Fuel tank

Fuel tank


Removal of the fuel tank involves partial dismantling of the car's fuel system. The following points must therefore be observed in connection with this work.

Work only in a well-ventilated area! If approved equipment for the extraction of fuel vapour is available then make sure it is used.

Wear suitable gloves! Prolonged contact with fuel can cause skin irritation.

Keep a class BE fire extinguisher close by! Be mindful of the danger of sparks caused by short circuits and when connecting and disconnecting leads in electrical circuits.

Smoking is strictly forbidden.

Wear protective goggles.

To remove

Drain the tank if the fuel level is above 1/4 full tank.

1. Raise the rear seat cushion and fold back the carpet.

2. Remove the fuel pump cover.

3. Undo the upper connector and the connector for the tank pressure sensor.


Do not detach the connector from the pump.

4. Carefully loosen the check valves and fuel lines from the pump. The check valves are fastened to the pump with quick-release couplings.

5. Undo the quick-release couplings for the vent hose, use special tool 83 95 261.

6. Release the handbrake to make it easier to disconnect the handbrake cable later.

7. Raise the car.

8. Dismantle the rear exhaust pipe section.

9. Cut the cable tie securing the cables.

10. Unplug and detach the connector to the shut-off valve.

11. Loosen the vent device from its holder with a screwdriver.

12. Disconnect the vent device quick-release coupling from the tank in the following way.

12.a. Press in the connector towards the tank in the direction of the connection.

12.b. Pinch the ring so that the catches go up.

12.c. Detach the connection by pulling it away from the tank.

13. Cut the cable tie securing the cables to the filler pipe.

14. Disconnect the vent pipe quick-release coupling with special tool 83 95 261.

15. Undo the plastic screw.

16. Loosen the hose clip and carefully detach the filler hose.

17. Detach both handbrake cables at the handbrake lever.

18. Remove the rubber straps securing the handbrake cables

19. Place a pillar jack under the tank.

20. Bend away the handbrake cables.

21. Undo the front bolts on the straps securing the tank and carefully lower the tank.


Carry out steps 22-25 when changing the tank.

22. Remove the evaporative emission canister.

23. Remove the pressure sensor.

24. Remove the fuel pump, see “Fuel system, Adjustment/replacement, Fuel pump” .

25. Remove the heat shield.

To fit

1. Fit the heat shield.

2. Fit the fuel pump, see “Fuel system, Adjustment/replacement, Fuel pump” .

3. Fit the pressure sensor.

4. Fit the evaporative emission canister.

5. Place the tank on a pillar jack.

6. Carefully jack up the tank.

7. Place the handbrake cables in the tank recesses.

8. Lift up the tank completely and fasten the straps.

9. Attach the handbrake cables.

10. Fasten the rubber straps that keep the handbrake cables in place.

11. Fit the filler pipe vent hose.


Make sure the quick-release coupling is not damaged and that the indicator has been removed (round plastic ring in the quick-release coupling).

12. Secure the cable to the filler pipe with a cable tie.

13. Fit the rear section of the exhaust pipe

14. Fit the filler pipe.


The rubber hoses between the filler pipe and the fuel tank must be replaced with new ones when fitting the filler pipe. Repeated tightening of the hose clips can cause cracks in the hoses, which will result in fuel leaks.

It is also essential that the old plastic screw is replaced with a new one. In case of collision, the plastic screw must give way to avoid damaging the filler pipe, which is also plastic.

15. Fit the vent device and secure the cable with a cable tie.

16. Lower the car to the floor.

17. Apply acid-free Vaseline to the O-rings. Spray with Kontakt 61 and plug in the connector and connect the fuel lines.

18. Plug in the pressure sensor connector.

19. Plug in the purge connector.

20. Fit the cover and replace the carpet.

21. Lower the seat cushion.