Rear seat head restraint sleeves, 5D

Rear seat head restraint sleeves, 5D

To remove

1. Raise the head restraint as much as possible.

2. Lift out the head restraint by pressing in the catches, one by hand and one by pressing a small screwdriver on the small catch, while pulling out the head restraint.

3. Loosen the clip for the head restraint sleeve with a small screwdriver while carefully prising the top with a driver so that the sleeve comes loose.

4. Pull up the sleeve half way, turn it half a revolution and pull it all the way out. Repeat the procedure on the remaining sleeve.

To fit

1. Fit the head restraint sleeves by inserting them half a revolution from their final position. Press down the sleeves about half way, turn them half a revolution. Guide the sleeves into the back plate and press them home.

2. Fit the head restraint by holding in the catch and pressing home the head restraint. Take care to keep the legs of the head restraint parallel with each other. Check the function of the lock.