Washer fluid reservoir, attachment lug

Washer fluid reservoir, attachment lug

1. If the lug is hanging loose:

Secure it with a clamp and mill a V-shaped groove.

2. If the lug is totally detached:

Mill a V-shaped groove.

3. Identify the type of plastic. See or

4. Select the correct welding filler and set the temperature of the welding gun so that it agrees with the type of plastic. See

5. Weld the lug in place.

6. Mill a V-shaped groove on the other side.

7. Fold the welding rod over the edge and continue welding on the other side.

8. Warm the ends of the welding rod and join them to avoid cracks forming.

9. Cut of the end of the welding rod.

10. Grind the weld if required.