52 Outside Rearview Mirror Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control without AAB
2-4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 L-GN/WH 3404 Driver Mirror Switch Right (+) Left (-) Signal AAB
0.35 WH 3398 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Common Control without AAB
6 0.35 PU/WH 1382 LED Dimming Signal AAB
0.35 TN 3391 Driver Mirror Motor Common Control without AAB
7 0.35 OG/BK 3397 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Up (+) Down (-) Control without AAB
8 0.35 D-BU/WH 3390 Driver Mirror Motor Up (+) Down (-) Control without AAB
9 0.35 GY/BK 3396 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Right (+) Left (-) Control without AAB
10 0.35 D-GN/WH 3389 Driver Mirror Motor Right (+) Left (-) Control without AAB
11 0.5 BK 750 Ground without AAB
0.5 BN 5478 Low Reference AAB
12 0.5 RD/WH 1940 Battery Positive Voltage without AAB
0.35 PK/WH 3405 Driver Mirror Switch Up (-) Down (+) Signal AAB

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's trim panel

OEM Connector: 13587624

Service Connector: 19151154

Description: 12-Way F 64 Series, Sealed (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575840

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

S64D Seat Adjuster Switch - Driver

S64D Seat Adjuster Switch - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 D-GN 286 Driver Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Up Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 D-GN 1518 Power Seat Front Vertical Up Switch Signal AAB or AUN
B 2 BK 750 Ground Without AAB or AUN
C 2 L-GN 284 Driver Power Seat Horizontal Motor Rearward Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 L-GN 1523 Power Seat Horizontal Rearward Switch Signal AAB or AUN
D 2 TN 285 Driver Power Seat Horizontal Motor Forward Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 TN 1522 Power Seat Horizontal Forward Switch Signal AAB or AUN
E 2 RD/WH 5040 Battery Positive Voltage Without AAB or AUN
0.8 BK 750 Ground AAB or AUN
F 2 YE 282 Driver Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Up Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 YE 1519 Power Seat Rear Vertical Up Switch Signal AAB or AUN
G 2 L-BU 277 Driver Power Seat Recline Motor Rearward Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 D-GN/WH 1270 Power Seat Recline Rearward Switch Signal AAB or AUN
H 2 L-GN 276 Driver Power Seat Recline Motor Forward Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 GY/BK 1269 Power Seat Recline Forward Switch Signal AAB or AUN
J 2 L-BU 283 Driver Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Down Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 L-BU 1521 Power Seat Rear Vertical Down Switch Signal AAB or AUN
K 2 D-BU 287 Driver Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Down Control Without AAB or AUN
0.5 D-BU 1520 Power Seat Front Vertical Down Switch Signal AAB or AUN

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 15326931

Service Connector: 15306309

Description: 10-Way F GT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pin: A, C-D, F-K (with AAB)

Terminated Lead: 13327129

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304711/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/A

Pin: E (with AAB)

Terminated Lead: 13327130

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304711/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/A

Pin: A-K (with AAB)

Terminated Lead: 13327131

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304713/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/4

S64P Seat Adjuster Switch - Passenger (AG2)

S64P Seat Adjuster Switch - Passenger (AG2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 D-BU 298 Passenger Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Down Control -
B 2 BK 650 Ground -
C 2 L-GN 290 Passenger Power Seat Horizontal Motor Rearward Control -
D 2 TN 296 Passenger Power Seat Horizontal Motor Forward Control -
E 2 RD/WH 1440 Battery Positive Voltage -
F 2 L-BU 289 Passenger Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Down Control -
G 2 D-BU 77 Passenger Power Seat Recline Motor Rearward -
H 2 D-GN 76 Passenger Power Seat Recline Motor Forward -
J 2 YE 288 Passenger Power Seat Rear Vertical Motor Up Control -
K 2 D-GN 297 Passenger Power Seat Front Vertical Motor Up Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 15326931

Service Connector: 15306309

Description: 10-Way F GT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327131

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 15304713/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: 4/4

S65D Seat Lumbar Support Switch - Driver (AL2)

S65D Seat Lumbar Support Switch - Driver (AL2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 BK 750 Ground -
B 2 PU 767 Driver Power Seat Lumbar Motor Forward Control -
C 2 BK 750 Ground -
D 2 RD/WH 5040 Battery Positive Voltage -
E 2 TN 768 Driver Power Seat Lumbar Motor Rearward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's seat

OEM Connector: 12041429

Service Connector: 12167129

Description: 5-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12167129

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12015858/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: F/G

S65P Seat Lumbar Support Switch - Passenger (AL2)

S65P Seat Lumbar Support Switch - Passenger (AL2)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 2 BK 650 Ground -
B 2 PU 767 Passenger Power Seat Lumbar Motor Forward Control -
C 2 BK 650 Ground -
D 2 RD/WH 1440 Battery Positive Voltage -
E 2 TN 768 Passenger Power Seat Lumbar Motor Rearward Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger seat

OEM Connector: 12041429

Service Connector: 12167129

Description: 5-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 12167129

Release Tool: J-38125-11A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12015858/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: F/G

S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left

S70L Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Left

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 WH 1444 12 Volt Reference -
2 0.35 PU - Not used -
3 0.35 GY 1884 Cruise Control Set/Coast/Resume/Accelerate Switch Signal -
4 0.35 BN - Not used -
5 0.35 BK 5526 Tap Up/Tap Down Switch Signal -
6 0.35 YE 6136 Supply Voltage -
7 0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
0.35 PK 1750 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: AIT2PB-07-1FS

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 7-Way F AIT II Series (NA)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S70R Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Right

S70R Steering Wheel Controls Switch - Right

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 WH 1444 12 Volt Reference -
2 0.35 OG 6818 Steering Wheel Resistor Ladder Signal #1 -
3 0.35 BN - Not used -
4 0.35 YE 6136 Supply Voltage -
5 0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
6 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: AIT2PB-06-1AK

Service Connector: 19167753

Description: 6-Way F AIT II Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S72 Sunroof Switch (C3U)

S72 Sunroof Switch (C3U)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-BU 128 Low Reference -
2 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
3 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
4 0.35 L-BU 5027 Sunroof Switch Data (1) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 10768790

Service Connector: 13576535

Description: 4-Way F 0.64 Micro Quadlok Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327114

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

S78 Turn Signal/Multifunction Switch

S78 Turn Signal/Multifunction Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 D-GN 663 Hazard Switch Left Turn Signal -
2 0.35 PU 524 Headlamp Dimmer Switch High Beam Signal -
3 0.35 BK 1750 Ground -
4 0.35 YE 307 Headlamp Switch Flash To Pass Signal -
5 0.35 PK 893 Driver Information Center Select Menu Switch Signal -
6 0.35 BN 897 Low Reference -
7 0.35 TN 664 Hazard Switch Right Turn Signal -
8-11 - - - Not used -
12 0.35 D-GN/WH 1358 Driver Information Center Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13604008

Service Connector: 13576635

Description: 12-Way F 0.64 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327195

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SNAC3-A021T-M0.64/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S79D Window Switch - Driver

S79D Window Switch - Driver

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BK 750 Ground -
2 0.35 D-GN 3381 Power Window Switch Driver Express Signal -
3 0.35 GY 3380 Power Window Switch Driver Down Signal -
4 0.5 RD/WH 1940 Battery Positive Voltage -
5 0.35 D-GN 6134 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 3 -
6 0.35 TN/BK 3379 Power Window Switch Driver Up Signal -
7 0.35 D-GN 3270 Driver Door Lock Motor Status Control -
8 0.35 PU 1124 Door Lock Key Switch Unlock Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Driver's trim panel

OEM Connector: 13551679

Service Connector: 19115653

Description: 8-Way F YESC Kaizen Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pin 2,4: 13575845

Cable splice: Pin 3, 5-8- 13575840

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available/

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

S79LR Window Switch - Left Rear

S79LR Window Switch - Left Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 6135 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 4 -
2 0.35 L-BU/BK 747 Left Rear Door Ajar Switch Signal -
3 0.8 BK/WH 2150 Ground -
4 - - - Not used -
5 3 BK 2150 Ground -
6 3 D-BU 668 Power Window Motor Left Rear Up Control -
7 3 BN 669 Power Window Motor Left Rear Down Control -
8 3 RD/BK 1842 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Left Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13544529

Service Connector: 13503877

Description: 8-Way F GT FBT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13503877

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S79P Window Switch - Passenger (without AAB)

S79P Window Switch - Passenger (without AAB)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 650 Ground -
2 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
3-5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 PU 3386 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Express Signal -
7 0.35 TN 3385 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Down Signal -
8 0.35 L-BU 3384 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Up Signal -
9-12 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door trim panel

OEM Connector: 13784026

Service Connector: 13578574

Description: 12-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S79P Window Switch - Passenger X1 (AAB)

S79P Window Switch - Passenger X1 (AAB)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 650 Ground -
2 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
3 - - - Not used -
4 0.35 RD/WH 5240 Battery Positive Voltage -
5 - - - Not used -
6 0.35 PU 3386 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Express Signal -
7 0.35 TN 3385 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Down Signal -
8 0.35 L-BU 3384 Power Window Switch Co-Driver Up Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door trim panel

OEM Connector: 13544529

Service Connector: 13503877

Description: 8-Way F GT FBT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13503877

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S79P Window Switch - Passenger X2 (AAB)

S79P Window Switch - Passenger X2 (AAB)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 YE/BK 3413 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Fold Out Control -
2 0.35 OG/BK 3397 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Up (+) Down (-) Control -
3 0.35 WH 3398 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Common Control -
4 0.35 YE 3399 Co-Driver Mirror Position Sensor High Reference -
5 0.35 L-BU/BK 3401 Co-Driver Mirror Position Sensor Up (+) Down (-) Signal -
6 0.35 L-GN 3400 Low Reference -
7 0.5 L-BU/BK 3414 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Fold In Control -
8 0.35 GY/BK 3396 Co-Driver Mirror Motor Right (+) Left (-) Control -
9 0.35 WH 7530 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 8 -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 BN 3403 Co-Driver Mirror Position Sensor Left (-) Right (+) Signal -
12 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Passenger door trim panel

OEM Connector: 13784026

Service Connector: 13578574

Description: 12-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S79RR Window Switch - Right Rear

S79RR Window Switch - Right Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 6135 Linear Interconnect Network Bus 4 -
2 0.35 L-GN/BK 748 Right Rear Door Ajar Switch Signal -
3-4 - - - Not used -
5 3 BK 2050 Ground -
6 3 D-BU 670 Power Window Motor Right Rear Up Control -
7 3 BN 671 Power Window Motor Right Rear Down Control -
8 3 RD/BK 4042 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type:Right Rear Door

OEM Connector: 13544529

Service Connector: 13503877

Description: 8-Way F GT FBT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13503877

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

S82 Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch

S82 Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN 1715 Windshield Wiper Switch High Signal -
2 0.35 TN/BK 6009 Low Reference -
3 0.35 L-BU 1714 Windshield Wiper Switch Low Signal -
4 0.35 GY 391 Rear Wiper Switch Signal -
5 0.35 PK 94 Windshield Washer Switch Signal -
6-8 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13609516

Service Connector: 13576541

Description: 8-Way F 1.2 HCM Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575868

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SHCM-A03T-P025/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S90 Sunroof Sunshade Switch (C3U)

S90 Sunroof Sunshade Switch (C3U)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 GY 5307 Low Reference -
2 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
3 0.35 BK 1350 Ground -
4 0.35 D-BU/WH 3032 Front Sunshade Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Roof console

OEM Connector: 13597457

Service Connector: 13576536

Description: 4-Way F 0.64 Micro Quadlok Series (WH)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327114

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

S91 Park Brake Control Switch

S91 Park Brake Control Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 YE 1492 Park Brake Switch Supply Voltage -
2 0.5 L-BU 1134 Park Brake Switch Signal -
3 0.5 PU 7683 Park Brake Release Switch Voltage Reference -
4 0.5 BN 6107 Park Brake Apply Switch Signal -
5 0.5 D-BU 6108 Park Brake Release Switch Signal -
6 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
7 0.5 PU 7684 Park Brake Apply Switch Voltage Reference -
8 0.5 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13609516

Service Connector: 13576541

Description: 8-Way F 1.2 HCM Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575868

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SHCM-A03T-P025/20

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S109 Sport Mode Switch

S109 Sport Mode Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 PU/WH 6816 Indicator Dimming Control -
2 0.35 D-BU 9382 Transmission Sport Mode Indicator Control -
3 0.35 L-BU 553 Gear shift performance, signal -
4 0.35 GY 5054 Sport Mode Switch Signal -
5 0.35 BK 1650 Ground -
6 0.35 D-GN 9381 Transmission Intelligent Mode Indicator Control -
7 0.35 D-GN 9383 Transmission Comfort Mode Indicator Control -
8 - - - Not used -
9 0.35 L-BU 1788 Traction Control Switch Signal (1) -
10 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13784020

Service connector: Service by Harness - See Part Catalogue

Description: 10-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

S111 Night Panel Switch

S111 Night Panel Switch

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BK 1750 Ground -
2 0.35 YE 6817 LED Backlight Dimming Control -
3 0.35 WH/RD 6821 Surveillance Switch Signal -
4-6 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 10768368

Service Connector: 88988105

Description: 6-Way F Micro Quadlok Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327114

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

T3 Audio Amplifier X1 (UQS)

T3 Audio Amplifier X1 (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 - - - Not used -
2 2 L-GN/BK 1794 Left/Rear Subwoofer Speaker (-) -
3 - - - Not used -
4 3 RD/WH 3740 Battery Positive Voltage -
5 - - - Not used -
6 2 D-BU/WH 346 Left/Rear Subwoofer Speaker (+) -
7 - - - Not used -
8 3 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13544529

Service Connector: 13503877

Description: 8-Way F GT FBT 280 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

T3 Audio Amplifier X2 (UQS)

T3 Audio Amplifier X2 (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 L-BU 115 Right Rear Speaker Signal (-) -
2 0.8 D-BU 46 Right Rear Speaker (+) -
3 0.8 WH 1959 Left Rear Midrange Speaker (-) -
4 0.8 TN 1859 Left Rear Midrange Speaker (+) -
5 0.8 OG 1955 Right Rear Midrange Speaker (-) -
6 0.8 TN 1855 Right Rear Midrange Speaker (+) -
7 0.8 D-GN 117 Right Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
8 0.8 L-GN 200 Right Front Speaker (+) (1) -
9 0.8 GY 118 Left Front Speaker Signal (-) (1) -
10 0.8 TN 201 Left Front Speaker (+) (1) -
11 - - - Not used -
12 0.5 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
13 0.8 L-BU 1960 Front Center Speaker (-) -
14 0.8 YE 1860 Front Center Speaker (+) -
15 0.8 BN 199 Left Rear Speaker (+) -
16 0.8 YE 116 Left Rear Speaker Signal (-) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13520382

Service Connector: 13503876

Description: 16-Way F GT FBT 150 Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575480

Unloading tool: J-38125-29

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: Pins 12 - Not Available

Terminal/Tray: 13526678

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/A

T3 Audio Amplifier X3 (UQS)

T3 Audio Amplifier X3 (UQS)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 WH 6763 Subwoofer Low Level Audio Signal -
2 0.35 OG 6761 Center Channel Low Level Audio Signal (-) -
3 0.35 D-BU 6760 Center Channel Low Level Audio Signal -
4 0.35 TN 1946 Right Rear Low Level Audio (-) -
5 0.35 BN 1999 Left Rear Low Level Audio (-) -
6 0.35 OG/BK 1546 Front Low Level Audio (-) -
7 0.35 D-GN 1947 Left Front Low Level Audio (-) -
8 0.35 WH 7066 Entertainment Remote Enable Signal -
9 0.35 PK 6762 Subwoofer Low Level Audio (-) -
10 - - - Not used -
11 0.35 OG 6978 Amplifier Control -
12 0.35 D-BU 546 Right Rear Low Level Audio Signal -
13 0.35 BN/WH 599 Left Rear Low Level Audio Signal -
14 0.35 L-GN/WH 512 Right Front Low Level Audio Signal -
15 0.35 TN 511 Left Front Low Level Audio Signal -
16 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13783349

Service Connector: 13578573

Description: 16-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

T8A Ignition Coil 1

T8A Ignition Coil 1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 BK 550 Ground -
B 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference LAU
0.5 BN 2129 Low Reference LF1
C 0.5 PU 2121 Ignition Control (1) -
D 0.8 PK/BK 5291 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15466325

Service Connector: 88988737

Description: 4-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B, C

Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

T8B Ignition Coil 2

T8B Ignition Coil 2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 BK 450 Ground -
B 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference LAU
0.5 BN/WH 2130 Low Reference LF1
C 0.5 OG/WH 2122 Ignition Control (2) -
D 0.8 PK/BK 5292 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (3) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15466325

Service Connector: 88988737

Description: 4-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B, C

Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

T8C Ignition Coil 3

T8C Ignition Coil 3

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 BK 550 Ground -
B 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference LAU
0.5 BN 2129 Low Reference LF1
C 0.5 L-BU 2123 Ignition Control (3) -
D 0.8 PK/BK 5291 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15466325

Service Connector: 88988737

Description: 4-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B, C

Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

T8D Ignition Coil 4

T8D Ignition Coil 4

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 BK 450 Ground -
B 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference LAU
0.5 BN/WH 2130 Low Reference LF1
C 0.5 D-GN/WH 2124 Ignition Control (4) -
D 0.8 PK/BK 5292 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (3) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15466325

Service Connector: 88988737

Description: 4-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B, C

Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

T8E Ignition Coil 5

T8E Ignition Coil 5

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 0.8 BK 550 Ground -
B 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference LAU
0.5 BN 2129 Low Reference LF1
C 0.5 D-GN 2125 Ignition Control (5) -
D 0.8 PK/BK 5291 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (2) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15466325

Service Connector: 88988737

Description: 4-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B, C

Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

T8F Ignition Coil 6

T8F Ignition Coil 6

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 BK 450 Ground -
B 0.5 OG/BK 453 Low Reference LAU
0.5 BN/WH 2130 Low Reference LF1
C 0.5 L-BU/WH 2126 Ignition Control (6) -
D 0.8 PK/BK 5292 Powertrain Main Relay Fused Supply (3) -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Engine

OEM Connector: 15466325

Service Connector: 88988737

Description: 4-Way F GT 150 Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: A, D

Terminated Lead: 13575412

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/1

Pins: B, C

Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 12191819/8

Core/Insulation Crimp: 2/1

T10E Keyless Entry Antenna - Rear Compartment

T10E Keyless Entry Antenna - Rear Compartment

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN 3556 Passive Start Interior Antenna 3 Signal Hi -
2 0.35 D-GN 3557 Passive Start Interior Antenna 3 Signal Lo -
3-4 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 10864908

Service Connector: 13576534

Description: 4-Way F 64 MQS Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327114

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 928999-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

T10J Keyless Entry Antenna - Center Console Front

T10J Keyless Entry Antenna - Center Console Front

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 BN/BK 3552 Passive Start Interior Antenna 1 Signal Hi -
2 0.5 WH 3553 Passive Start Interior Antenna 1 Signal Lo -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 15365708

Service Connector: 13576533

Description: 2-Way F MQS Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 962885-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: 6/6

T10K Keyless Entry Antenna - Center Console Rear

T10K Keyless Entry Antenna - Center Console Rear

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-BU 3554 Passive Start Interior Antenna 2 Signal Hi -
2 0.5 PK/BK 3555 Passive Start Interior Antenna 2 Signal Lo -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13623700

Service Connector: 13577915

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 MQS Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable Splice: Service by Connector Assembly - 13577915

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 962885-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: 6/6

T10P Keyless Entry Antenna - Cargo Door Handle (ATH)

T10P Keyless Entry Antenna - Cargo Door Handle (ATH)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 D-GN 3568 Passive Entry Rear Closure Antenna Signal Hi -
2 0.5 D-GN/WH 3569 Passive Entry Rear Closure Antenna Signal Lo -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 13623700

Service Connector: 13577915

Description: 2-Way F 0.64 MQS Series, Sealed (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: Pending

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 962885-5/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: 6/6

T11 Multimedia Player Interface Module X1 (UYE)

T11 Multimedia Player Interface Module X1 (UYE)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 RD/WH 340 Battery Positive Voltage -
2 0.35 PK 2060 Auxiliary Detection Signal -
3 0.35 GY/WH 3374 Auxiliary Audio Common Signal (2) -
4 0.35 D-GN/WH 3376 Auxiliary Audio Common Signal (3) -
5 0.35 BARE 3375 Auxiliary Audio Drain Wire (3) -
6-7 - - - Not used -
8 0.35 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
9-10 - - - Not used -
11 0.5 BK/WH 1551 Signal Ground -
12 0.35 L-GN 5839 Left Auxiliary Audio Signal (2) -
13 0.35 D-GN/WH 5841 Right Auxiliary Audio Signal (2) -
14 0.35 YE 3377 Left Auxiliary Audio Signal (3) -
15 0.35 TN/WH 3378 Right Auxiliary Audio Signal (3) UYE
16-17 - - - Not used -
18 0.35 BARE 5842 Auxiliary Audio Screen (2) -
19-20 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13782499

Service Connector: 13578570

Description: 20-Way F Micro HVT Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575550

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-16 (L-GN)

Terminal/Tray: 15445905/23

Core/Insulation Crimp: J/J

X80D Accessory Power Receptacle - Center Console Compartment

X80D Accessory Power Receptacle - Center Console Compartment

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 D-GN 1001 Retained Accessory Power Fuse Supply Voltage -
B - - - Not used -
C 1 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 12176446

Service Connector: 19257374

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Flexlock (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575721

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110844/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

X80G Accessory Power Receptacle - Instrument Panel

X80G Accessory Power Receptacle - Instrument Panel

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 D-GN 801 Retained Accessory Power Fuse Supply Voltage -
B - - - Not used -
C 1 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 12176836

Service Connector: 19257374

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575721

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110844/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

X80H Accessory Power Receptacle - Center Console

X80H Accessory Power Receptacle - Center Console

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 D-GN 1001 Retained Accessory Power Fuse Supply Voltage -
B - - - Not used -
C 1 BK 1650 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 12176836

Service Connector: 19257374

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series (GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575721

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110844/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

X80R Accessory Power Receptacle - Rear Compartment

X80R Accessory Power Receptacle - Rear Compartment

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
A 1 RD/WH 4940 Battery Positive Voltage -
B - - - Not used -
C 1 BK 1350 Ground -

Connector Part Information
Harness Type: Body

OEM Connector: 12176446

Service Connector: 19257374

Description: 3-Way F Metri-Pack 280 Series, Flexlock (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575721

Release Tool: J-38125-553

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-4A (PU)

Terminal/Tray: 12110844/4

Core/Insulation Crimp: C/A

X82 Audio/Video Input Adapter (UWG)

X82 Audio/Video Input Adapter (UWG)

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 BARE 5346 Video Drain Wire -
2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 PU 2056 Auxiliary Video High Signal -
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 WH 2058 Right Auxiliary Audio Signal (1) -
6 0.35 YE 2059 Left Auxiliary Audio Signal (1) -
7 0.35 BARE 5345 Auxiliary Audio Drain Wire (1) -
8 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13551679

Service Connector: 19115653

Description: 8-Way F YESC Kaizen Series (L-GY)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13579944

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

X83 Auxiliary Audio Input

X83 Auxiliary Audio Input

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN 5839 Left Auxiliary Audio Signal (2) -
2 0.35 D-GN/WH 5841 Right Auxiliary Audio Signal (2) UYS/UYY
3 0.35 D-BU 5843 Auxiliary Audio Common Signal Without UYE
0.35 GY/WH 3374 Auxiliary Audio Common Signal (2) UYE
4 - - - Not used -
5 0.35 PK 2060 Auxiliary Detection Signal -
6 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Floor console

OEM Connector: 13595476

Service Connector: 19167753

Description: 6-Way F AIT II Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13579944

Unloading tool: Pending

Diagnostic meter tip: Pending

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: Not available

X84 Data Link Connector

X84 Data Link Connector

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.8 D-GN 5060 Low Speed GMLAN Serial Data -
2-3 - - - Not used -
4 0.8 BK 1750 Ground -
5 0.8 BK/WH 1751 Signal Ground -
6 0.8 TN/BK 2500 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (1) -
7-11 - - - Not used -
12 0.8 D-BU 6105 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (+) (2) -
13 0.8 L-BU 6106 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (2) -
14 0.8 TN 2501 High Speed GMLAN Serial Data (-) (1) -
15 - - - Not used -
16 0.8 RD/WH 40 Battery Positive Voltage -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13580435

Service Connector: 19178163

Description: 16-Way F (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13575534

Release Tool: J-38125-12A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-2A (GY)

Terminal/Tray: 50420-8000/15

Core/Insulation Crimp: H/H

X85 Steering Wheel Air Bag Coil X1

X85 Steering Wheel Air Bag Coil X1

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.35 L-GN/WH 3287 Horn Switch Signal -
2 0.5 BK 1750 Ground -
3 0.35 GY 1884 Cruise Control Set/Coast/Resume/Accelerate Switch Signal -
4 0.35 L-GN 6818 Steering Wheel Resistor Ladder Signal #1 -
5 0.35 YE 7556 Lighting Control Switch Reference -
6 0.35 BN 6136 Supply Voltage -
7 - - - Not used -
8 0.35 PU 5526 Tap Up/Tap Down Switch Signal -
9-10 - - - Not used -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 13574592

Service Connector: 13576634

Description: 10-Way F AIT II Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Pins: 1, 3-6, 8

Terminated Lead: 13575867

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

Pins: 2

Terminated Lead: 13575845

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: Not Available

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

X85 Steering Wheel Air Bag Coil X2

X85 Steering Wheel Air Bag Coil X2

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1-2 - - - Not used -
3 0.35 BK 5526 Tap Up/Tap Down Switch Signal MXE
4 - PU - Not used -
5 0.35 YE 6136 Supply Voltage -
0.35 YE 6136 Supply Voltage -
6 0.35 WH 1444 12 Volt Reference -
0.35 WH 1444 12 Volt Reference -
7 0.35 OG 6818 Steering Wheel Resistor Ladder Signal #1 -
8 0.35 L-BU 1884 Cruise Control Set/Coast/Resume/Accelerate Switch Signal -
9 0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
0.35 PK 1750 Ground -
10 0.35 RD 3287 Horn Switch Signal -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Steering wheel

OEM Connector: 13574592

Service Connector: 13576634

Description: 10-Way F AIT II Series (BK)

Terminal Part Information
Terminated Lead: 13327119

Release Tool: J-38125-215A

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: SAIT-A03T-M064/14

Core/Insulation Crimp: P/P

X85 Steering Wheel Air Bag Coil X3

X85 Steering Wheel Air Bag Coil X3

Pin Size Color Circuit Feature Option
1 0.5 TN 3021 Steering Wheel Module Stage 1 High Control -
2 0.5 BN 3020 Steering Wheel Module Stage 1 Low Control -
3 0.5 WH 3023 Steering Wheel Module Stage 2 High Control -
4 0.5 PK 3022 Steering Wheel Module Stage 2 Low Control -

Connector Part Information
Cable harness type: Dashboard

OEM Connector: 15393421

Service Connector: 13580115

Description: 4-Way F Micro-Pack 064 Series (YE)

Terminal Part Information
Cable splice: pending

Release Tool: J-38125-559

Diagnostic Test Probe: J-35616-64B (L-BU)

Terminal/Tray: 12177007/19

Core/Insulation Crimp: E/2