Front Side Door Center Lower Molding Replacement

Front Side Door Center Lower Molding Replacement

Callout Component Name

Preliminary Procedures

Open the door in order to access the lower door molding retainer clips first.
1 Front Side Door Center Lower Molding Lower Retainer Clip (Qty: 6)


1. Using a trim-type release tool, release the lower retainer clips from the lower edge of the door.

2. Working upwards on the molding, release the adhesive tape from the lower door and molding using a plastic flat-bladed tool.

3. Using a trim-type release tool, release the upper retainer clips from the lower edge of the door.

4. Clean the adhesive tape residue from the door using a 50 / 50 mixture by volume of clean drinkable water and isopropyl alcohol.

5. Ensure the area of the lower door is clean and dry prior to installing the new front side door lower molding.

2 Front Side Door Center Lower Molding Upper Retainer Clip (Qty: 7)
3 Front Side Door Center Lower Molding